Once upon a time, there was a person who drank coffee and always only drank pure bitter coffee, and would not add any ‘milk’, ‘essence’ and sugar lumps to such bitter coffee. om. The fastest update visit: щщщ.79S.сОΜ.

Because of this, someone once asked the person curiously about the reason. At that time, he was only separated from the person by the back of a chair, and sitting with his back back, he heard what the person said.

"Some things are still the best in their original flavor. Although bitter coffee is bitter, as long as the bitterness at the beginning is passed, the remaining flavor will not be comparable to'milk essence' and sugar cubes. "

At that time, Qin Huai, who was sitting surprisingly close at the time, listened to this passage of someone's words by accident, and his heart moved slightly. Net om

For the first time I noticed this "female" who often drinks coffee in the same coffee shop with me. And just because of this attention, everything after that was out of control.

From then on, Qin Huai found that as soon as the ‘female’ appeared in the coffee shop, his eyes would unconsciously freeze on her and follow her.

Watching her every move, she smiled, and even chased those little habits that even someone didn't pay much attention to.

That person likes to drink bitter coffee, likes to sit by the window with his chin watching the pedestrians coming and going outside the window, and likes to depict his slender knuckles along the mouth of the coffee cup when he is bored.

Often when Qin Huai finally recovered, he would have been so quietly staring at a person for a whole afternoon, until the person left. om

Every time I get to this time, Qin Huai can't help but think about it, the next time he meets, he must muster up the courage to ask the person's name and tell her his own name.

But at that moment, Qin Huai couldn't stop hesitating again, and then stared at the man in a daze, and finally woke up suddenly after the man left, regretted and lost. After that, this cycle was repeated again and again.

Finally one day, the person did not show up in the coffee shop on time as usual, and Qin Huai began to feel lost. He thought that the person was only delayed because of something, and it wouldn't be a big deal to be absent for a day or two.

Since then, Qin Huai has been sitting in the coffee shop all day and waiting for the person to appear, hoping that one day the person will suddenly appear at the door of the coffee shop and push the door as before. And into.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed. After waiting for more than half a month, Qin Huai finally couldn't help it. He tried every means to check the news of that person, but it was extremely difficult because he didn't know the other party's name.

What he didn't expect was that after half a month, the news of that person was on TV again, and the news of that person's death was still obtained.

Qin Huai broke down the moment he got the news. He didn't even have time to tell that person his name, or even had time to say a word to her face to face, confiding his thoughts about her, she was already separated from his own yin and yang.

Even the name of that person, what kind of occupation she was in before, he only knew at that time.

Qin Huai always thought that the person's death was just an accident of the failure of the mission, but it wasn't until yesterday that he accidentally saw the paper bag that his brother had put in the house, and he became suspicious.

When he was very enthusiastic, even if he had an appointment with the client who was supposed to be the brother's responsibility, he still took away the file bag without authorization.

Qin Huai picked up the still steaming coffee on the table and brought it to his mouth, letting the steam blur his eyes and conceal the true emotions surging in his heart.

All the internal members of the police station investigating the accident had exactly the same names as her, as well as those familiar habits. Is all this just a coincidence? Who is this "female" person? !

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