Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 595: You can't even compare to him (1)

"Isn't this there?" Zhao Yifei stared at Zhao Youlin behind the desk, smiled coldly, turned and glanced at Xiaoli behind him. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

Xiaoli, who had long been accustomed to seeing Mu Tingfeng, Han Yichen, and others cold-eyed, didn't feel anything other than disgust for Zhao Yifei's blank eyes.

Especially Zhao Yifei rushed in in spite of her obstacles before this, which made Xiaoli's impression of him down to the bottom.

Zhao Youlin glanced at Zhao Yifei, did not react too much to the ridicule in his words, winked at Xiaoli and said: "You go out first."

Although Xiaoli was a little worried, he knew that he would only be dragging his feet here, nodded, and turned to leave.

As soon as Xiaoli left, Zhao Yifei's expression turned gloomy, and a pair of eyes fixedly stared at Zhao Youlin behind the desk, as if she was going to peel her skin apart.

Zhao Yulin Quandang didn't see it, and while lowering her head to continue processing the documents at hand, she faintly said hello: "My cousin is back to the company, congratulations, you will have to work hard in the future, and don't let down the expectations of your uncle."

Zhao Yulin’s nonchalant attitude inevitably irritated Zhao Yifei, but this time he didn’t act like before when he didn’t agree with each other. Instead, he sneered and asked, “I finally got back to the company, my cousin has nothing to say. , Somehow congratulate me, pick up the wind, wash the dust, welcome."

Zhao Yulin's movements paused slightly, and a hint of surprise drifted across her eyes quickly. I didn't expect this guy to be taught a lesson. On the contrary, she was a lot smarter, and she knew she was prestigious.

Thinking like this, Zhao Yulin didn’t slow down, and she didn’t raise her head. “My cousin is now a rising star in the company. There are so many people thinking about helping you. Me. As for the welcome... the little cousin just went to your cousin to ask for a welcome ceremony, why, you still want to ask for a welcome ceremony with me?"

Zhao Yifei's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and his hands slammed up to Zhao Youlin's desk, and said with a faint smile, "What if I say yes?"

Zhao Yulin never lifted her head, and said with a chuckle: "That's really sorry, I've been a little busy lately, I don't have time to greet you like your cousin, cousin please come back."

Zhao Yulin's merciless words still angered Zhao Yifei. Zhao Yifei's expression was distorted for a moment, staring at the top of Zhao Yulin's hair, gritted her teeth and said: "This is not for you!"

Speaking of reaching out to grab Zhao Yulin’s head, the corner of Zhao Yulin’s eyes has already seen Zhao Yifei’s every move, and she sneered in her heart. It is really difficult to change the nature of the country. It's still shallow!

Zhao Yulin was gloating while thinking, while avoiding the hand extended by Zhao Yifei. At the same time, the hand that did not hold the pen dexterously wrapped Zhao Yifei's wrist and pulled hard, dragging the person who did it onto the table, and then his body shape reversed and he leaped to the table lightly. Sitting directly on Zhao Yifei's back.

Zhao Yulin's figure is nearly 1.7 meters. Although it is not particularly heavy, it is by no means particularly light. When he pressed Zhao Yifei's body, Zhao Yifei snorted, even her pupils were a little enlarged, she wanted to struggle, but she was her own. The hands were still tightly clasped and couldn't move at all.

Zhao Yulin looked at the flushed face of the person under her, and the corners of her lips twitched slightly. She turned the signature pen in her hand into a crisp sound: "Cousin, don't move around, otherwise my pen can be compared with those outside. The signature pen is different, it's sharp, and it's not impossible to accidentally put your hand across."

Zhao Yifei was agitated, and shouted in a flustered manner: "Dare you!"

"Is there anything I dare not, don't forget, I just broke your hand in front of so many people not long ago. Now it's just a pair of clothes. What do you think I dare not?"

Zhao Yifei suddenly closed his voice, biting his lips tightly, looking unwilling.

Zhao Yulin looked at him with drunken eyes and sneered: "Zhao Yifei, you really don't know the long lesson at all. I really thought that with those old antiques from the board of directors to support you, you will be invincible? As soon as you come back, run away. It’s fine to touch Zhao Yoo-ming’s mold, and he dared to find me. Zhao Yoo-ming’s guy is very scheming and has no skill. When you meet you such a rogue, it is a talented person who meets a soldier. It is reasonable and unclear. He can only suffer. I am. But he is not as good as bullying, dare to come and provoke me? Are you ready to pay the price?"

"Zhao Yulin, don't be too proud!" What Zhao Yifei hates most is the appearance of Zhao Youlin looking down at him from a high level, but Zhao Youlin is still pressing on him to say such things at this time. How can he not be angry?

"Satisfied? Yes, I'm very proud. What can't I be proud of? Now I am the daughter-in-law of the Mu family. I have a great husband, a dad who loves me, and a good relationship with me, in business. My brother who can pull me off, I have so many things you want but don’t have. What’s not to be proud of.”

"You..." Zhao Yifei's face was full of hostility, unspeakable terrible, his eyes were full of unwillingness but had to admit that what Zhao Youlin said was the truth.

Zhao Youlin has a father and elder brother like Zhao Shunrong and Han Yichen, and a husband like Mu Tingfeng, but he has only a cowardly father and a mother who only knows to rely on her natal family.

Before Zhao Yulin appeared, Zhao Yifei took it for granted that he was the proud son of heaven, and everything in the Zhao family would belong to him in the future. This was due to his mother's indoctrination since childhood.

But after Zhao Yulin appeared, to be precise, after Zhao Yulin returned to Zhao's house, this situation changed drastically.

Before marrying, she was just a giant Cinderella whose father didn’t love her. She was cowardly and deceptive. Everyone could step on her. Even though she was married later, her husband didn’t like her at all, and even disliked her. Hard work to give birth to a child for her husband is still not favored, but it also makes my son not valued.

How could such an ant-like contemptuous person turn over so suddenly, not only was he appreciated by the old man, he was adopted under the name of Zhao Shunrong, and even Mu Tingfeng, the husband who was still abandoning her before, turned against her. Coming over to pursue her again, the most hateful thing is that Zhao Yulin has so easily retrieved her brother Han Yichen.

In less than a year, the person who was stepped on and looked down at him has now become the person who stepped on his head and looked down on him. It is logical to take away the things that should belong to him in the impression. Such a strong contrast How can he be willing? How willing to submit? !

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