Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Vol 2 Chapter 2: Everything is fine (2)

Zhao Yulin thought she had experienced those things, but there were very few things that surprised her. (((Mobile reading visit

But in fact, she still overestimated her tolerance.

When receiving the wedding invitation of Luo Weibing's marriage, Zhao Youlin could not help but almost squirted the juice in her mouth, and then began to doubt her life.

"Ahem... That second guy is getting married? With whom?"

Mu Tingfeng stretched out his hand to help Zhao Yulin, and said a little helplessly: "You have also seen the person he is going to marry."

"I've seen it?" Zhao Yulin was stunned, and then she opened her mouth as if she had thought of something, with a surprised expression, "Could it be...Is it yours..."

Mu Tingfeng nodded, and Zhao Yulin almost didn't laugh directly and fell on the sofa, recalling the pitiful way that Luo Weibing called to ask for help before, and I don't need to think about how tragic Luo Weibing's marriage was.

"Hahahaha, the two of them have really come together. Luo Weibing's second guy must be sad now. When we get married, that guy must be even harder. I feel so happy after thinking about it. I'm not gloating, I I'm definitely not gloating, hahahaha..."

Mu Tingfeng looked helpless but indulged at Zhao Youlin, who was laughing out of breath, and asked in a low voice: "Then shall we go or..."

"Go, of course." Zhao Yulin finally stopped laughing, her eyes were extremely bright, and the corners of her lips raised a sly arc.

Of course she has to go to the wedding between Luo Weibing and that girl. If she doesn't go, how can she see Luo Weibing's bitter face, hahaha, I feel so happy to think about it.

I have to say that no matter when it is, teasing Luo Weibing is a great pleasure for Zhao Yulin.

Luo Weibing's wedding was not particularly grand, but almost all the people who should be invited were invited.

When Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng arrived, the groom had already gone to pick up the bride, and it was the second elder of the Luo family who received them.

It can be seen that the two are very satisfied with Mu Xuexu and this marriage. They were very enthusiastic when they received Zhao Yulin, and they couldn't help but praise Mu Xuexu.

Zhao Yulin listened to the praise of Mu Xuexu from the second elder, the smile on her face did not change, and she would echo a few sentences from time to time, and the few people had a good chat.

It's just that there are so many people at the wedding banquet, so naturally the two elders can't stay for too long. After chatting with Zhao Youlin for a few words, they turned to greet others.

Zhao Yulin got a gap and found a place to sit down and rest first. Never thought that this sitting was met with two acquaintances.

"Miss Zhao."

Zhao Yulin suddenly heard a familiar yell from behind, she was taken aback for a moment, turned her head and looked, facing someone's face that had faded from her immature and became a little mature.

Mu Chen smiled slightly, and walked over with the girl beside him: "Long time no see."

Zhao Yulin was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses, nodded and smiled and said: "It's been a long time since we have seen each other. Did Police Officer Jiang and Miss An also come to the wedding?"

"Yes, so are Miss Zhao and Mr. Mu?"

Zhao Yulin turned her head and looked at Mu Tingfeng, then smiled and nodded.

Luo Weibing was originally a rich second generation, and Zhao Yulin seemed to be in the same circle. It's not surprising that a few people would know each other, so Mu Chen didn't feel that strange.

"Xinguan and I are friends. Coming over today is to help him lively. It was a surprise to meet Miss Zhao and Mr. Mu here."

Looking at this mature and stable boy, Zhao Yulin couldn't help but ease the estrangement between her eyebrows, and said with a low smile: "Speaking of surprises, this should be the first time we have been in this situation since our first meeting with Police Officer Jiang. See you next time."

Mu Chen was stunned, and suddenly remembered that apart from the first meeting in the cemetery, he and Zhao Youlin met basically because of some cases, and he suddenly became a little embarrassed.

At this moment, a somewhat abrupt cell phone ringing suddenly rang, interrupting the conversation between the two.

All of them were startled. They followed their voices and found that the ringtone of the mobile phone came from the girl next to Mu Chen.

An Kexin nodded with Zhao Yulin a little apologetically, picked up her mobile phone and found a quieter place to talk on the phone.

The three of them could hear a few words faintly: "Well, is the baby crying again? Okay, okay, we will go back as soon as possible. Mom, first see if the baby is hungry or..."

Mu Chen withdrew his gaze from his wife, and smiled awkwardly: "There are some things at home that need to be dealt with. It makes you laugh."

Having said that, Zhao Yulin could hear a little bit of pride and happiness in Mu Chen's tone. She thoughtfully glanced at An Kexin, who was not far away, with a smile, combined with something that Luo Weibing had mentioned by chance. , Zhao Yulin's heart moved slightly.

Knowing that, as a stranger, asking about other people's home is very abrupt, but I can't help but mention: "What's at home? I just heard Miss Ann"

When Zhao Yulin finished speaking, she was worried that Mu Chen would think too much. She wanted to cover up and replied: "If Officer Jiang doesn’t want to say it, it’s okay. I am abrupt. Officer Jiang may not know that I just gave birth to another child not long ago. The topic is somewhat sensitive. If it offends Officer Jiang, please don't care about it."

Mu Chen was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Miss Zhao is too serious to say something. This is not something that cannot be said. In fact, it son."

Zhao Yulin's eyes flickered slightly, pretending to be surprised, and she asked, "Son? Officer Jiang and Miss An have children? How old are they? Congratulations!"

Mu Chen chuckled, like a silly father who loves children so much: "I'm not yet a year old, and I don't know anything, I know I'm stuck with an adult. No, it's not easy to come out and find him again before I leave Up."

Although Mu Chen's words were complaining, Zhao Yulin saw soft happiness in his eyes, and the smile in her eyes could not help but deepen.

An Kexin came back soon after speaking on the phone, and after a few people chatted, Mu Chen left with An Kexin.

Zhao Yulin looked at the back of the two with a calm face.

"Reassured?" Mu Tingfeng asked when he saw Zhao Youlin's hand.

Jo Yoon Lin is startled, are you relieved? Yes, she feels relieved, watching Mu Chen live so well now, she can feel relieved. But the one who made her feel at ease was the person by her side.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yulin turned her head and smiled at Mu Tingfeng, her eyes filled with a light smile.

Mu Tingfeng looked at the smile on Zhao Yulin's face, his eyes flickered, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but slowly pulled up.

If you like someone to a certain extent, her happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy may become your happiness, anger, sorrow, and nothing more.

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