Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 762: It turned out to be him (2)

There is nothing wrong with what Zhao Youlin said. Since Zhao Yifei was driven out of the Zhao family, Zhao Youming has become restless. Recently, because she left the company for vacation, she started to move around. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

It's a pity that he underestimated his intelligence network, and what little actions he was doing now, even if she was abroad, she could still see clearly.

What Zhao Yulin didn't expect was that Sirius was really concerned about another key point in this sentence.

"What, graduated early? You just said he graduated early from our school?"

Sirius’s rare uplifting tone made Zhao Yulin notice a little unusual: “Yes, he probably returned to the country this spring, and it should be almost half a year now. After returning to China, he did tell others that. That's right."

"Nothing is wrong, it is really wrong! Our school is impossible to graduate early, even if you have already completed all the credits early, you cannot graduate early. At most, you can learn a few more professional courses. When you graduate then, you will look better than others, that's all."

Zhao Yulin was taken aback: "What you said is true?"

"Of course it's true. What did I lie to you? If you don't believe it, you can check it on the Internet. The results are absolutely exactly the same as what I am saying now."

Zhao Yulin's face turned gloomy. If this is true as Sirius said, then Zhao Youming's rhetoric is false. Such words...

Zhao Yulin's eyes quickly flashed a glare, and she turned her head to look at Sirius and smiled slightly: "Sirius, I still said that. After so many years have passed, haven't you thought of revenge?"

Sirius's face changed slightly, and he pressed his lips and did not speak.

A trace of slyness flashed across Zhao Yulin’s eyes, “Zhao Youming hurt you so badly at the beginning, making you bear a stain of life wherever you go, just like a talent. Even if you have now climbed to the vice president, it’s so unpleasant. Enviable position, but Lin Yan, who is inferior to you in every way, can still pinch your taint and insult you at will, but you don’t even have the power to speak up. Compared to you, Zhao Youming is the culprit Not only hasn't been punished, but now you're still in a high position, living better than anyone else, don't you just... reconciled?

Of course not reconciled! Sirius was shocked, only to feel that the resentment that had been hidden in his heart for a long time had begun to sprout and grow because of Zhao Youlin's words.

However, he is not a brainless person. From what Zhao Youlin said just now, he has basically figured out the relationship between Zhao Youlin and Zhao Youming. What Zhao Youlin said now is nothing more than...

"Do you want to use me to help you deal with Zhao Yoo Ming?"

Zhao Yulin didn’t care about the abruptness in Sirius’s words, and went straight into it: “It’s not that I use you, but use each other. I can help you ruin Zhao Youming. You can experience the pain you endured because of him, and you can also help me. To get what I want, there is no advantage or use. We help each other and achieve two goals with one stone."

Sirius was silent. He had to admit that Zhao Yulin's words were quite persuasive and quite seductive. The balance in his heart had actually begun to swing.

After hesitating for a long time, Sirius spit out a word: "What are you...what are you going to do?"

When Zhao Yulin heard this, she knew that he was already tempted, and she smiled slightly and said, "Do you have any family members in China?"


"How is your relationship with them?"

"Of course." Sirius suddenly felt something was wrong after answering, and turned his head to look at Zhao Yulin with a wary look, "What are you asking about this?"

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything else." Zhao Yulin didn't care much and waved her hand with Sirius to calm him down, "You just said that the reason you never thought about going back to China is because you still hold a breath in your heart. You have taken the position of vice president of Christine Company. If you go back, who can still look down on you?"

"Do you want to persuade me to return home?"

Zhao Yulin nodded.

Sirius's eyes flickered. After all, he shook his head and refused: "Sorry, I don't have any plans to quit for the time being."

He is very satisfied with his current job, and Kristen can be said to have a good understanding of him. He can be there today, all thanks to him, to this company, allowing him to quit and return to China at this time. I can't do it myself.

Zhao Youlin smiled at each other with Mu Tingfeng, and almost immediately understood what Sirius meant, and the corners of her lips twitched: "I think you might have misunderstood. I didn't want you to leave this company. Meaning, there are many ways to return to China, not just job-hopping."

Sirius raised his eyebrows: "For example?"

"For example, my company and Christine's company are cooperating to develop certain projects. As a member of Chris's company, Sirius, it is not impossible to follow us back to China to have a look..."

Sirius' eyes lit up, but he didn't agree to it.

Zhao Yulin didn’t force it: "Of course, you still have to want this kind of thing, and we won’t force it. Then we may have to stay in country y for a while. Before we return to China, you can think about it, and wait until we want it. It’s not too late to give us an answer when I go back."

Siliston paused, and finally nodded in response.

Zhao Yulin also knows how to take it away. She turned her head and glanced at Mu Tingfeng. Mu Tingfeng understood, stepped forward and held her hand: "We have been out for a while, so it's time to go back."

"It's been a long time since I've been out. Kristen should have finished greeting the guests? I'm afraid that if you don't see us, you will think we sneaked back. It's not early anymore. Let's go in and talk to him. , It's time to go."

Mu Tingfeng nodded, helping Zhao Yulin to walk inside.

Zhao Yulin turned her head and glanced at Sirius, and asked casually, "Sirris won't go in?"

Sirius smiled reluctantly: "You go in first, I'll go back in a while."

Knowing that he needs some time to think about it, Zhao Yulin didn't force it, and followed Mu Tingfeng back to the hall.

Christine and Madonna greeted the guests and couldn’t find Zhao Yulin. They thought that they had sneaked away while they were not paying attention. They were annoyed when they suddenly saw the two come out from the door, their eyes lit up suddenly. Quickly greeted him: "Where did you two go? I thought you ran away."

Zhao Yulin laughed and feigned angrily: "What kind of sneaking, we also run in an upright manner if we want to run, can we commit sneaking?"

Christine smiled, without refuting it.

The three chatted for a few words, and Mu Tingfeng suddenly said: "It's getting late, we should go back."

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