Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 84: You debt collector (4)

Planning projects...planning budget...development prospects...benefit distribution between the two sides...Wow, what the **** are these!

Zhao Yeorin took a sigh of relief and hurriedly flipped through the document. . For more latest chapters, visit: om. After discovering that there were also a lot of things that I couldn't understand, the first reaction was that I was deceived, that Mr. Qin deceived myself.

But this speculation was quickly overturned by Zhao Yulin. In fact, this detective agency had cooperated ‘quite’ many times, but in the past, she used a variety of different identities when connecting. In general, the credibility is still ‘quite’ good, and there is no reason to make such a big mistake.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, Zhao Yulin's balance has not been paid yet. That's a lot of money, and no matter how much, people in the detective agency shouldn't fool themselves with this kind of awkward thing.

Excluding this possibility, there is only another possibility.

Zhao Yulin frowned. Could it be that she was accidentally replaced when she came back?

Swapped? ! Something flashed through Zhao Yulin's mind.

The black-clothed thief who flew upside down due to his own kick lifted up the briefcase that was thrown on the ground, the documents that were blown to the ground by the wind, and the one that shook out of the briefcase and slid to the side. Yes, it is very similar to the file bag in my hand.

After thinking about the scene carefully, Zhao Yulin's entire face was so gloomy that it was dripping with water.

Damn it, at that time she almost instinctively picked up the file bag closest to her, and the sudden appearance of Mu Tingfeng gave her a certain shock. Net om

It made her forget to see if she had taken it wrong, grabbed this file bag and ran away, now she wants to...

Zhao Yulin turned the bag back if he noticed it, and as expected, the small bauhinia ‘flower’ pattern on the edge of the bag disappeared without a trace. She really... got it wrong.

"Oh, ****!" Zhao Yulin cursed angrily, kicked on the side table beside the ‘bed’, making a muffled noise from the boss.

The Mu’s villa was brightly lit, as cold and silent as before, without any popularity. No, compared to the lifelessness in the usual days, today's Mu Family is obviously still filled with a weird aura.

This is the first time the old butler has seen such a strange atmosphere in this house for so many years.

The cause of the incident occurred at noon that day. At noon that day, the young master, who had not been very much a family member, went home for the first time for lunch.

Not only that, after having lunch, the young master took a few newspapers of the day and began to look on the sofa in the living room at home, and from this look, he directly saw that it was more than five in the afternoon and didn't go to work all afternoon! This has never happened before.

Afterwards, after supper of course, the young master's mood began to go downhill. With the passage of time, the temperature in the hall became lower and lower.

The most important thing is, Master, what's the little action that you took a glance at the phone in the past few minutes? Could it be that the young master is actually waiting for someone's call from noon to night? !

Seemingly anxious and ‘desire’ to confirm the old butler’s guess, the phone in the hall suddenly rang loudly at this moment.

The old housekeeper was a ‘excited’ spirit, and walked towards the direction of the phone, but when he was about to walk to the phone, he heard a calm voice: “I’ll be fine.”

Ok? The old housekeeper was startled. How did he feel that he had just heard a glaring joy from the young master's tone?

Without waiting for the old butler to continue studying, the microphone has been picked up by someone first. At the same time, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone very clearly.

"Mu Tingfeng, you debt collector, return my things to me!"

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