Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 567: The president is stingy and awkward (1)

After a meal, the two girls enjoyed the host and the host. One of the two big men was in deep water and didn't know how to eat, while the other was on the side to cool down and lose eyesight. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

It's a pity that Xiaoli in front of the food completely shielded all the swords and shadows from the outside world, while stuffing things into his mouth desperately, while sharing the delicious food with Zhao Yulin, he had a lot of fun, not at all. I found out that I had seized someone's daughter-in-law and was being stabbed with a knife.

Fortunately, Xiao Li's fighting power in sweeping food is comparable to her incomprehensible slowness. In less than an hour, most of the food on the table has entered her stomach.

At this time, it was getting late, and the date Mu Tingfeng carefully prepared was a complete bath.

Ling Ran, who had been frozen for more than an hour, hurriedly pulled up Xiao Li, thanked the two of them, and ran to the front desk to pay the bill and fled quickly.

Ling Ran left, but at this point the two of them should also go home, so soon after the two of them, Zhao Youlin and Mu Tingfeng also went out, but they went out until they got into the car, Mu Tingfeng All of his faces are black.

Zhao Yulin looked at Mu Tingfeng's stinky face and snorted, she couldn't bear to laugh.

"Hahaha..." Gleeful laughter echoed wildly in the car.

Mu Tingfeng's face became more and more ugly, Zhao Youlin smiled enough, turned her head and looked at Mu Tingfeng's black face, and wanted to laugh more.

However, she also knew that if she continued to laugh like this, Mu Tingfeng might really become angry.


Zhao Yulin's initiative to speak up made Mu Tingfeng's face a little better, but it was only better.

In response to Zhao Yulin's question, Mu Tingfeng turned his face away and looked at the front intently. He drove the car thoughtlessly, obviously still in anger.

When Zhao Yulin saw this, she couldn't help but smile: "It's so stingy? It's no way to meet in the store. You can't treat it as if you haven't seen it? The big deal is that we will find fewer people next time, and make sure that we don't meet acquaintances."

At first, Mu Tingfeng heard Zhao Yulin say that he was still a little dissatisfied with his stinginess, but he heard that there was another time later, and the anger circling in his heart was extinguished for most of the time. He was pleasantly surprised: "Is there another time?"

Seeing him like this, Zhao Yulin was rather teasing, and said with a smile, "Well, there is no next time."

Mu Tingfeng's face suddenly became gloomy again. Knowing that Zhao Yulin was deliberately teasing herself, she replied somewhat unwillingly: "You can have a date, but you can't have an acquaintance."

"Puff..." Knowing that this guy has an awkward heart hidden under his cold appearance, but seeing this person's awkwardness, Zhao Youlin still couldn't help but want to laugh.

As soon as Mu Tingfeng turned her head, she saw Zhao Yulin trying to laugh but trying to hold her smile, and the tips of her ears became extremely red again.

After such a disturbance, the initial stagnant atmosphere between the two was washed away and became active again.

Just as Zhao Yulin sighed and Mu Tingfeng felt awkward, a melodious cell phone ringtone attracted the attention of the two.

The two were stunned at the same time, followed the sound for a while, only to find that Mu Tingfeng's cell phone was ringing.

Mu Tingfeng took out his mobile phone and glanced at the person's name displayed on the screen, frowned, and signaled Zhao Youlin not to speak before answering the phone.

"Well, it's me, these two days? Well... well, I will tell her, that's it." After Mu Tingfeng answered the phone, he didn't know what the person on the other end said, Mu Ting Feng replied several times and then hung up the phone.

Zhao Yulin watched Mu Tingfeng turn off the phone before she asked: "Whose phone number?"

Mu Tingfeng hesitated for a moment, and muttered, "Jifeng's."

Su Jifeng's? ! Zhao Yulin was taken aback, even as if she was thinking of something, she curled her eyebrows and said, "Why would he call you suddenly? Could it be that what happened to Xiaohe?"

"Yes or not."

Mu Tingfeng's specious words didn't let Zhao Yulin feel relieved, but became more nervous: "What is it? Is it right? Yes, it is not, you can make it clear that it is so unclear that people are going to die? Is there anything wrong between Xiaohe and the child?"

Mu Tingfeng seemed to be amused by Zhao Yulin's angrily. The awkwardness that had just been teased was soothed a lot. After a moment of silence, he finally explained compassionately: "Xiaohe and the children are fine, you don't need to worry. Just... …"


"It's just that Su Jifeng's parents and Su Family's old man will be back in these two days."

Zhao Yulin was startled, and her face changed after the reaction: "So fast! Then Xiaohe..."

Mu Tingfeng shook his head, his eyes faintly worried.

"Su Jifeng called you just now, what do you want you to do?" Knowing that Su Ho and the child are not in any danger for the time being, Zhao Youlin gradually calmed down, recalling Mu Tingfeng's previous conversation with the person on the other end of the phone. Faintly already had speculation.

"He asked us to go to Su Jiaduo when we were free these two days."

Zhao Yulin's eyes flickered, and he almost immediately understood the meaning of Su Jifeng's words: "He is worried that he can't stop the three elders alone, and wants us to save the field together?"

Mu Tingfeng didn't speak, and the right should default.

"Even Su Jifeng can't stop it. It seems that the old man of the Su family and your cousin are very angry. After all, Xiaohe is also their own daughter and granddaughter, so they can even get rid of it. ?"

Mu Tingfeng shook his head and said meaningfully: "The old man and the cousin and aunt have loved Xiao Qi since they were young, and will not do anything to Xiao Qi."

"Then Su Jifeng still let us pass?" Zhao Youlin raised her eyebrows, a little puzzled.

"Although I won't really do it, it's hard to guarantee that a few elders get angry and don't know the severity and harm the fish."

Zhao Yulin realized it suddenly and nodded.

After Mu Tingfeng explained this to Zhao Yulin, he didn't speak any more.

Zhao Yulin hadn't noticed it at first, but after a long time, she found that Mu Tingfeng was not moving. She only looked at the driving car ahead with a cold face, and finally realized that something was wrong, and tentatively asked: " It doesn't seem to want to go to Su's house very much."

Mu Tingfeng turned his head and glanced at Zhao Youlin, but did not answer, but Zhao Youlin already had the answer in her heart.

"Why don't you want to go? Worried about becoming the fish in the pond?"

Mu Tingfeng hesitated and shook his head.

"No?" Zhao Yulin was startled, "What's the reason for that?"

"I don't want to help him."

"She? He? Who do you want to help? Xiaohe or Su Jifeng?"


"Who is that?"

Something quickly settled in Mu Tingfeng's ink-colored eyes, and immediately spit out two words: "Ye Yan."

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