Su Jifeng looked at Su He's eyes full of prayers and expectations, and his heart was sore. He had been hurting his heart for so many years, and he was reluctant to let her suffer the slightest harm, the slightest aggrieved child, unexpectedly in someone else's place. Having suffered so much damage, and showing such a humble look in front of him!

"Okay, brother, help you, this child is yours and no one can take it away. (((Cartino novel website Su Jifeng stroked Su He's head, softly promised.

The soft voice gave Suheno a great sense of security, and Suhe responded softly, but the hand holding Su Jifeng's waist did not relax in the slightest.

Su Jifeng noticed Su He's tiredness, and the movements of stroking Su He subconsciously relaxed a lot, and whispered softly: "Tired? Sleep for a while, don't worry about anything, there is a brother. Good night, Xiao Qi sleeps Everything was solved as soon as I woke up."

Su Jifeng's voice carried a trace of obvious seduction and charm, which easily made Su Ho relax.

I had just entered the emergency room and almost had a miscarriage, and then burst into tears unscrupulously. Su He's already weak body had long been unable to support it, and Su Jifeng's low coax just cut off her last point. Persistence quickly made her fall asleep again.

Su Jifeng looked at his sister who was sleeping quickly in his arms, recalling the scene of seeing Ye Yan at the door of the emergency room before, a cold light flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

When Su He woke up again, Su Jifeng was no longer in the ward, and there were two other people standing by the bed.

"Xiaohe wakes up? Are you hungry?"

Su He was taken aback, and his originally confused head also woke up in an instant: "Sister Xiao Li, and..."

Recalling the scene of being sent to the hospital by a few people at that time, I don't need to think about it. I am afraid that the two people in front of me already know her identity and know that she has always approached them with strange thoughts.

"General Manager, I..."

"Just call my name." Zhao Yulin interrupted her, "In a few days, you might call my cousin. It's too much to call the general manager."

A short sentence has already shown that Zhao Youlin knows her identity and knows her relationship with Mu Tingfeng!

Su He's face changed slightly, not because of Zhao Youlin's words, but because of Zhao Youlin's ambiguous attitude towards her.


Zhao Yulin saw Soho's entangled appearance in her eyes, and a smile flashed across her eyes, but soon this smile disappeared, her eyes quickly returned to their initial calm, and she interrupted Soho's words again. , Whispered: "It's been that long, you should be hungry too, right?"

"This, I actually..."

"Guru..." So Ho just wanted to decline, but he made a timely protest in his stomach, sold her master, and ran to support Zhao Youlin instead.

Soho: "..."

The smile in Zhao Yulin's eyes rose again: "Even if you are not hungry, you have to think about the child in your stomach. You must know that you are not alone now. Adults are okay after two meals, but children can't help being so hungry. This The chicken soup was made by the chef at Ting Feng’s family all night, and it’s just right now."

Su He was stunned, turned his head and glanced at the sky outside, only to find that the sun outside was just right, and the sun was very bright in the house, showing the vitality of the morning in its unique way.

early morning? Is it already early morning? Su Ho was shocked by this recognition. She remembered that it was the afternoon when she was sent to the hospital yesterday. When she woke up to talk to her brother, the sky was just about to darken.

So, did she sleep for more than ten hours in one sleep? No wonder the head is so heavy, but the stomach is so hungry!

Zhao Yulin’s words gave Soho no reason to refute. She obediently took the white porridge and chicken soup she handed herself and ate bite by bite, but still stared at the two of them from time to time, and stopped talking many times. Folding his brows seemed to be thinking about how to take the initiative to open up the somewhat stagnant and heavy situation.

"Um, have you all eaten? Do you want to be together..." Soho hesitated for a long time before finally plucking up the courage to ask.

Xiao Li swallowed a little hard when he heard this, and stared at the chicken soup on Soho's hand with scorching eyes, which was self-evident.

Zhao Yulin gave her a speechless look. When she came, she had already eaten two steamed buns and a large bowl of porridge. This guy was still thinking about eating. I really don't know how her small body can accommodate these things!

With a light cough, Zhao Yulin reminded a certain foodie who was staring at the chicken soup in a timely manner. Xiaoli became stiff, and carefully and reluctantly took his gaze back from the chicken soup. How could it look like... pitiful.

Su He hurriedly said, "Sister Xiaoli didn't have breakfast? There is a lot of chicken soup. Would you like to have some together?"

Before Su He had finished speaking, Zhao Yulin had already rushed over: "No, we have eaten it before we came here. This is specially prepared for you and your children. Drink it quickly."

Although Xiaoli is a foodie, he is still not enough to grab something to eat with a pregnant woman. He nodded and said in a low voice, "We have eaten before we came, Xiaoli, please eat quickly, don't worry about us. "

Soho: "..."

Su He smiled awkwardly and continued to sip the soup, not daring to look up at the expressions on their faces.

The two people's attitude made her uneasy, and she became more and more anxious.

Although it was true that I approached Zhao Youlin with the intention of using it at first, after all, after so long together, the two treated themselves so well, and she was not cold-blooded, how could she have no feelings for them at all?

After eating the porridge and chicken soup that Zhao Youlin brought, Soho sat on the bed properly, like a child who had made a mistake and was waiting for punishment by his parents.

Looking at her like this, Zhao Yulin finally couldn't help but laughed "Puff". Under Soho's surprised eyes, she finally stopped her sullen face, and resumed her usual relaxed smile at them: "Little He is like a child like this. He is as unsmiling as a little adult, although he is also cute, but occasionally he is more cute when he is so soft and subdued!"

Zhao Yulin said as if she had thought of something, and sighed, "Obviously she is still a child, so why should she have her own child?"

Standing behind Zhao Youlin, Xiaoli heard what Zhao Youlin said, and subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Zhao Youlin's face, which looked not much bigger than Xiaohe.

When I think of that Xiaodou Ding who is almost five years old in Zhao Yulin's family, I quietly complained: General manager, are you qualified to say this? You are actually not much better than Xiaohe, right? No, to be precise, you are more exaggerated than her!

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