Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 91: It’s up to you (4)

Puff puff puff puff... Even President Mu, who has never tried such close contact with his parents, is rare because of Zhao Youlin's sudden action. . om updates so fast.

If Zhao Yulin dared to do this a month or even half a month ago, Mu Tingfeng would definitely throw away the person without saying a word, and would not give the other person a chance to get close at all.

At that time, Zhao Yulin didn't dare to do this. At that time, she would only cry to herself over and over again about her difficulties, hoping that she could accept her and fall in love with her, without telling him how she deserves him. Like, tempted.

But now the person sitting across from him is different. Not only did she dare to do it, but most importantly, he didn't find it annoying, and she even forgot that she could reach out and push people away. It's a **** of a ghost, it's obviously the same person, how can people feel so different!

At the moment when Mu Tingfeng was shaking, Zhao Youlin took the opportunity to sneak her hand to the table and finally rescued the file bag from Mu Tingfeng's hands.

After a swish, what she wanted was already in hand, Zhao Youlin naturally didn't want to continue staring with Mu Tingfeng, she quickly got up and rushed out toward the entrance of the store.

Zhao Yulin ‘drew’ the bag, got up, and ran off. This series of actions was done smoothly, with a difference of only five seconds.

When Mu Tingfeng came back to her senses, Zhao Youlin had already rushed to the'door' of the coffee shop, and she could still see her feet from a distance. She turned her head and pointed her **** provocatively at herself, with a sentence: "none of your business!"

Mu Tingfeng knew that she was answering the question he had asked before, and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

Watching Zhao Youlin away from her sight, Mu Tingfeng's whole body's momentum dropped by more than one percentage point, but at this time, someone accidentally hit the muzzle.

The untimely ringing of the ‘private’ mobile phone caused the low pressure on Mu Tingfeng’s body to increase instead of decreasing. At the moment of connection, I was not surprised to hear the bitter ‘force’ cry of a certain secretary and assistant.

"President President, have you forgotten that there is a shareholders meeting to be held this morning, and there will be a cooperation proposal worth hundreds of millions of dollars later? President, where are you now? Why have you never answered the phone before? What trouble has you encountered? Do you need me to drive over to pick you up now? Oh, President, you come back quickly, we can't live without you!"

Mu Tingfeng was deeply displeased because of Zhao Yulin's departure. It would be extremely upset to hear his assistant's unstoppable nagging. He was silent for a long time and only uttered a word: "Xia Zetao..."

"...President, I am here."

"The bonus for this month is gone."

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and it took a long time before it seemed to wake up suddenly, and there was a long scream: "Ahhhhhh... President, no!"

Mu Tingfeng decisively cut off the phone when Xia Zetao uttered the first syllable, held the phone and looked at the table with two cups of coffee for a while, and then dialed another call.

The call was quickly connected, but the person on the other end of the phone was obviously surprised that Mu Tingfeng took the initiative to call him: "A Feng?"

"Yeah." Mu Tingfeng opened the'door' and said, "Help me find out what is the connection between Zhao Youlin and the **** unit of the **** police station in s city?"

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and seemed to be even more surprised: "When did you get involved with the police station? Wait, Zhao Youlin? That eldest lady of the Zhao family, your ex-wife? What are you doing to check her? Is it possible that after the divorce, I finally found out about the other party and prepared for the resurgence of the old relationship?"

"Nie Yunfan, talk less and do more."

"Fine, I don't want to say, I will give you the information in three days."


Mu Tingfeng hung up the phone, looked at the position across the table, and remembered the distance between the two of them just a short while ago, and a few faint blues appeared in the black eyes.

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