Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng unexpectedly met Su Qing and her child at Soho's house, but the effect of this accident was even better than they originally expected. (((Cartino Novel Network www.novelmtl.com)))

After returning from Soho's house, Zhao Yulin hadn't seen anything wrong at first. As time went by, Lele started to wander around from time to time, sometimes watching Zhao Yulin stunned and stopped talking.

Finally one day the child couldn't help it anymore, so she pulled Zhao Yulin and asked, "Mom, when shall we go to see the little brother?"

Zhao Yulin was stunned when she heard Lele's words, and after looking at Mu Tingfeng, she squatted down and asked, "Lele wants to play with her little brother?"

Lele hesitated and nodded vigorously.

Zhao Yulin smiled, turned her head and asked Mu Tingfeng to contact Su Qing, and asked her and Song Yi when they were free. She wanted to take Lele to visit her child.

Su Qing almost burst into tears when she received a call from Mu Tingfeng. God knows what kind of evil her kid has been hit by. After playing with Su's house and Lele for a while on the day of the attack, the kid has started harassing them every day.

Especially for her, maybe it was because Su Qing was the bad guy who hugged her away from Lele, this little kid was hated, for several days, as long as she got closer, the little kid immediately let go. Crying, let alone hugging.

Obviously he is just a little kid who is not yet one year old, so he is so careful. If he grows up, how can he get it.

After being harassed by this little guy for several days, Su Qing only felt that she was almost weakened.

At this time, Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng offered to bring Lele to play together. For Su Qing, it was just a shower of rain.

Su Qing is too late to be happy, how could she refuse?

At the moment it said that they are free anytime, and Zhao Yulin can bring Lele when she wants.

Mu Tingfeng and Su Qing's tone did not sound like a mere politeness, and after discussing it, they ran to Song's house with Lele at the weekend of the week.

As soon as Xiao Budian saw Lele, she was as sticky as a brown candy, like a brother who had been separated for many years, so Su Qing wanted to cover her face and couldn't bear to look directly.

Compared with Zhao Yulin, they were optimistic about their success. After asking Lele to take good care of her younger brother, they went to do their own things.

Su Qing got free, and she dragged Zhao Yulin and started complaining loudly: "Oh, this little boy in my family doesn't know who is going to follow. This is such a little boy who knows how to toss his parents. When he grows up, he can still be naughty. !"

While speaking, he glanced sadly at the little adult-like Lele around the child, and said sourly: "How come your Jia Lele is so behaving? It's not like my skin monkey at all."

Zhao Yulin smiled and said helplessly: "If I can, I would rather Lele be as skinny as other boys. You see, he is like a little adult now, cute or cute, how is he like a child. Sometimes I'm really worried," A child who didn’t pay attention to him suddenly grew up, and he grew up like his dad’s facial paralysis."

Su Qing choked, glanced at her cousin's unsmiling face without a trace, and then at the soft and cute Lele.

Not to mention, if the two eyebrows weren't too similar, she really couldn't believe that they were a father and son.

This topic was cleverly revealed by Zhao Yulin, and the two began to talk about other topics again.

As for the two big men, after seeing their wife and son playing with each other and not caring about them, they went upstairs together, and they didn’t know what to talk about in the study, until Zhao Youlin was ready to go home with Lele. appear.

"What did you and your cousin talk about? It took so long to come down."

Mu Tingfeng twisted his eyebrows, and was not very satisfied with what Zhao Youlin said: "It's our cousin."

Zhao Yulin: "..." Such little details are clinging, can this guy be more careful?

"Well... it's our cousin-in-law, can you tell me now, what exactly have you chatted with our cousin-in-law for so long?"

Mu Tingfeng stared at Zhao Youlin in silence for a while before spitting out two words: "Secret."

"...What's the secret?"

"Secrets that belong exclusively to men, do you want to hear?"

Intuitively told Zhao Youlin that the so-called secrets between men in Mu Tingfeng's mouth must not be pure, and for the sake of his own ears, it is better not to listen.

Mu Tingfeng looked at Zhao Yulin and shook his head, the corners of his lips were slightly curled, and he wanted to cover it up and said, "Really not listening?"

Zhao Yulin looked at the slightly sly smile on Mu Tingfeng's face, and she shook her head quickly, assuming that the two of them were saying nothing good.

"Okay, you said it yourself."

Zhao Yulin didn't answer, but believed in her sixth sense.

It is a pity that this time her sixth sense seems to have made such a rare mistake. Mu Tingfeng's eyes are a bit cunning, but if you look closely, you will find that Mu Tingfeng's eyes are still hidden deep in the bottom of his eyes. It's a bit chilling and shuddering.

Two children who finally got together, it seems more difficult to separate them again than before.

Su Qing saw that as soon as she approached, she was guarded by her son like a wolf, and even Lele, who had always been well-behaved, returned a sad look at herself.

Being so watched by two lovely and innocent children, Su Qing suddenly felt guilty, and even for a moment she wondered if she had done something heinous and intolerable.

Taking a deep breath, Su Qing tried to reason with the two children: "Dudu, your brother Lele's parents are going home, and brother Lele is going back with them too. Will you let him go first? "

It's okay for Su Qing not to speak. The child became more aggrieved when he spoke, and immediately decided that Su Qing wanted to take herself away from her brother as she did last time. The one hand that originally held Lele became two hands. He hugged all his hands.

After the hug, it seemed that it was not enough. He sat down on the ground with a puff, and then clamped the two short legs, resolutely not to let his mother take herself away from Lele as she did last time.

Su Qing looked at her son as a bandit, and really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Zhao Yulin was amused by the child's rogue appearance, and squatted down and asked Lele: "Lele, mom and dad are going home. Lele wants to stay with her younger brother or go home with her mom and dad."

As soon as Zhao Yulin said this, the attention of all the people at the scene gathered, secretly pricking up their ears, wanting to hear how Lele would answer.

Lele glanced at Zhao Yulin, then at her holding her arm tightly, looking at her child expectantly. After struggling for a long time, she cautiously said, "Can you bring my brother back to our house?"

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