Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 493: The buried past (1)

Xia Zetao took advantage of the gap in paying medical bills for a long time, thinking that Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng should have talked about life, so Shi Shiran ran back. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

Unexpectedly this time I saw such a brutal scene! Xia Zetao really felt that the passing of years was disadvantageous, and he should immediately buy a copy of the book to see if he went back today.

It's all right now, he doesn't need to worry about whether or not to notify the Su family anymore, brother Ren has already come to the door by himself!

Taking the place of Ye Yan, the man standing in front of Zhao Youlin is not someone else, but Su He's own brother, who had a fate with Zhao Youlin at Su Qing's children's full moon banquet that day... Su Jifeng!

Today's Su Jifeng is wearing an elegant black suit, apparently he hurried over when he got news at work, and he didn't even have time to change his clothes.

Standing on the opposite side of Su Jifeng like this, Zhao Youlin could smell the smoke of gunpowder before the other party dissipated, and when he thought about the identity of this person, it was not difficult to know what this person was doing before running over.

Su Jifeng did not pay attention to Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng on the side. His extremely cold eyes stared at Ye Yan who had been beaten by him. The **** murderous aura filled his whole body made people only look at him from a distance. Feeling frightened.

If the Su Jifeng I saw at the full moon banquet was just a sharp blade hidden in the scabbard, then Su Jifeng at this moment is a murder weapon that has lost its scabbard and is full of blood. May kill people silently.

Ye Yan touched his rapidly swollen side face, stood up from the wall swayingly, and greeted Su Jifeng's cold eyes. He swallowed the violent impact and accidentally bit his tongue. Blood flowing out.

"The child in Xiaoqi's belly is yours?" Su Jifeng didn't have a half smile on his face, staring at Ye Yan's swollen profile indifferently, as if Ye Yan only needed to say a word, he would immediately. Kill him.

Ye Yan didn't realize the killing intent contained in Su Jifeng's question. At this moment, he was completely attracted by the other important information revealed in Su Jifeng's words.

Xiao Qi... Xiao Qi... Xiao Qi... This man is called Soho Xiao Qi...

The deja vu title is like a key to unlock Pandora's Box, making some extremely vague but unforgettable pictures suddenly rushed into Ye Yan's mind.

"The eldest brother's surname is Ye, then I call you Brother Ye, OK? Brother Ye, I'm Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi's little, and Xiaoqi's seven."

Once, who stared at him so happily, wittyly exchanging names with the newly-acquainted self?

"Brother Ye, do you often go to the amusement park with your parents? So happy, my parents don't let me go out and run around, saying that there are many bad people outside and they will take the children away."

Once, who was he who heard himself talking about fun things about going out, his eyes widened, and his face looked envied and disappointed. And he smiled and promised to take her out to play outside if he had a chance in the future?

"Brother Ye's mother is really good at making cakes! I also like to eat small snacks, the cherry blossom flavor is my favorite, but unfortunately my mother doesn't know how to make them, and I don't allow me to eat more, saying that it will cause tooth decay."

Once, after knowing that his mother would make those beautiful pastries, who looked at himself with admiration, as if he was the pastry chef who could turn decay into magic.

At that time, he looked at the innocent and expectant eyes, and said, "I will definitely let my mother make delicious cherry blossom snacks for you in the future." But he thought in his heart that she would be able to eat a lot of snacks if there is a chance in the future. Do not pretend to be with others, do it by yourself...make it for her by yourself.

At the time when the child was the most innocent, what Ye Yan could think of was the most sincere portrayal of him at that time.

But how did this piece of sincerity be lost, obliterated, and dissipated in the long river of years?

"Brother Ye is a good person. Xiao Qi is very happy to stay with Brother Ye. It would be nice if I could stay together all the time in the future."

At that time, when faced with a girl who was a little bit lost in joy, what did he say?

He said, "Brother Ye and Xiaoqi feel very happy to be together. Brother Ye also wants to be with Xiaoqi all the time. Well, let’s be like Brother Ye’s bride after Xiaoqi. Mom said, wait for me. When I grow up, I can’t always stay with my mother, I have to live with my own bride. Brother Ye likes Xiao Qi, and Brother Ye wants Xiao Qi to be the bride of Brother Ye, so that we can stay together in the future. "

"Yeah! Then Brother Ye must remember to come to Xiaoqi in the future, and let Xiaoqi be Brother Ye's bride."

"Well, Brother Ye will definitely come to marry Xiaoqi in the future, Xiaoqi must wait for Brother Ye. Regain!"


At that time, Tong Yan Tong Yu carried a trace of child-specific innocence, but it was because of this innocence that a ignorant little girl was waiting for a fruitless feeling for more than a decade of time. And he, the promiser, has forgotten the promise he once made.

"You said that... you like me, and that... you will marry me in the future."

That night, in that dim atmosphere, even if he thought he was drunk and hot and couldn't see the other party's face, even if he mistakenly identified the other party as Zhao Youlin because of unconsciousness, the **** accusation was still not acceptable. The avoidance was passed into his ears, and now it hurts to his heart as long as he thinks about it.

What kind of thoughts does he have to be able to forget the person he once hoped to wait so peacefully?

Ye Yan was so shocked by the scenes that he suddenly broke into his head, he supported his head with one hand, and swayed back to the wall.

There seemed to be a saw inside his head torn his nerves back and forth, making him unhappy.

Su Jifeng glanced at Ye Yan indifferently, but didn't intend to let him go so easily. Seeing that Ye Yan didn't answer his question, he took a step forward and wanted to do it again.

It's just that this time someone with a clever eye and a quick step blocked him.

"A Feng?" Su Jifeng looked at the person who stopped him with a cold face, his eyes flashed in surprise, as if he had just discovered the existence of Mu Tingfeng.

Mu Tingfeng shook his head at Su Jifeng and frowned, "Jifeng, this is the hospital."

The killing intent in Su Jifeng's eyes has not faded because of Mu Tingfeng's words. To him, it doesn't matter where it is, as long as he wants to, anywhere can become a Shura field.

Mu Tingfeng naturally knew this, and after hesitating for a while, he added: "He is the father of the child in Xiaoqi's stomach. If you kill him at this time, Xiao Qi will be upset when he wakes up."

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