Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 562: Overbearing deterrence (2)

As soon as Zhao Yulin's voice fell, everyone in the meeting room changed their expressions, and the gaze looking at Zhao Yulin even brought a little bit of exploration and defense. (((Mobile reading visit

Zhao Yulin didn't care, and threw the documents that he had prepared long ago, and threw them in front of everyone: "This is the statistics of all the daily turnover of the resort since the opening of the resort. Secretary Xiao, send the documents to everyone. Look."

Xiao Jingyao, who was waiting on the side, pushed his glasses, picked up the documents on the table, and distributed them to the ministers present.

"What can you see from this document?" Seeing several ministers get the report, Zhao Youlin smiled and asked softly.

Several ministers looked at the smile on Zhao Youlin's face, instead of feeling relaxed, they became more energetic, and they always felt that Zhao Youlin's smile had hidden secrets.

After pondering for a long time, a minister reluctantly stood up and whispered: "The profit of this project is still considerable. From the beginning to the present, whether it is the number of tourists or the hotel, catering, etc. opened by the company in the resort. Profits in this regard have already doubled several times."

Zhao Yulin nodded, her slender fingers tapped meaningfully on the table, and each tap hit the hearts of everyone.

"In this case, according to Minister Zhuang, we may have a few years to earn back all our investment in this project and make a profit?"

"This..." The minister who talked turned his head and glanced at the old ministers behind him, hesitatingly said: "Why... it will take ten or twenty years."

When Zhao Yulin heard the words, her eyes suddenly narrowed, and she sneered: "Ten or twenty years? Minister Zhuang thinks that for such a project, the time to recover the interest rate is ten or twenty years?"

"This..." Minister Zhuang was speechless, and said for a long time, "What the general manager meant, how long do you think you can get it back?"

"Five years."

"Five years?! How could it be possible!"

Zhao Yulin's words were like a blockbuster, and Dang even smashed all the people present.

After half a day, everyone was talking like a robot that had been activated again.

Zhao Yulin looked at the sudden discoloration of everyone's faces, raised her eyebrows, and said again: "Why? Is it difficult?"

"General manager, investment like real estate, although the profit is high, but the risk is also high, now this project is indeed profitable, and it is also growing steadily, but no one can predict what unexpected changes will occur in the future. Moreover, It takes more than ten years for ordinary real estate high-rise buildings to pay back, even thirty or forty years, not to mention our projects that are only responsible for resort development, leisure and entertainment. For real estate investment, as long as there are customers willing to buy There will be profits, but for our business projects, it is impossible to achieve an overnight increase in turnover!"

"According to your opinion, it will take decades for our project to really start to be profitable?"

"This..." The ministers looked at each other for a while, but they were a little confused.

However, Zhao Yulin has no patience to listen to them continue. @燒環" Again, the most important thing for businessmen to invest in is return. For just a big project, I want to spend half my life to return to the capital and profit. There is still something for investors. What's the point?"

"But the general manager..."

"No, but in five years, I only give you five years to pay back three years ago and two years later. Profit counts for you. If you fail to achieve your goal, I believe you also know what the consequences will be."

"General manager, it's not that we are incompetent. It's that you suddenly came here and didn't tell us exactly what we should do. It's too hard for us!"

Zhao Yulin silently raised her eyes and glanced at the person who was talking, and suddenly a sarcastic smile opened at the corner of her lips: "Director Xie, you are also an old man in the company, how can you still say such ridiculous things?"

"You..." Minister Liang in Zhao Youlin's mouth, who had openly challenged Xie Fangtong with Zhao Yulin in the decision-making meeting before, and after hearing Zhao Youlin's words, a fat face flushed.

I opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Zhao Yulin again: "Tell you exactly what you need to do? If I have to teach you what to do, tell you what to do and what not to do, how to do this thing, that thing. As for how things should be done, the company will only recruit the lowest-level clerks from the outside. I only need to think about everything, I will decide, and then let them implement it. How simple!"

"General manager, you can't say that!"

Except for some relatives of the Zhao family, those who are able to sit in the first part of the Zhao family are basically talented people with a little ability.

But whether it’s the family or the talent, it’s somewhat arrogant to be able to do this step. Hearing that Zhao Youlin actually compares them with the other people outside, many people’s expressions became gloomy and looked at Zhao Yulin. His gaze was somewhat dissatisfied.

No matter what they think, Zhao Youlin is too self-righteous. They start to get complacent with a little capital. They think that they are superior and make the entire company miserable.

If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, you will definitely become a bigger cancer in the company!

"What, did I say wrong?" Zhao Yulin glanced at the old guys who were glaring at her, sneered, and said coldly, "You hold a salary that is several times higher than those who do not work, but you are doing it with them. The same thing, how can there be such a cheap thing in this world?"

Zhao Youlin’s sonorous and powerful voice echoed throughout the conference room. Everyone who thought they had been insulted turned pale, and their anger remained, but at this time, there was more faint uneasiness, for fear that Zhao Youlin would treat himself if he was really upset. Pull down from the current position!

"Minister Xie."

Xie Fang had a guilty conscience. Suddenly he heard Zhao Youlin call to herself. She was shocked and stared at Zhao Youlin: "General manager, what...what's the matter?"

Zhao Yulin was amused by his nervous look, and smiled and said: "Just now you said that we are only responsible for resort development, leisure and entertainment projects are not like real estate investment, as long as there are customers willing to buy, there will be a profit. So It’s not that easy to pay back?"

Xie Fang thought it over, hesitated and said, "Yes... it's true."

Xie Fang hadn’t finished talking about the same thing, so he was interrupted by Zhao Yulin: “Then dare to ask, is there anything in this world that can be profitable as long as there are customers who are willing to consume?”

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