Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 572: Potbelly people (2)

Su He was guilty of being yelled at by Jiang Wenfang, but he still looked up at Su Jifeng a little unwillingly, hoping that he would not confess someone. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

However, this is clearly unrealistic. Not to mention that Su Jifeng didn't have a good impression of someone who had robbed his sister, so he aimed at the fact that his baby sister was protecting that man at this time. It was enough to make Su Jifeng jealous.

Moreover, under such circumstances, his sister still only thought about that man but didn't even think about how embarrassed she was facing the questioning of her parents. Su Jifeng was somewhat annoyed.

However, as a sister-in-law, she would not blame her for this kind of thing, so Su Jifeng very logically concentrated this resentment on a certain "bad man" who had harmed his sister.

"In fact, on the night of Xiao's seventh birthday, we had been with someone until we found her."

"A person? Who?"

Jiang Wenfang's question made everyone present craned their necks and looked curious.

When Xiao Qi was found back, it was Mu Tingfeng who was holding her hand. The reason for the loss was just a simple sentence and nothing else.

At that time, several adults also thought that it would be okay for the child to find it back, and did not inquire deeply, unexpectedly there was such an inside story.

Su Jifeng glanced at his parents and grandfather, and reluctantly said, "Dad, mom, and grandfather, do you remember when he was seventy-six years old when he volunteered to study abroad?"

"Of course I remember that at that time, my dad and grandfather did not agree that Xiao Qi went so far away. After all, although there are many good schools abroad, there may not be none in China. Xiao Qi has been with him since childhood. By our side, we suddenly asked her to go so far away. How can we feel relieved? For this reason, I secretly cried for several nights. But Xiao Qi, she... alas..."

"Mom, you still remember that we didn't approve of Xiao Qi going abroad, but Xiao Qi insisted on going, and told us a reason, that reason..."

"Of course, Xiao Qi's reason at that time..." Jiang Wenfang said as if he had realized something, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Su Jifeng with a look of disbelief, "Is it possible...Is it impossible..."

"Yes, the person Xiao Qi said at that time was the one she met on her eighth birthday."

Jiang Wenfang was a little surprised when he heard this. They didn't think that their daughter would be so precocious and at such a young age, there would be someone she likes.

Su Ruixin, who had been in the clouds and mists on the side, wanted to interrupt, but suffered from no chance, so she had to listen to the conversations of a few people silently on the side to find clues.

"Don't tell me, the child in Xiaoqi's belly is also... and..."

Su Jifeng nodded solemnly. If he knew earlier that his sister liked that man, he would definitely be dropped as soon as possible, and he would not have the opportunity to make his sister's belly bigger!

Jiang Wenfang gasped, while Su Liqiang became more and more furious: "So, who is that man?"

My daughter who has been beloved for more than 20 years, has loved someone for so long, and has a baby for him.

But the child's father has not shown up until now, and only asked Xiao Qiyi to face the accusations of these people. This alone is enough to make him, the old man, give that boy a bad comment!

"Brother..." So Ho still wanted to stop, but Jiang Wenfang had already raised his eyebrows, and drank low: "Say!"

"The father of the child in Xiaoqi's belly is... Ye Yan, the current president of the Ye Family Group and the current owner of the Ye Family."

"Ye family?" The old man Su twisted his eyebrows and turned to look at Su Ruixin, "Is that the Ye family who is known as the four major families in S City?"

Su Ruixin saw the old man look over and replied after a moment of recollection: "Yes, it was the Ye family. The last owner of the Ye family, Ye Laozi, died of illness a few months ago, and now it is Ye Laozi's youngest one who takes over the Ye family. The grandson, Ye Yan, is about the same age as Ting Feng."

As soon as Su Ruixin finished talking about the old man, the old man's wise eyes suddenly narrowed. A young man in his twenties, still a child of the family, sits in the seat of the head of the family at a young age, and he is definitely not something in the pool.

But no matter how good it is? If you dare to bully his Su family's precious granddaughter, even the king of heaven and Lao Tzu will have to pay the price.

"Since we all know who the child is in Xiao Qi's belly, why is Xiao Qi here today confessing to us about the child, but he is not there?"

Jiang Wenfang’s question made Soho more embarrassed, but Su Jifeng had no taboos. Jiang Wenfang didn’t mention it. Fortunately, when he mentioned Su Jifeng, he was so angry that he gave a cold snort and said with a slightly yin and yang air: That guy... We Xiao Qi thought about him for so many years, but he was fine, but instead forgot Xiao Qi clean, thinking about it is annoying."

"What? He forgot Xiao Qi?" When Jiang Wenfang heard his son's words, he immediately became a little uncomfortable.

Su He subconsciously wanted to distinguish a few words for Ye Yan: "Mom, it's not what you think, he...he didn't deliberately forget me."

"Not intentional? Can this kind of thing be deliberately or unintentionally?"


"Ahem..." An abrupt cough was inserted into the conversation of the Su family, and the attention of Jiang Wenfang and others was focused on the person who made the noise.

"Let me talk about this matter." Zhao Yulin smiled at several people, and took the initiative to cover the topic.

She just understood that Su Jifeng is a proper sister-in-law, and she doesn't have a good impression of Ye Yan, who indirectly robbed his sister.

If this guy is allowed to discredit Ye Yan any more, Su He and Ye Yan's unsatisfactory future may be even more difficult.

Zhao Yulin looked at a few people either probing or displeased, and said cautiously: "In fact, the reason why Ye Yan would forget Xiaohe is also an accident."

"Accident?" The adults glanced at each other, somewhat surprised by Zhao Youlin's remarks.

Zhao Yulin nodded, and briefly described Ye Yan’s situation at Ye’s house and the death of Ye Yan’s mother when Ye Yan was fifteen years old. Ye Yan was seriously ill. He had forgotten about the past fifteen years, including the memories of Soho. And forgot to wait for a brief explanation.

Of course, when Zhao Yulin said this, she cleverly omitted the period of Ye Yan's stalking pursuit of herself because of Mu Tingfeng. Otherwise, based on the current Su family's view of Ye Yan Ye Yan was afraid that he should be sentenced to death before he came to these elders!

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