Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 722: Falling into the pit (2)

Even those who fancy his family background, rushed to stick to him, flatter him, and want to be friends with him, all of them changed their complexions, and they changed from kneeling pugs that licked his toes to falling into trouble. , The upper-class people who mocked him all kinds of sarcasm. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

His world was turned upside down, his humanity was cold and warm, and his human nature was ugly, but in two days he saw much more than the past two decades.

Zhao Yuming saw Zhao Yifei's face turn blue and white, and knew that he had pricked Zhao Yifei's sore spot again, not to mention how happy he was.

He has been crushed on his head by Zhao Yifei for so many years, and now he is finally able to vent his anger. He really complies with the old saying, Feng Shui turns, 30 years in the east and 30 years in the Hexi!

Zhao Youming narrowed his eyes, suddenly approached Zhao Yifei's ear, and whispered: "Zhao Yifei, don't think I don't know why you were kicked out of the house by grandpa. You called me an illegitimate son for so many years, little bastard. How about it. Now that you have become a so-called bastard, little bastard, do you feel that your face hurts?"

Zhao Yifei trembled all over, his hands tightly holding the cardboard box tightened, and a pair of eyes stared at Zhao Youming. If he hadn't left a bit of reason in his heart, I'm afraid he would have rushed forward and died with Zhao Youming.

Zhao Youming was amused by Zhao Yifei's appearance, but this is not enough for him: "Oh, yes. Since we may never see each other again, no matter how much we did it for so many years' Cousin', you are going to leave. If I don’t prepare a gift for you, I will inevitably be told that I am too stingy, so..."

Zhao Yifei's body tightened suddenly, and he stared at Zhao Youming defensively. He didn't believe that Zhao Youming would be so kind. He would prepare for himself a discriminating ceremony, and probably what humiliating himself...

Zhao Yifei was right, and Zhao Yooming was indeed unkind: "So, I will tell you one thing kindly. Even if you die, you will not die too confused, even in whose hands you die. do not know."

Zhao Yifei twisted his eyebrows, looked at Zhao Youming suspiciously and defensively, and even heard Zhao Youming ask: "Aren’t you curious about the woman’s pregnancy that the people in the main house kept it so secretive, why did your mother do it? You know, and can't wait to do it to her?"

Zhao Yifei's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Zhao Youming in disbelief. Is it possible...

Zhao Youming's smile on the corners of his lips deepened when he saw it, and even the words he uttered were as shocking as ghosts: "Yes, I revealed it to her deliberately in order to borrow her hand to move that woman and her. The child in the belly."

In fact, Zhao Youming's original intention was to use Sun Fengzi's hands to get rid of the child in the woman's belly, and to get rid of a great evil for himself.

If it succeeds, the child in the woman's belly slipped. Zhao Yulin and others will definitely not let go. If they can find Sun Fengzi's head, they will kill Sun Fengzi in one fell swoop and overthrow Zhao Yifei's biggest backer. Zhao Yifei will be able to hold on behind without Sun Fengzi. Like a tiger with a tooth extracted, he will only bluff, and if he is not his opponent, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that in the end, the child in the woman’s stomach was okay, but Sun Fengzi and Zhao Yifei fell collectively. Sun Fengzi was probably unable to get out after 10 or 8 years of imprisonment, but Zhao Yifei was actually swept out of the house. Turns out to be...

Although there are still some regrets, it can be regarded as a surprise, isn't it?

Zhao Yifei's face was gloomy and moist, and this was the only thing he realized afterwards that the person had mentioned to himself Zhao Youming's true intentions of killing people with the help of a knife, but it was a pity that he understood it too late.

Zhao Yifei clutched the edge of the carton tightly, the blue veins on the backs of both hands violently, and he could see what kind of anger was suppressed in his heart at this moment.

He took a deep breath without a trace, and secretly warned the person in front of him that the reason why he told him this at this time was to see his furious ugliness, and he absolutely couldn't let him do what he wanted.

With such thoughts in mind, Zhao Yifei temporarily pressed down the mania in his heart, and said coldly: "Did you finish?"

"What?" Zhao Youming twisted his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Yifei. Obviously he didn't expect that he had said so much. Zhao Yifei was just such a faint sentence. He didn't even pick his eyebrows. Is Zhao Yifei such a tolerant person?

Zhao Yuming's dazedness calmed Zhao Yifei's mood a little: "Done? Let's go when I'm done. I have to go home and pack my things."

Zhao Yuming took a deep look at Zhao Yifei, as if he was exploring whether this person was really the easily irritated Zhao Yifei.

Zhao Yifei ignored Zhao Yuming, bypassed Zhao Yuming's side, and walked outside.

This time, Zhao Youming didn't stop him anymore, looking at Zhao Yifei's back, a touch of obvious thought flashed across his eyes.

What Zhao Yuming and the other two didn't know was that when they were arguing, there was a man who had been standing in front of the French windows in the company corridor, looking at everything that happened here, with complicated eyes.

"Uncle San." A slightly familiar voice suddenly came from behind, making Zhao Shunchang stunned, turned his head and looked around, and saw Zhao Yulin walking towards him.

"Yorim." Zhao Shunchang wanted to laugh, but the expression on his face was so stiff that he couldn't laugh at all, so he asked embarrassedly, "Why are you here?"

"Stay bored in the office, come out to breathe, why are you here, Uncle San?"

In fact, Zhao Yulin heard that Zhao Yifei was returning to the company today, and was a little curious, so she deliberately ran out to watch the excitement. She didn't expect to arrive at Zhao Shunchang outside.

Zhao Yulin glanced downstairs without a trace, but did not break.

Zhao Shunchang shifted his eyes and said with a guilty conscience: "I... I was also a little bored in the office, so I came out to get some air."

"That's it." Zhao Yulin looked at the obvious fatigue on Zhao Shunchang's face, knowing that although Zhao Shunchang said it was okay, but she still cared about Zhao Yifei in her heart, she tentatively said, "Uncle, I think your face looks like It's not very good, do you want to go home and rest for a few days. When the storm passes, then..."

Zhao Shunchang was taken aback, hesitated, and shook his head: "No, I'm pretty good like this now."

Although there may be some gossip in the company, if he goes home to rest and does nothing, he will even think about it.

Instead of that, it is better to devote yourself to busy work and help yourself through this difficult time through work.

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