Lele's entire head was dumbfounded, and it took a long time to realize what Mu Tingfeng had said, and the tears that he finally swallowed finally couldn't help it. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance www.hjw.tw)))

"Uuuuuuuuuuuu..." Lele clutched Mu Tingfeng's clothes tightly, and buried herself in Mu Tingfeng's arms, letting tears fall on Mu Tingfeng and wet Mu Tingfeng. Of the placket.

Mu Tingfeng didn't expect Lelehui to cry suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly, and he hurriedly reached out to pat Lele's back, wanting him to stop, but didn't want him to shoot more, Lele crying It gets more fierce.

President Mu, who was so disproportionate by the child's cry, had no choice but to turn his head and ask for help from Zhao Yulin.

Zhao Yulin rarely saw Mu Tingfeng's flustered appearance, couldn't help but chuckled, spread her hands, and told Mu Tingfeng that she couldn't help.

The poor President Mu was abandoned by his wife, holding Lele for a long time, until Lele was tired from crying, and finally stopped.

Unexpectedly, someone with no conscience stopped crying, and immediately crawled out of his embrace, twitched his little nose and threw him down, ran back to Zhao Youlin's side, and occasionally peeked out of the corner of her eye. he.

So much so that all the servants who brought up the food looked at him one by one.

Lele, who had just cried a lot, had red eyes, and his whole body was abysmal. From time to time, he looked carefully towards Mu Tingfeng.

In the eyes of these servants, it is that their eldest master has done something very excessive to make their lovely young master Sun cry. Master Sun is so cute and well-behaved, how can the young master be so frantic? !

But in fact, Lele actually couldn't help crying bitterly in front of Mu Tingfeng just because he felt that he was too masculine and embarrassed.

Mu Tingfeng faced the condemned eyes of everyone, deeply feeling that he was...

After a family of four had lunch in peace, Zhao Yulin took Lele to the bedroom prepared early on the second floor for a nap as usual.

Mu Tingfeng and the old man took advantage of this time to discuss some of the secrets with the work, the Mu family and even some men who are only suitable for discussion at this time.

When Zhao Yulin was half asleep, she suddenly felt that her side sank down, her body became stiff, but she relaxed again after feeling the familiar breath of the people around her.

However, to her surprise, the people around her were not satisfied with falling asleep next to her, but slowly stretched their hands to her wrists.

Zhao Yulin was taken aback, and finally opened her eyes with no choice but to see the person's eyes with a little regret and pity, and the hand that was still resting on her wrist.

Seeing Zhao Yulin wake up, Mu Tingfeng was stunned, a little regretful and said: "Wake you up?"

Zhao Yulin shook her head: "I didn't sleep well."

With that said, he instinctively wanted to withdraw his hand from Mu Tingfeng's hand, but found that Mu Tingfeng's original hand that was touching his wrist had changed to a tight grip.

Zhao Yulin was startled, and finally realized Mu Tingfeng's strangeness, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Mu Tingfeng stroked the scar on Zhao Yulin’s wrist that was left by suicide, and his eyes were filled with inevitable pity and regret: "If... if then I knew that one day I would love you so much, I would not, no Will treat you like that."

Zhao Yulin was stunned, and quickly understood the reason for Mu Tingfeng's abnormality. It is estimated that the words of the few women made this guy recall the origin of the scar on her wrist.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yulin couldn't help but laugh. This guy is really unexpectedly sensitive in some places!

"Fortunately, you didn't treat her very well at that time, otherwise, I will be jealous now." Although it is the same body, it is absolutely false if you really don't mind.

Fortunately, Zhao Youlin knows very well that Mu Tingfeng loves herself, not someone beside her.

Mu Tingfeng was stunned, but his gaze at Zhao Youlin was somewhat helpless.

Zhao Yulin didn't intend to let him continue to struggle on this topic, stretched out her hand to hold Mu Tingfeng's fingers, and whispered: "It's still early, accompany us to sleep for a while."

The welfare Mu Tingfeng who came to the door would naturally not refuse. He did not continue to struggle with the issue, nodded, lay down behind Zhao Youlin, and took Zhao Youlin and the child into his arms.

Zhao Yulin felt the warmth from her partner, yawned, and soon fell asleep again.

Mu Tingfeng looked at the wife and child in his arms, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and he lowered his head and dropped a kiss on Zhao Youlin's forehead: "Good dream."

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when Zhao Yulin and Lele woke up again, and Mu Tingfeng, who had slept next to Zhao Yulin, had long since disappeared. Zhao Yulin was stunned when they got dressed and opened the curtains.

Crystal snowflakes dangling from the faint blue sky fell on the trees, grass, and floor outside the window, decorating the earth with an unusual color.

"It's so beautiful..." Zhao Yulin couldn't help but sighed sincerely.

And behind her, she was still tumbling in the bed, struggling to wake up. Lele subconsciously looked out the window after hearing what Zhao Yulin said. After seeing the snow falling like goose feathers, she suddenly became sober. Coming over, I got up from the bed and ran to Zhao Yulin's side, grabbed Zhao Yulin's hand and said in surprise, "Mom, this is snow, right?"

Lele, who had always wanted to see the snow, finally got what he wanted at this moment.

Zhao Yulin looked at the beautiful snow shower outside the window, nodded and said, "Well, that's right, this is snow."

In fact, this was not only the first time Lele saw such a real snowflake, it was also the first time for Zhao Youlin.

As a southerner, and a southerner who has never been to the north, it is basically impossible to see such a spectacular snow scene. Prior to this, Zhao Yulin had just watched this thing on TV.

But watching it on TV is completely different from the perception in reality, especially since it is still snowing.

Before arriving at Mu’s house from the airport, Zhao Youlin had already seen the thin layer of snow accumulated on the ground, but it may be because the last time it snowed was a long time away, so it was almost dissolved and lifeless. , Is not particularly good-looking, not so full of vitality and vigor as it is now.

The fluttering snowflakes floated down from the sky like feathers of an angel, and they were so beautiful that people couldn't bear to look away.

After getting the affirmative answer, Lele became more and more excited, holding Zhao Yulin's hand and yelling to go outside to play in the snow.

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