Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 889: The last bargaining chip (1)

Li Yan was stunned, his eyes widened and looked at Lu Xiangtian: "What do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean? Literally, this woman is not my daughter at all, she has been lying to me!"

When Lu Sizheng took Zhao Yulin and two of them outside the courtyard, he just heard Lu Xiangtian’s roar, and Zhao Yulin’s heart was a little bit at the moment.

Li Yan's expression changed, and he turned to look at Lu Shu and said, "Lu Shu, what he said is true, are not..."

Lu Shu's eyes fluttered with a guilty conscience, but she quickly reacted, and she kept shaking her head: "No, it's not like this, I don't know. ---End of this book, the romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan www. I really don’t know, Dad, you believe me, I really don’t know anything about this. How could our paternity test be such a result? Back then, when we tested it, it was clearly... It’s true, dad, do you remember the original paternity test? Our real father and daughter are really father and daughter! This must be someone who wants to provoke the relationship between us. Yes, it must be like this Dad, you have to believe me, believe me!"

It's okay for Lu Shu not to mention it. This mention made Lu Xiangtian more aware of his stupidity in the past. How could he have recognized that the person in front of him was his daughter if he hadn't had that paternity test? How could it be possible that it took so long to realize that I had confessed to the wrong person, and the person who was really related to him by blood may have missed him for a long time or even...

The anger in Lu Xiangtian's heart became more and more high because of Lu Shu's words. After all, he didn't hold it back, and shot the gun in his hand like a finger to the head.

If it weren't for Lu Xiangtian still keeping in mind that Lu Shu is still useful, and he still has some words that must be extracted from her, this shot should have been shot in Lu Shu's heart.

At the same time, Zhao Yulin, who had searched for a location in the yard that could both eavesdrop and ensure that she would not be discovered, narrowed her eyes dangerously after hearing these few excuses from Lu Shu.

It turned out that Lu Xiangtian and Lu Shu had done a paternity test at the beginning, but since they have done a paternity test before, why are the results of the paternity test so different from the current one?

Both Lu Shu and Li Yan were frightened by Lu Xiangtian's shooting. Lu Shu's face was pale, and he reflexively grabbed Li Yan's arm, trying to find a sense of security from him.

Although Li Yan has been dealing with guns all day long, pointing at others and being pointed at by others are completely two kinds of feelings.

Seeing that both of them were silent, Lu Xiangtian smiled sarcastically at the corners of his lips, and sneered: "At this time, he still wanted to lie to me. This paternity test is my personal doctor. You stayed with me not long ago. The hair in the room is made of my hair. Only me, the housekeeper and my personal doctor. My personal doctor doesn’t even know who owns these two things. The person in your mouth who wants to provoke and frame you Is it me or the housekeeper?"

Lu Shu's face turned white again when he heard this. Although the old housekeeper of the Lu family looked at the gentle and easy to talk, he had been with Lu Xiangtian when he was young, and even used to be his right and left arm. Later, he retreated due to some old injuries. Having been with Lu Xiangtian, he became the housekeeper of their Lu family. It can be said that compared to Lu Xiangtian, the old housekeeper is both a master and a servant, or a brother, and they have had friendship for 20 to 30 years.

Putting the housekeeper and Lu Shu on the two ends of the balance, one is a brother who has lived and died for decades, and the other half-way recognizes it, and now even the "daughter" whose identity is unclear, whom Lu Xiangtian would trust more, it is conceivable that .

"No, I didn't mean that."

"Then what do you mean? Well, what do you mean? I'm not interested in knowing it. I want to know now, why on earth are you pretending to be my daughter? Is there anyone behind you secretly planning? He is Who?"

When Lu Shu heard this, his face changed again, his eyes turned slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I really don't know what you are talking about. You did the paternity test by your dad yourself. Even if something really goes wrong, it should be your dad. I am innocent in the end. I don’t know anything but you told me that I am your daughter, but now I suddenly took a paternity test and said that I was not your daughter, and that it was you. You are the one who said no. If so, why should you ask me?"

Lu Shulue's somewhat self-willed words made all of them startled. Li Yan almost believed Lu Shu's words when he said this. He felt that Lu Shu was really innocent in this matter, but Lu Xiangtian was not as naive and foolish as he was. .

After the initial shock, Lu Xiangtian immediately heard the loopholes in Lu Shu's words.

"Up to now, you are still stiff. The blood sample of the paternity test was handed to me personally. The result of the paternity test that we detected was a blood father-daughter relationship. If you didn't know why it was such a coincidence?"

Lu Xiangtian said that his face turned gloomy again, because he remembered that he had asked Lu Shu about the necklace as early as after the paternity test, because before he went to find her, Lu Xiangtian pointed him the way. The woman in's learned that the child who was adopted in the past was indeed wearing a necklace when they were picked up, but now I don't know if it is still on her body.

How did Lu Shu answer his question after hearing his own question? She told herself that she had never seen that necklace before, perhaps because she lost it a long time ago or was put away by the dean of the courtyard.

When Lu Shu talked about this, he also specifically mentioned that their former dean was particularly fond of petty bargains, and he had done things like buying other people's things a long time ago.

When these two sentences were connected in this way, Lu Xiangtian was naturally misled, thinking that the necklace was sold to others by the dean.

When he saw the necklace on Zhao Yulin, Lu Xiangtian’s first thought was also the reason why Zhao Yulin had this necklace in her hands. It is estimated that he bought it from someone, and never thought that there might be other others. may.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiangtian's mind came up with the accident that he met Zhao Yulin and his wife twice, and the main messenger of that accident was Lu Shu.

At that time, Lu Shu explained to herself that because of the misunderstanding that Zhao Youlin seduced Li Yan, she would do such extreme things out of anger.

But when I think about it now, I always feel that this reason is a bit untenable. It's not that Lu Shu has never eaten the vinegar of the women around Li Yan before, although he has secretly embarrassed each other with his hands and feet, but he has never hurt his life like this time when he treated Miss Zhao. Is it impossible...

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