After the new home gradually settled down, Zhao Yulin began to plan her future life. . For more latest chapters, visit: om.

Although due to the divorce, her account now has several zeros more than before she was born again, but now she is no longer the single person who was full and the whole family was not hungry. Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to consider the oil bottle you are carrying. You must know that raising children is the most expensive thing in the world.

Before the rebirth, Zhao Yulin also had an iron rice bowl. Although not particularly wealthy, she barely worries about food and clothing. And now that there is a child at home, she can't go back to the days where there is today and no tomorrow, and has experienced the last time, saying that there is no obstacle in Zhao Yulin's heart, it is definitely a lie.

What can she do without doing this? When she first joined the special police force, in order to comply with the mission requirements, she would occasionally participate in undercover activities, so she really learned a lot for this. But now the key is... she doesn't have a diploma!

When the original owner married Mu Tingfeng, he was only sixteen years old. Even though the original owner was a member of the Zhao family, she started'Meng' earlier than ordinary children, and skipped a few levels when she was in school, but when she was sixteen, she was still in the second year of college and married Mu Ting. After Feng, he dropped out of school and never graduated from university. Therefore, Zhao Youlin, who was struggling to be forced, now only has a high school graduation certificate.

In this age of looking at diplomas, this is nothing short of flaws!

After thinking about it, Zhao Yulin finally made up her mind. For her kind of ordinary citizen who wants a diploma without a diploma, and has no background as good as no background, instead of working for others, it is better to be her own boss and support others to work. She still has something to do with her. The remaining money can be appropriately invested. om

Looking at the magazine in her hand, Zhao Yulin finally settled on the dining and clothing section. Clothing and catering will not be too risky, and the money will come quickly. It is indeed a good choice, but...

Zhao Yulin frowned, suddenly turned her head and glanced at Lele, who was squatting on the ground and staring at Lele with the husky's big eyes. Her eyes gradually softened, and she walked to Lele's side with a faint smile and said with a low smile: "Do you like it?"

"Yeah!" Lele nodded with bright eyes, his face filled with indescribable joy.

Zhao Yulin kissed him and stretched out her hand to let the Huskies who were not far away come over. After a day and a night, this smart little guy has gone from being wary at the beginning to being willing to come into contact with others.

Seeing Zhao Yulin's gesture, she hurriedly ran up to the two masters, raising her head in a stupid, silly look.

Zhao Yulin chuckled, hugging Lele and said, "Should we also give the dog a name?"

Lele was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that it had forgotten to name its future playmate. At the moment, it was a bit ‘aggressive’ to hug Zhao Yulin’s hand: "Name, name, name dog."

Zhao Yulin smiled and hugged her soft son and said, "What name is Lele going to give him?"

"Shall I get up?" Lele asked in surprise with her eyes widened.

"Yes, since Lele wants to buy it, of course Lele has to name it. Does Lele have any good ideas?"

"Good idea?" Lele made a small face, frowned in distress, thinking for a long time, as if thinking of something, his eyes brightened and said: "Good boy, mom, is it good to call me good? "

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