Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 831: Revisiting the past (1)

Han Yichen looked at the gift box that had fallen into Lu Sizheng's hands at some unknown time, and knew that he was going to have something to do with the person in front of him and the Lu family. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

But in front of so many people, if he didn't accept it, he would refute the other party's face. He also heard about Mr. Lu among the population such as Zhao Yulin. If he could, he didn't seem to provoke such a terrible enemy.

After hesitating for a while, Han Yichen finally took the gift box and handed it to the servant who was waiting beside him.

"Go back and tell Mr. Lu, thank him for his congratulations, and we will visit in person next day to thank Mr. Lu for his kindness."

"Okay, I'll take these words back." Lu Sizheng smiled, glanced at the person who glanced towards him without a trace in all directions, and said helplessly, "I delivered the gift, so I will bring it, and I will return it. There are some things to be done, so I will go back first."

"Master Lu is just coming and leaving?"

Lu Sizheng gave Zhao Youlin a meaningful look: "As Ms. Zhao sees, I am very busy. Moreover, today is the full moon gift of Mr. Zhao's child. If I were here, this banquet in your house would not be so smooth. This is not my purpose here."

Zhao Yulin's eyes flickered, and she sneered: "Unexpectedly, Master Lu is still a personal post, then my brother and I won't keep you much."

Lu Sizheng didn't say anything, turned around with a smile and was about to leave. Suddenly he thought of something. He turned to look at Zhao Youlin and said, "Ms. Zhao isn't going to send me away?"

Zhao Youlin was stunned, after seeing the banter in the other's eyes...

"I was impolite, I'll give it to you."

As soon as Zhao Yulin agreed, Mu Tingfeng immediately inserted: "I'll be with you."


After Zhao Yulin and Han Yichen gave a soothing look, they followed Mu Tingfeng and sent them out the door.

Before leaving, Lu Sizheng subconsciously glanced in So He's direction, and found that So He was also looking at him, and nodded at her with a smile.

The expression on Su He's face froze suddenly, and he smiled awkwardly at him.

"Send it here." Walking out of the gate of Zhao's villa, a black RV was waiting outside for Lu Sizheng.

Lu Sizheng glanced at Zhao Youlin and Mu Tingfeng with a smile, and finally fixed his gaze on Zhao Youlin, and said with a slight smile: "Miss Zhao, I look forward to seeing you next time."

I don't want to see you again at all! Although Zhao Yulin thought so in her heart, she didn't show a smile on her face: "Me too, Master Lu, walk slowly."

As Zhao Yulin watched the car gradually leave her sight, she involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief, leaned her body on Mu Tingfeng's body, and curled her eyebrows: "This guy appears at this time, and I always feel a little problematic."

Mu Tingfeng took Zhao Youlin in his arms and patted her shoulders and said, "Why don't you go in and ask Xiaoqi and the others? I also think that this person suddenly appeared a bit strange."

"Yeah! Xiaohe and the others must know something, let's go in and ask." Mu Tingfeng's reminder, Zhao Yulin also remembered that Su Ho had just seen Lu Sizheng appeared when she obviously wanted to say something, obviously she didn't know how to follow this. Where did Lu Xiangtian's son know something.

When Han Yichen saw that Mu Tingfeng had brought Zhao Yulin back, they unanimously breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Yulin ran to Su Ho's side and asked, "Xiaohe, did you know the person just now?"

Su He was taken aback for a moment and nodded: "That man is Uncle Lu’s son. He had met several times at home before, but it was all a few years ago, so when I first saw him, I I almost didn't recognize it."

"So, he is really Lu Xiangtian's son?" Zhao Youlin frowned, suddenly as if thinking of something, and wondering: "No, I remember hearing your parents talk about it before, Lu Xiangtian has no wives and children at all. , Even that... Lu Shu was only found later by him. When did another son of this age come out? Is it possible that he is the prince who is still living outside?"

"No, it's not." So Ho quickly shook his head when he heard the words, and explained, "This Lu Sizheng is not Uncle Lu's birth, but his adopted son."

"Adopted son."

"Yeah." So He nodded, "I also listened to my parents. It is rumored that this Lu Sizheng was actually the son of a trusted subordinate of Uncle Lu. That subordinate died in an accident to save Uncle Lu. There was only one child left. At that time, the child was only seven or eight years old, and Uncle Lu had always been reluctant to marry a wife and have children. Many people in the gang persuaded Uncle Lu to get married as soon as possible, and Uncle Lu simply accepted the child as his adoptive son. On the one hand, it is compensation for his friend, on the other hand, it is also to train an heir to silence some people."

After hearing So Ho's words, Zhao Yulin's face became darkened, but then she lowered her head in thought.

That young man turned out to be the heir that Lu Xiangtian had been willing to cultivate, and was not related to Lu Xiangtian by blood. But now, Lu Xiangtian has recovered his biological daughter, and is very affectionate to this daughter, he may have already moved his mind to change the heir. From this point of view, this Lu Sizheng is very likely to be rivals with Lu Shu.

But what does this have to do with her? In fact, she and Lu Xiangtian really have only a few sides, and even said a few times, Lu Sizheng's appearance today is really unexpected.

Zhao Yulin didn't want to get involved in the disputes of ****, especially in the affairs of the Lu family, but the reality is that these people in turn want to pull her in, making her somewhat irritable.

"Yorim, Yeorin..." The shout of the person nearby made Zhao Yeorin regain her senses from her meditation.

As soon as he raised his head, he met Soho's puzzled eyes and said embarrassingly: "What's the matter?"

"What do you think? You shouldn't be told to keep."

Zhao Yulin grinned reluctantly: "I didn't think about anything, but I felt that the timing of the person's appearance was a bit strange."

"In fact, I feel the same way. I heard that Lu Sizheng had always been abroad before, and suddenly came back without knowing what happened."

Han Yichen listened to the words of a few people, and the folds of the eyebrows became deeper and deeper, and it took a while before he asked the doubts in his heart: "When that person just came here, he kept hitting the name of Mr. Lu, you When did you know that Mr. Lu so well?"

Zhao Yulin mentioned this person to Han Yichen when he first met Lu Xiangtian at the Su's house, so he was only able to think of it just now.

However, in Han Yichen's impression, that Mr. Lu and Zhao Youlin should only have a few sides, when did they become so familiar with Zhao Youlin's relatives that they need people to send gifts in person to hold a banquet?

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