"Yes, Yueyue has just had a baby now, and many things are still unclear. It happens that two pregnant women can communicate with each other. I believe my elder brother will not object. (((Mobile reading visit m.novelmtl.com))

After hearing what Zhao Youlin said, Mu Tingfeng thought for a while, and had to admit that it was reasonable for Zhao Youlin to think so, so he nodded to agree with Zhao Youlin's proposal.

What Zhao Yulin decides is never just talk about it.

In the afternoon, Zhao Youlin called An Yue and Han Yichen to explain her plan.

Knowing this matter, Duan Yarong originally disagreed. Regarding An Yue and Han Yichen’s first child, her first grandson, she has suffered twice in terms of having children. Duan Yarong, who is still a little bit psychologically shadowed, can’t wait to tie her daughter-in-law at home like this and stay with her at all times. The sight of the person can be at ease.

It's a pity that she thinks so, but An Yue really can't stay at home and make rice worms at home. Recently, she will go to Zhao Youlin's pastry shop to help every day.

In desperation, Duan Yarong had to take a step back and ask An Qi to take care of An Yue.

An Qi was shocked to learn that An Yue had a baby so soon. Of course, after the surprise, she was completely happy for the two of them. Naturally, she strictly followed Duan Yarong's instructions and did not let An Yue have any chance to get tired.

Duan Yarong didn’t want An Yue to follow Zhao Youlin to Zhao’s house. On the one hand, he was worried that An Yue would go out under such circumstances. On the other hand, he had heard more or less rumors about the Su’s family and was worried that An Yue would appear. What happened.

Having said that, Duan Yarong finally succumbed under the joint persuasion of Han Yichen and Zhao Yulin, provided that Han Yichen must follow, and then brought An Yue back unscathed.

On the day of the appointment, Lele, who was too excited, got up from the bed early, and then ran to the room of Zhao Youlin and pulled the sleeping two up.

Feeling unable to sleep, Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng simply got up early and went to Zhao's house to pick up An Yue and Su's house in person.

It's just that Zhao Yulin and the others didn't expect that besides Sohe and Ye Yan, there was another pair of familiar figures in the Su family that shouldn't have appeared here.


Accompanied by the unexplained babble of the little baby crawling on the soft floor, the couple sitting on the sofa also raised their heads and looked at the few people who walked in through the gate.

"Oh, you are here."

"You... why are you here?" Zhao Yulin looked at Su Qing and Song Yi beside Su He with a surprised look. Mu Tingfeng, who was closely behind Zhao Yulin, was also caught off guard by the appearance of the two, and frowned slightly.

"Why, I don't want to see the two of us so much?" Su Qing pouted her lips pretending to be unhappy when she heard Zhao Yulin's words.

The corner of Zhao Yulin's mouth twitched, and she quickly explained, "No, nothing, but didn't you hear that you were going abroad for your honeymoon? Suddenly seeing you here, I didn't react for a while."

As Mu Tingfeng's closest cousin, Su Qing and Song Yi did not attend when Mu Tingfeng and Zhao Youlin were married, and Zhao Youlin felt strange at the time.

Although she did not have much contact with Su Qing, she could feel that she was very good to Mu Tingfeng’s cousin, and at that time she and Mu Tingfeng separated. Zhao Youlin knew that Su Qing actually hoped that the two of them could get back together. Otherwise, she wouldn't tell herself specifically about her relationship with Mu Tingfeng, and I hope I don't get it wrong.

But since this is the case, she and Mu Tingfeng remarried, but Su Qing and his wife did not attend the meeting.

Zhao Yulin was puzzled for a long time. After all, she couldn't help but ask Su Ruixin. Only then did she know that these two unreliable couples, after finishing their children's full moon drinking, directly left their newly born children to fly abroad. The honeymoon went, and even the grandparents of the children couldn't contact them. There was no way to convey the news of the two remarriage to them, let alone come back to participate.

Zhao Yulin had been speechless after hearing this for a long time, and she was silently complaining. The hearts of the two couples were also big enough.

In all, it has been almost half a year since I saw these two people at the children's full moon banquet on the day of the fight.

Unexpectedly, it was a surprise to see Soho meeting the two people who had been missing for a long time today.

Su Qing smiled and accepted Zhao Yulin’s explanation: “I just came back yesterday and received Xiaoqi’s wedding invitation. I was shocked. I asked my aunt and found out what’s going on. I hurried over to see Xiao Qi's situation early."

"That's it." Zhao Yulin breathed a sigh of relief, pulled An Yue forward, and began to introduce An Yue and Han Yichen with a few people, "This is my sister-in-law An Yue, followed by my elder brother."

As soon as Zhao Yulin finished speaking, Su Qing suddenly realized: "Ah, I know."

"you know?"

"I heard about it when I came back." Su Qing said with some regret and curled her lips. "Unexpectedly, Brother Yi and I had only left for half a year. So many things happened. You not only found her brother, but also Remarried with Ting Feng. Alas, I didn’t even attend your wedding. It’s really..."

The expression on Zhao Yulin’s face was a bit awkward. Before she had time to comfort her, Su Qing’s conversation turned: "However, the most surprising thing is Xiao Qi. You don’t think Xiao Qi looks so behaved on weekdays. In the end, it’s only among us. The most powerful thing is that the rice is cooked directly."

"Cousin!" Su Ho flushed with embarrassment by Su Qing's words and couldn't help but yelled to stop him from continuing.

Compared to her embarrassment, the other client was much calmer, looking like a good husband, sitting next to Su He and handing her a piece of fruit from time to time, smiling slightly while watching Su Qing joking with So He.

When Zhao Yulin saw that So Ho was smirked by Su Qing, her entire face was flushed, and she also smiled. She kindly changed the subject and introduced Su Qing Soho to Mu Tingfeng.

"Brother, Yueyue, these two here are the Song family eldest young master and his wife. They are also Ting Feng's cousins."

Han Yichen knew the relationship between the Su family and Mu Tingfeng a long time ago, but did not know that there was such a relationship between the Su family and the Song family of the four major families. His eyes flickered, and Tong Anyue greeted the two of them.

Su Qing and Song Yi also nodded politely with them.

"The two here are the ones I mentioned to you, Su Ho, Miss Su's family, and Ye Yan, the president of Ye's."

As early as before, Zhao Yulin and Soho had passed their anger and told them that their sister-in-law also had a baby. So He was naturally very welcome if she wanted to come over and discuss with her about the baby.

And An Yue had never left Soho's already impressive belly long after she approached. This was exactly the same as Lele, who hugged Zhao Youlin's thigh.

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