Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 861: Qin Huai was hospitalized (1)

This is exactly what Zhao Yulin's heart is. Now she really doesn't want to face Lu Xiangtian at all. She doesn't know why, but it is instinctive rejection. (((Mobile reading visit

After finishing the transcripts in the police station, Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng went out of the police station smoothly, but what they didn't expect was that they encountered Lu Xiangtian, who thought they had already left, as soon as they left the door of the police station.

"Mr. Lu." Zhao Youlin reluctantly tugged at the corner of her mouth, looking at Lu Xiangtian with obvious rejection.

Lu Xiangtian naturally realized this: "I just want to see if there is anything wrong with Miss Zhao and Mr. Mu."

"We're all right, thank you Mr. Lu for helping me today."

"Yes, Ms. Zhao and Mr. Mu are fine. Since Ms. Zhao and Mr. Mu are both frightened today, then I won't bother too much, and I will visit them again someday.

Zhao Yulin was a little surprised when Lu Xiangtian left so easily. Could it be that he waited outside for so long just to say such a few words to them?

But anyway, Lu Xiangtian's willingness to step back and leave for the time being at this time really made Zhao Youlin a sigh of relief.

"Let's go back." Mu Tingfeng held on to Zhao Youlin's shoulder and asked in a low voice.

Zhao Yulin nodded, and the two of them sat back in their car again, and their faces were a little unsightly when they saw the bullet marks on the rear glass of the car.

Especially Zhao Yulin, she died of a sniper in her previous life, but now she encounters such a deliberate shooting and does not even have the ability to protect herself. Such cognition is really irritating.

"Do you think those people are coming at us or at Lu Xiangtian?"

Zhao Yulin's straightforward question caused Mu Tingfeng to be silent for a moment: "One percent is likely to be directed at Lu Xiangtian, 99 percent is likely to be directed at us."

"Oh?" Zhao Yulin raised her eyebrows, "Why do you say that?"

"Those people appeared to be too coincidental, so I suspect that one percent came for Lu Xiangtian. But those people seem to be familiar with our route home, otherwise they would not choose to start in such a place and run ahead of time. They besieged before us, so it is very likely that they are coming for us."

Mu Tingfeng said as if thinking of something, then turned to look at Zhao Youlin: "Have you offended anyone recently?"

"Who offends?" Zhao Yulin pondered for a moment, and suddenly a figure flashed in her mind, "Is it him?"


"Lu Sizheng!"

When Mu Tingfeng heard this name, his expression also changed. Thinking of the conflict with Lu Sizheng at the temple at that time, I have to say that this possibility is really great.

Zhao Youlin also thinks this possibility is very high, but she is not thinking about the conflict between Mu Tingfeng and Lu Sizheng that day. What she is thinking is, does Lu Sizheng really suspect that she is the Zhao Youlin who was shot and killed?

If that's the case, then he sent someone to embarrass himself at this time. Could it be that he has offended him before?

"I..." Mu Tingfeng frowned and thought for a long time, and was about to speak, but Zhao Youlin's cell phone suddenly rang.

Zhao Yulin gave him a gesture to stop his subsequent words, and then picked up the phone: "Hey, hello, it's me, what's the matter?"

I don't know if I heard what was said on the other end of the phone, Zhao Yulin's face suddenly changed: "What did you say? Qin Huai was hospitalized?! Which hospital? Um, ok, I will go right now, ok, thank you."

When Mu Tingfeng heard Zhao Yulin even mentioned Qin Huai, his eyebrows became more and more profound. After Zhao Yulin hung up the phone, he immediately asked, "Qin Huai, that Qin Huai?"

"Yeah." Zhao Yulin replied, realizing that Mu Tingfeng might be thinking too much, and quickly explained, "Qin Huai is very good at searching for intelligence, so I asked him to help check some things, but I didn't expect to hurt him in the end. ."

Mu Tingfeng was startled, although he didn't like Zhao Youlin getting too close with other men, but since Zhao Youlin had already talked about it, he couldn't seem to turn a blind eye to it.

"He was in the hospital?"

"Well, I heard that there was also a car accident." Zhao Yulin said with her eyebrow frowning, always feeling that the accident was a bit too coincidental.

Mu Tingfeng thought the same way, secretly guessing whether Zhao Yulin's request to Qin Huai to investigate was related to the Lu family, and whether his attack this time was also related to their collision this time?

"Are you going to visit him?"

"Yeah." Zhao Yulin nodded, and worried that her big vinegar tank would be jealous. Before she could speak, she heard Mu Tingfeng reply: "I'll go with you."

"Are you going with me?" Zhao Youlin widened her eyes suddenly, a little surprised.

Mu Tingfeng nodded slightly and said of course: "If he is really injured because of you, it would be excusable to visit him, not to mention that you have just been attacked. Who knows if someone is secretly ambushing and is ready to wait for you. I don’t worry about starting when I go out and letting you go by myself."

When Mu Tingfeng said this, Zhao Yulin really had no reason to refuse, so she nodded and promised that Mu Tingfeng would go to the hospital with her to visit Qin Huai.

Qin Huai had a car accident on the way out, but it was not that he was hit, but that there was a problem with his car.

At that time, Qin Huai was about to call Zhao Yulin. After the car had an accident, Qin Huai was rushed to first aid, and the nurse at the hospital found Zhao Yulin with her mobile phone.

After Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng arrived at the hospital, they found out that Qin Huai had reacted quickly. The car stopped after hitting the safety island. His hand was only slightly rubbed, but his leg was stuck in the cab and fractured. Other places did not suffer. hurt.

There was no fatal injury, which made Zhao Yulin relieved. When Zhao Yulin and two of them entered the ward to visit, there was a teenager in the ward.

The young man turned his back to the two and was preaching with Qin Huai who was on the hospital bed. Qin Huai had a plaster cast on one of his legs, hanging high in the air, silently listening to the young man @ 餃成系谋砬橛行┤ Yi Wei br/>

"Brother, I didn’t say you. I said that your broken car is very unsafe. You didn’t listen. Is it a tragedy now? It happened that the car was also crashed this time, so quickly change to a new one and get caught. I guess I’ll lose my life for ten years."

brother? Is it possible that this is the detective agency intelligence officer who was the first to search for information he asked, but was accidentally intercepted by Qin Huai?

Qin Huai is different from his own nasty younger brother. He noticed it the moment Zhao Yulin entered the room. He interrupted her younger brother's nagging somewhat happily, and said with a slight smile: "Miss Zhao, you are here."

Qin Sheng noticed that there were other people in the ward. He stopped talking awkwardly and turned his head to look at him: "You... hello."

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