Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 625: The best of shame (1)

"You're wrong.---End of the book, the romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan Nie Yunfan didn't get angry after hearing Xu Huaining's words. Instead, he glanced at him pityingly and uttered three words in a low voice.

Xu Huaining was shocked, staring at Nie Yunfan with wide eyes, and said excitedly: "Am I wrong? Where did I go wrong?"

"You are wrong, and you are still very wrong!" Nie Yunfan glanced at Xu Huaining contemptuously, and said cruelly, "Achen invested in Shenghuang, it didn't use a penny of your Shengshi, all his investment was made by himself. Money."

Xu Huaining suddenly heard the words and looked at Nie Yunfan and Han Yichen in disbelief, widening her eyes, "How is it possible? It's impossible!"

"How could it be impossible? Xu Huaining, you still underestimate Achen. That's right, at university, Achen may be poorer than any of us, but don't you know why Achen is so poor?"

Nie Yunfan glanced at Xu Huaining sarcastically, and continued: "At that time, Achen needed to pay his own tuition, earn his own living expenses, start his own business, and rely on himself for everything. How is it like me and you, born with a golden spoon, parents? To be alive, you have what you want. But later on, I don’t believe you didn’t realize Achen’s talents and abilities. On the contrary, it is precisely because of this that you will choose home at that time. Achen, who has no background and no funds, instead of those rich second-generation sons as partners? In order to use Achen's ability to make money for you, am I right?"

Xu Huaining's face suddenly became more embarrassed when Nie Yunfan's small abacus was pierced in one fell swoop.

"Before establishing the Prosperity World with you, Achen himself had already made some small investments on the Internet. After four years of university, when you were still thinking about how to please other professional girls, Achen had already made some money. His first pot of gold, even if he founded Shengshi with you later, he did not give up other investments. Therefore, at that time, he started Shenghuang with me, and Achen used the same money as your small broken company. It doesn't matter at all."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Xu Huaining looked at the two of them, her eyes changed from shock at the beginning to panic, and then they began to deceive themselves. "When you were in college, you and Han Yichen were better, and then they remembered. Let me start a company together, let you say everything, who knows if it is true or not?"

"You really don't cry without seeing the coffin." Nie Yunfan smiled coldly. "Xu Huaining, Shengshi has been annexed by Shenghuang after bankruptcy. Do you know what this means? This means all the money in Shengshi, including you before In the flourishing age, I can find out the origin of all the funds in the company. Of course, including the public funds that you embezzled before."

Because of Nie Yunfan's words, Xu Huaining's face changed, but his lips still insisted: "The company is now in your hands. Are these bills or not all your words?"

Nie Yunfan laughed angrily at what he said, just not knowing what to say, Zhao Yulin, who had been watching from the side, finally couldn't help but said, "So what?"

Suddenly Xu Huaining heard an unfamiliar female voice, was startled, turned to look at Zhao Youlin, and subconsciously replied: "What?"

Zhao Yulin sneered: "So? The company is now in their hands. They can play whatever they like, and they can kill you at any time. How can you help them?"

As soon as Zhao Yulin said this, Nie Yunfan and the others looked like hell, looking at Zhao Yulin stupidly.

But after thinking about it carefully, I have to admit that Zhao Youlin’s words are very reasonable. There is nothing wrong with them. They and a traitor who escaped from the battle. Throwing the clank and faintly ⺶  Zheng Huo Lao Village Woman Tou Huo Jiu Hui Huan Lie Fu Mi, Xia Xia Ai Shuo Yan Ben Shuo Ya gown post 煨 Na 椤 br />

Xu Huaining choked, a trace of panic flashed across his eyes, but soon he recovered, squinting his eyes and staring at Zhao Youlin, full of inquiries: "Who are you again? Our business is not your turn to be an outsider. Come to interrupt?"

"I'm an outsider, are you an insider?" Zhao Yulin clasped her arms around her chest, mocking her eyes. "You keep calling my brother a traitor. What's wrong with me?"

"You!" Xu Huaining's anger rose immediately, but soon he discovered the deep meaning of Zhao Youlin's words, "Brother? Are you saying that Achen is your brother? Stop kidding, Achen. Is an orphan, where's my sister?"

"That's really sorry, I really am his younger sister, she is a real child and not deceived. Moreover, my brother not only has my sister, but his parents are still alive and he has complete relatives. He is definitely not an orphan. Not to mention anything that allows you to bully at will. The weak, let you down."

Zhao Yulin looked at Xu Huaining’s suddenly discolored face, smiled, and said, “But these don’t seem to have anything to do with you, so we’d better say something business. Let’s get back to business, let’s talk about it, you came to my brother so anxiously. What do you want to do with Yunfan's troubles?"

"It goes without saying, of course I came to find these two traitors to settle accounts!"

"You guy..." Nie Yunfan's face turned dark, and he wanted to hit someone when he raised his hand, but was stopped by Zhao Youlin first.

Zhao Yulin's eyes were drunk, staring at Xu Huaining's eyes, suddenly raised her lips and sneered: "I will only give you one chance to tell your true intentions, otherwise, I will immediately let these bodyguards throw you away from here. Go out, and I promise that you will never have a chance to appear in front of us again."

The girl in front of him looked a bit smaller than him, but when she met her eyes, Xu Huaining felt that a powerful pressure made him breathless.

This woman is serious, if she doesn't explain it honestly, she is really ready to let people throw herself out!

Realizing this, Xu Huaining let out a cold sweat.

Zhao Yulin looked at the person in front of her face changed several times because of her words, and finally turned pale and extremely pale. The corners of her lips were slightly hooked, and she reminded in a meaningful way: "Why, did Mr. Xu think about it? Or, you don't at all. I'm going to say, I want to test it personally, are the ones I just said are bluffing?"

Xu Huaining trembled and waved her hand quickly: "I said, I said..."


Xu Huaining's gaze swept over Han Yichen and Nie Yunfan, and swallowed hard, as if he had made up some determination, and gritted his teeth: "Prosperity was originally my thing, of course I want them to return the glory I!"

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