Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 743: Lele complaint (1)

When Zhao Yulin said this, she paused deliberately and glanced at a few women meaningfully: "So you guys got the news, knowing that Lele and I will come to Mu's house today, and they came here specifically, just to take a look at me and my son. , By the way, give us a predicament. --- After this Tanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance if the effect of dismantling the prestige is good, it might scare Lele and I to flee back to China with our tails caught in fright. Even if the effect is not good, you can still suffer me a bit, and play a basic deterrent effect, so that I dare not be too presumptuous in the Mu's family. Several aunts and aunts who don't know whether they are aunts or aunts, am I right?"

"You, spit people!"

"I'm bloody?" Zhao Yulin smiled sarcastically, "'Maybe it's because the old man was worried that Ting Feng had lost our heir to the Mu family because of that woman, so he secretly used a little trick to get them together again, right?' Didn’t you just say it yourself?"

The expressions on the faces of several women were so stiff because of Zhao Youlin's words, Zhao Youlin knew that she had guessed right when she looked at them.

If these women only saw that they were unhappy, they would not be able to scold themselves, but they even scolded her baby son just now.

No one in the Mu family knows that the old man's attitude towards Lele has changed, and he will never offend Lele casually unless he is really hostile to Lele's existence.

The servants, butlers, and the kitchen people who had been watching the scene after hearing the sound of Zhao Yulin's words all changed their faces, and they looked at the women without paying attention for the first time. Hostility appeared to be disguised.

"'re enough!" The intention in my heart was ruthlessly exposed. Chi Guoguo was displayed in front of everyone. The shame of being watched and hated made the faces of several women extremely difficult to see. Zhao Yulin's eyes became more and more angrily, "You should stop joking, no matter what, we are all your elders!"

Zhao Yulin didn't say a word, she just stared at the women with a pair of eyes, and looked at them as hairy behind them, and then slowly laughed.

"I just heard you say so many things about me, and thought you know how much you know me? I didn't expect that I was passionate." Zhao Yulin said, letting go of the hand holding Lele, and slowly raised her step towards Several people walked in the direction.

When several people saw Zhao Youlin coming, they felt tight for no reason. Their instinct for danger made them tense, and they stared at Zhao Youlin vigilantly, for fear that she would do something dangerous to herself.

Zhao Yulin saw the reactions of several people in her eyes, and the smile in her eyes deepened.

Stepping to stand in front of a few women, Zhao Yulin grinned, knowingly asked: "Do you think you are my elders? My relatives? I must respect you?"

Several people were frightened by Zhao Yulin's gloomy voice, but they still forced themselves to calm down and raised their heads and said: "Yes... That's right,"

"Unfortunately, most of those who claim to be my elders and like to press me as elders have no good end. You don't know this, right?"

"Wh...what?" The women were stunned, but they didn't realize what Zhao Youlin meant for a while.

There was a brilliant smile on Zhao Yulin’s face, but in the eyes of a few people, this smile was as cold and terrible as a ghost in the underworld: "Once, someone called myself my father and forced me to follow me. It was an irritated person who apologized. Later I cut off his wings and broke his wife. I kicked him out of the family company and killed himself."

Several women gasped and took a few steps reflexively, but Zhao Yulin didn't intend to let them go just like that. She pressed on every step of the way, and continued: "There was a woman who claimed to be my stepmother and tried every means. What tricked me back home was just the family shares in my hand. Later, I personally sent her to prison, and finally she committed suicide inside because she couldn't stand the horror of the prison. Her daughter was also exiled abroad. , I still don’t know whether it’s alive or dead."

"Enough is enough, you don't say any more."

Zhao Yulin's voice didn't have the slightest fluctuation, and it carried a special kind of magic, which made people unconsciously convinced.

After hearing Zhao Yulin's few words, the women's faces were as pale as paper, and they looked at Zhao Yulin's eyes full of fear, as if standing in front of them was a terrible devil!

Zhao Yulin turned a deaf ear to their screams, chuckled and continued: "There is another woman, who is called my aunt, but she likes to ridicule me and flaunt her claws, just like you. Then... you know how she ended up. Yet?"

Several women were biting their lips, and they didn't dare to answer at all, thinking and knowing that following what Zhao Yulin said before, that woman would never end well.

"Oh, it's actually nothing, but she ended up in jail. However, she has a slightly better psychological quality. She didn't know about it and tried to survive. But even so, she is destined to be in the rest of her life. Spent in prison."

Zhao Yulin groaned and touched her chin in a low voice: "Oh, yes, and her son, I used to be like this..."

In order to increase the authenticity of her words, Zhao Yulin even deliberately stretched out her hand and gestured: " 嚓, broke his hand. And kicked him viciously. It is said that this life seems to be inhumane. . A man cannot marry a wife and have children like a man in his entire life. Do you know what this means?"

Everyone: "..." So... so ruthless.

Zhao Yulin’s voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone present to hear clearly. Those people who were still chatting and laughing with her in the kitchen before instinctively felt a chill in their back. The young master is even more terrifying. Is it really the one who joked with them in the kitchen before? On the one hand, he secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately...fortunately, they have self-knowledge. They didn't embarrass this person just now, otherwise...

Thinking of the fate of the few people that Zhao Yulin had just described, they couldn't help but shudder.

Zhao Yulin glanced faintly at the few women whose faces were pale because of those words she had just said, and her face was straightened, and she said solemnly: "I have always respected those elders who are worthy of my respect, and those who only know how to rely on the old and sell the old, thinking about me. People who get benefits here or who deliberately embarrass me are not worthy and worthy of my respect. I think you should keep this in mind."

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