Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 909: Life is hanging by a thread (1)

"But, if I don't do this, you will be the one who is dead. (((Mobile reading visit Compared to Zhao Yulin's excitement, Mu Tingfeng is more fortunate, fortunate that The injured person was himself, not Zhao Yulin, and if he had not judged wrongly, the shot just now should have been directed at Zhao Yulin's head. If he didn't react, he would pounce on him, Zhao Yulin might not be here anymore. Thinking of this, Mu Tingfeng felt extremely grateful.

In a short sentence, Zhao Yulin was successfully choked. Yes, they care about the other party so much. How could they not help if they knew that the other party would be injured?

If Mu Tingfeng was sniped today, she would definitely rush over to block the gun for him without thinking about it.

"It's all right now, it's you who are injured, it's me who loves you!"

Mu Tingfeng smiled, leaning back on the cargo and listening to the movement outside. After losing their two targets, the sniper began to look for other targets.

In the darkness, I occasionally heard the sound of gunshots. They seemed to be caught in a terrible swamp, and they could only stay where they were and struggle, but they could only watch themselves sink deeper and deeper.

"You have to find a way to get out of here."

"Yeah." Zhao Yulin nodded, staying in such a black hole in the warehouse, the other party can see their actions clearly, it is very unfavorable no matter how they look at it.

"I remember the gate is on the right, but there is a sniper lying in ambush over there. Why don't you try to find a place with a window or something?"

"Window?" Zhao Yulin was stunned for a moment. It suddenly occurred to me that three years ago, she had successfully sneaked into it through a window. The position of that window seemed to be...

"I know there is a window over there, but I don't know if it has been blocked after so long. Would you like to go and take a look?"

Mu Tingfeng was stunned for a moment and nodded, "Go and see."

Zhao Yulin hurriedly helped Mu Tingfeng up, and the two hunched their bodies, avoiding the bullets that flew above her head.

The two of them walked all the way to the other end of the warehouse based on Zhao Yulin's memory, and they saw the bright light coming in through the window from a distance.

"It really is here." Zhao Yulin's eyes were shining slightly, but it was a pity that the smile on her face had not fully bloomed, and she was completely frozen because of the figure under the window now.

"Miss Zhao, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Mu Tingfeng's expression also changed. He stretched out his hand to stop Zhao Youlin behind him, greeted Lu Sizheng's smiling face with a defensive look.

Lu Sizheng glanced at the injury on Mu Tingfeng's shoulder without a trace, raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "President Mu is really agile, and Ah San is the most accurate sharpshooter under me. You have avoided this. It’s really amazing to be avoided by you all this way."

Mu Tingfeng didn't think this was funny, let alone how powerful it was, so he asked coldly: "What do you want?"

"Of course..." Lu Sizheng gave a pointed look at Zhao Youlin behind Mu Tingfeng, "The way to make Lu Xiangtian want to live, and make him want to live, is nothing more than destroying what he cares about most."

Zhao Yulin was staring at him and became cold, she twisted her eyebrows, and asked in a deep voice, "I never understood, why do you hate him so much because you are obviously his adopted son? What did he do to you?"

As soon as Zhao Yulin said this, the expression on Lu Sizheng's face suddenly changed and became a little dangerous: "You ask me why I hate him so much?"

Zhao Yulin raised her eyebrows and didn't speak. She didn't understand what was wrong with her question.

"Lu Xiangtian, she asked me why I hate you so much, don't you intend to explain it?"

Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng were shocked when they heard the words. They turned their heads and saw that Lu Xiangtian had walked over with the old butler sometime, but the black bodyguards who had been guarding him were gone.

When Lu Xiangtian heard this question from Lu Sizheng, the emotions in his eyes became more and more complicated, and it took a long time before he uttered a sentence: "You all know?"

When Lu Xiangtian came here, he was always thinking about what he did to make Lu Sizheng hate him so much that he would kill his biological daughter to avenge him.

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility, he knows, knows that year.

Lu Sizheng sneered: "If you are talking about my parents, I am sorry to tell you, yes, I know, I have always known. Knowing that my mother was an undercover agent, and after you discovered her, you were cruel Killed her. Not only that, but because you suspected that my dad was also an undercover agent, you killed my mother after killing him, and then pretended that you were avenged by your enemies and my parents died in order to save you. But you didn't expect it. At that time, I got up in the middle of the night looking for something to eat because I was hungry. I just saw you shooting and killing my parents."

Lv Sizheng still clearly remembers that night when he secretly hid in the door of the room and saw everything he saw through the door.

His parents just lay on the ground silently, with blood staining a large area of ​​the floor, while his parents just lay on the ground motionless, never waking up.

At that time, he was terrified and hurried back to the room, pretending that nothing happened.

He thought that at that time, Lu Xiangtian would come over after taking care of her parents, even he would kill him together, but he did not expect that Lu Xiangtian would not kill him.

Early the next morning, his parents who were killed by Lu Xiangtian became the heroes who protected Lu Xiangtian from the enemy, and he was taken home by Lu Xiangtian as the son of heroes and became the heir carefully cultivated by Lu Xiangtian.

To train a child whose parents were brutally killed by him to become an heir, Lu Sizheng really didn't know whether to say that Lu Xiangtian was too arrogant or that he was too benevolent.

From that time on, he started planning, how to pull Lu Xiangtian from that position, **** him, how to make him want to die, and the appearance of Zhao Youlin just gave him this opportunity.

Lu Xiangtian killed his dearest and loved one, and he also wanted him to see his daughter die in front of him.

After listening to Lu Sizheng's testimony, Lu Xiangtian paused for a while before speaking: "I really regret that the benevolence of thought left you behind."

Lu Sizheng was stunned for a moment and smiled brighter and brighter: "Unfortunately, it is too late for you to regret it. Everyone, everybody must die here today, including you."

As soon as Lu Sizheng's voice fell, Zhao Yulin and the others felt that the ground was shaking, and then there was a loud explosion behind them.

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