The latest website: "They dropped hundreds of thousands of dollars in one breath, and they agreed very readily."

Su Yehao said.

After the negotiation is over, an agreement is directly signed, which means that the transaction has basically been completed, and the patented technology will only be delivered after the loan is released.

Some talents from the original company will also be incorporated into the TAT R&D Center.

The name of the current search engine is Cassos. Su Yehao felt that it was not very good, so he thought of changing it to "TVT" or "TOT", etc., to create a brand image with the help of emoticons and deepen the impression of users.

John Zhou hesitated for a few seconds, and finally told:

"I mentioned before that they once received a financing of one million US dollars, but unfortunately the product did not develop in the end, and the investors had to withdraw the capital at a low price and transfer the shares to the founders. In fact, if you kill $300,000 If you don’t let it go, they will probably agree to see how easy it is to sign the contract. Silicon Valley now has thousands of entrepreneurial teams, and they were able to cash out at a price of more than 300,000 US dollars. It is already lucky to have met us. "

Su Yehao was happy, he didn't care about the gains and losses of tens of thousands of dollars, and asked interestedly, "I spent a million dollars in it, why do you think it didn't develop?"

"What else could be the reason? On the one hand, the influence is not enough, and on the other hand, the money is not enough. With one million US dollars for promotion, only a few thousand users are burned. A large market share, if you spend another 100 million US dollars, maybe the Cassos search engine will be successful, but no one is willing to gamble, and the rich would rather invest in successful companies. The rule of 28 is especially obvious in the Internet industry, and the winner takes all overwhelming market share.”

After John Zhou finished speaking, he smacked his lips and continued:

"You use your own funds, so you can't feel it. In fact, this market is very realistic, and the cost of trial and error is too high. Once it is initially proved to be impossible, all investors will choose to give up, such as the Cassos search engine. After one million dollars, no one dares to invest in it again, there are too few retained users, and one user spends twenty dollars, and in the end it is very likely that they will lose all their pants."

Su Yehao suddenly realized, and nodded as if he didn't understand.

John Zhou is right, Su Yehao has money himself and does not need to go to the market to find investment funds. His previous contacts with Silicon Valley only invested in Yahoo and Amazon stocks.

He really knows too little about the "ecological environment" of Silicon Valley where the weak eat the strong.

Referring to Yinhai's WPS document, Su Yehao is planning to further reduce the price. By injecting 10 million interest-free loans into Yinhai, he will join hands with other shareholders to strive to open the office software for free, divided into "simple version" and "full version". "Functional version" two kinds, the latter price does not exceed ten dollars.

After all, whether Yinhai is earning money or not is not important in the eyes of his major shareholder. Seizing market share is the key.

Since he has achieved a lot in the stock market, it has undoubtedly given Su Yehao a strong confidence. The investment of tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars does not need to be too entangled. Compared with other entrepreneurs, the advantages are obvious.

At this moment.

Su Yehao told John Zhou: "There is no other way to celebrate the holiday here in the United States. Remember to bring the product back and give it to the team at Gangcheng to revise and improve it as soon as possible. The sooner you enter the mainland market, the better. For things like registering a new company, I will submit If you do it for others, it's called TOT."

"...TOT, another strange name."

"The name is not important, as long as it can be remembered."

Su Yehao's topic changed: "By the way, Lao Zhou, you've been busy lately. I've seen it all. When I go back, let the finance privately transfer a bonus to you, and raise your salary to HK$700,000 next year. Work hard."

The company is small, and it is difficult to recruit well-known managers. Even if they are recruited, they may not necessarily have a tacit understanding with John Zhou.

For the sake of cost control, some bosses prefer to raise their salary by recruiting new employees instead of promoting old internal employees. Su Yehao does not think so.

In his opinion, as long as the direction of exploration is right, the management's abilities are only similar. Compared with the type of smart people with personality, being obedient, reliable, and conscientious are what Su Yehao cares about.

After all the calculations, there are only more than 100 people under the subordinates. Even if all the salaries are raised, the cost will not be too high, and there is no need to worry too much about management. After all, it is just a small company that has been developing for half a year...

John Chow has some local friends.

After leaving the R&D center, he took Su Yehao and Yin Liuli to visit other companies.

Unlike ordinary retail, the backstage cannot be separated from people. Therefore, even during holidays, there are staff on duty to stay behind so that they will not be blocked from the door.

by the road.

Su Yehao saw many familiar signs, including IBM, Apple, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Oracle, etc., and Yahoo, which was his key investment, also had advertisements that said high salaries were recruiting.

As a major shareholder, it is inevitable that there will be an urge to go to Yahoo headquarters.

The assets of hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars are all under the pressure of Yahoo. After all, it is the eighth largest shareholder at present and will never be swept out of the house.

Su Yehao's name has been rising steadily in the list of major shareholders disclosed by Yahoo. In fact, his shareholding has not changed in the past two months. However, other major shareholders took advantage of the opportunity of stock splits to cash out some of their stocks. His name advanced one more.

Since Yahoo's listing, the stock has soared all the way, and the current total market value has exceeded the threshold of 3 billion US dollars. Some people think that they have earned enough, and it is not surprising to choose to withdraw.

From the perspective of Yahoo's profits alone, it is obvious that it cannot support a market value of three billion US dollars, and its price-earnings ratio is astonishingly high, far exceeding that of many established listed companies.

The idea of ​​a serious bubble in the Nasdaq market has existed all year round, and some people really believe it.

There are still people who go short all the way and lose their pants until they lose their shorts. They still haven’t changed their thoughts of looking down on the Internet. These people are often over forty years old, their concepts cannot keep up with the development of the times, and they can’t see the future at all.

Su Yehao bought Berkshire Hathaway's stock at the end of March, and then sold it as soon as possible, also because the old stock **** was outdated in his opinion and couldn't keep up with the fast track to get rich overnight.

It is safe to attach importance to value investment, but after all, it misses development opportunities.

After more than an hour inspected two small companies one after another, but did not meet the investment target that made Su Yehao's heart move, he casually asked about Jobs and Apple.

From John Zhou's mouth, I learned that Steve Jobs just returned to Apple last year, a few years after he was kicked out of the company he created by himself, and once again became the CEO of Apple.

This is similar to the time in Su Yehao's memory. Apple is still half-dead. It has just been invested by Microsoft with 150 million US dollars, and has not yet produced any decent products.

It feels amazing to experience these old almanacs in person.

After all, Su Yehao went to Yahoo. After revealing his identity, he was led by the chief operating officer of Yahoo to visit the company.

Said to be shareholders, but everything seems very strange.

It was originally just to make money by investing, and it was difficult to find a sense of identity and belonging.

Instead, Su Yehao has been thinking about poaching people, finding some experienced talents to work for him, and striving to strangle Du Niang in the cradle...

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