Han Yichen's soothing effect played a little bit, An Yue barely controlled his emotions, nodded in response: "Well. ---End of the Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance www.hjw.tw))

Knowing that An Yue and Zhao Yulin were both anxious, Han Yichen didn't delay any more, and quickly dialed Nie Yunfan's phone.

It took a long time for Nie Yunfan to answer the phone. Han Yichen briefly asked about An Qi's current situation. Then the two of them didn't know what to say, and Han Yichen quickly hung up the phone.

Han Yichen met the dizzy little eyes of the two and repeated what Nie Yunfan had told him just now: "An Qi is fine, but she has lost too much blood. Yun Fan took her to a blood transfusion, and she is all right now."

When Han Yichen said this, the two girls couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, especially An Yue.

She had never seen so much blood before, and she was very scared to witness so much blood flowing from An Qi's body.

In addition, at that time, Nie Yunfan hugged An Qi in a hurry and left. When she came back to her senses, she was gone, leaving her alone in a hurry, making it easier to think about her.

She and An Qi have depended on each other since childhood, it is really hard to imagine An Qi, her closest relative in the world, if there is any irreversible accident, what will happen to her.

Zhao Yulin let out a sigh of relief, Xuan even felt that her hand was slowly being held, and bit by bit broke her clenched fist, clasping her ten fingers.

Zhao Yulin realized that her palm was so nervous that she was oozing cold sweat just now.

After taking a deep breath, turning her head and smiling at Mu Tingfeng, Zhao Youlin turned her attention back to An Yue, frowning and asked: "Yueyue, what's the matter? How could An Qi get hurt? You again. How could it be in the police station?"

An Yue confirmed that An Qi was okay, and the big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground, and when Zhao Yulin asked about the whole story, she did not intend to hide it. She said with some lingering fear: "Yes...it was the Miss Xie who was at the banquet that day. ."

"Miss Xie? Xie Yuqing!" Several people were taken aback at the same time. After reacting, Zhao Youlin couldn't help but exclaimed.

An Yue nodded, briefly explained the whole story, and added: "At that time, thanks to the presence of Brother Nie, otherwise just my sister and me, I'm afraid..."

After hearing her words, several people looked a little ugly, especially Zhao Yulin.

They are so conceited that they forget that the dog will jump over the wall when they are in a hurry. People like Xie Yuqing will want to die with them when they are crazy.

What happened this time, they were really careless.

After listening to An Yue's words, Han Yichen subconsciously tightened the strength of his men, feeling the vivid warmth of the person in his arms, and his restless heart gradually calmed down.

After calming down, Han Yichen suddenly understood the key point of this incident: "You have done something to the Xie family?"

The remarks Xie Yuqing made to the An Yue two sisters obviously suspected that the rapid destruction of the Xie family in recent time was related to them. Although the Xie family is not comparable to the Mu family and the Zhao family, it is not small in the city of S. The family, the destruction within half a month is very unusual, but if someone deliberately behind the scenes can make sense.

Thinking about it carefully, there are not many people who can bring down the Xie family so easily in City S, and unfortunately they are just a few of them.

Reminiscent of Xie Yuqing's repeated appearances in Shenghuang to pester herself before, but was repeatedly rejected.

Although Han Yichen himself was too lazy to care about the same woman, according to Zhao Yulin's short-term protection, Xie Yuqing might be upset, and he really took care of her.

It is a pity that Han Yichen was wrong this time. Zhao Youlin had plans to do something with the Xie family. She had no choice but to wait for her to actually do it. She was already taken the lead by another person.

"It is not us who did the Xie family, but the Su family."

"The Su family?" Han Yichen twisted his eyebrows, but he was a little surprised. He really couldn't figure out how Xie Yuqing would offend the Su family.

In response to Han Yichen’s questioning gaze, Zhao Youlin coughed and briefly explained the accident that happened in Zhao’s office that day: “That day, Xie Yuqing suddenly ran to our company to find her eldest brother, but was caught by my company’s People stopped, and in the chaos, Xie Yuqing overturned a secretary in my office. It happened that this secretary happened to be pregnant with a child, and it happened that this secretary was the most beloved eldest of Su’s parents, although in the end it was There is no danger, adults and children have nothing to do, but..."

When Han Yichen heard that there was nothing he didn't understand, his eyes flickered. Before he could inquire about why Miss Su Jia would run to Zhao Youlin's position as a secretary, he heard an exclamation suddenly sounded from his arms.

"Strange, why did Miss Xie go to Yu Lin's company to look for Achen?"

Three people: "..."

The atmosphere in the world stagnated for a moment because of An Yue's questioning. Afterwards, Zhao Youlin looked down at the ground in silence, and Mu Tingfeng silently turned to look at Zhao Youlin.

Han Yichen sullen his face without speaking, dull as An Yue also realized the abnormal atmosphere at this moment, pondered for a moment, suddenly seemed to understand something, screamed, and pointed to Han Yichen and said: "Is it possible...Is it impossible? ...That Miss Xie to Achen...to Achen..."

Zhao Yulin coughed lightly when he heard the words, and the innocent Chao Han Yichen gave him a look and told him that this was not what she said, but An Yue guessed it herself.

Han Yichen glanced at Zhao Youlin coldly, and looked at An Yue's shocked appearance. I really don't know whether it is because of An Yue's rough nerves or the sadness of An Yue's Qingming at this moment.

"I'm not interested in that woman." A simple sentence explained Han Yichen's attitude and sentenced Xie Yuqing to death.

Seeing that An Yue was still indifferent to the news, Han Yichen wisely chose to change the subject: "Since this matter is the first hand of the Su family, if I remember correctly, Ting Feng and the Su family seem to be a bit connected. , Then..."

Mu Tingfeng understood, and looked at each other with his future brother-in-law, and said tacitly: "I will tell the Su family about this matter and let them handle the follow-up."

Su Jifeng's original intention should be to chop off Xie Yuqing's wings first, so that she can experience the feeling of falling from heaven to prison, and then tease her well, it will make her life worse than death, but he did not expect that it would hurt Chi Yu.

Han Yichen nodded, and talked with Zhao Yulin about the follow-up handling of this matter, especially how to explain this matter to Duan Yarong and others. After all, this has caused the police station, and it is impossible to hide it. Big.

Zhao Yulin and the others were busy discussing countermeasures, and Nie Yunfan on the other side was also in unprecedented confusion.

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