Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 405: Daughter-in-law (1)

After a few seconds of silence in the entire box, Duan Yarong suddenly screamed, and desperately rushed towards Han Yichen, clinging the opponent in his arms, and burst into tears. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

While crying, he kept whispering: "Good boy, good boy..."

This time, Zhao Shunrong did not hold Duan Yarong as before, because even he himself couldn't help but blush after hearing Han Yichen's "Dad".

Han Yichen's parents shouted out the only expectation of Duan Yarong and his wife in the past two decades, and it also made up for their only shortcoming in the past twenty years in an instant.

Han Yichen didn't expect Duan Yarong to rush over so recklessly. When he was hugged by Duan Yarong, the whole person was stiff.

However, he quickly relaxed, listening to Duan Yarong's choked whisper in his ear, his heart softened suddenly.

The hand hanging by his side hesitated for a moment, then slowly went around Duan Yarong's back and hugged Duan Yarong back.

Zhao Yulin stood on the side and watched the interaction between the three. Her thoughts rolled over, but she didn't say a word after all.

At this moment, for the three of them, it has been too long, too long, so long that people can't bear to disturb them at this moment.

Duan Yarong cried for a long time before she could stop crying. She got up from Han Yichen and sat next to Han Yichen, holding one of Han Yichen's hands tightly with both hands, but she was reluctant to let go.

Han Yichen could only leave her alone when she saw her. Looking at the mother who was crying miserably in front of him, Han Yichen's feelings at the moment were mixed with a little bit of joy and sourness.

The joy is naturally because Duan Yarong cares about herself, while the sourness is the thought of the tragedy and pain that her mother has endured for so many years.

Han Yichen was trying to calm down the emotions in his heart, and suddenly a white tissue appeared in front of him.

Han Yichen was stunned, followed the hand holding the tissue and looked at Zhao Youlin's smiling face with a little encouragement.

If Han Yichen loved Zhao Yulin only because of An Yue’s reasons before, Han Yichen now has a few more "sisters" who would accompany her parents when she was absent, and ultimately directly create their family reunion. Grateful and sincere.

After hesitating, Han Yichen nodded at Zhao Yulin, took the tissue that Zhao Yulin handed over with the other hand that was not held, and tried to help Duan Yarong wipe the tears on her face.

Duan Yarong stared blankly at that handsome face that was five or six points similar to Zhao Shunrong, and the tears that could not be stopped came out again.

Han Yichen watched the tears dripping from someone's eyes so closely, drop by drop on the back of his hand, with a trace of warmth.

But even so, Duan Yarong's eyes were still big, staring at Han Yichen's face, as if afraid that the person in front of him would disappear completely with the blink of an eye.

Han Yichen shook the paper hand gently, and sighed, "Mom, it's a good thing that we can recognize each other."

When Han Yichen called her mother again, Duan Yarong was still very excited, but compared to her previous gaffe, she was now quite calm.

He took the initiative to take the tissue from Han Yichen's hand to wipe the tears from his face, and said dullly: "Yes, Achen, you are right, it is a good thing that we can recognize each other, I just feel a little...a bit uncontrollable."

Han Yichen held Duan Yarong's hand back, and a rare softness appeared on her cold face: "I understand."

Duan Yarong nodded and didn't speak any more, but the hand that originally held Han Yichen clasped his arm tightly, as if this could make her feel more secure.

A trace of helplessness flashed across Han Yichen's eyes, but it was more tolerant.

Seeing Duan Yarong's mood stabilized a little, Han Yichen barely managed to draw some attention to the opposite person who was just like him... To be precise, he was a father who was more unsmiling than himself, and whispered: "Dad..."

Zhao Shunrong's complexion remained unchanged, but Zhao Yulin, who had been with him for almost a year, could still see from a small detail the faint tension hidden under his calm face.

Zhao Shunrong was silent for a long time, his eyebrows trembled almost unchecked, as if trying to find a topic that father and son could talk about, but the result was...


Han Yichen: "..."

Zhao Yulin: "..."

Duan Yarong: "..."

The atmosphere that Han Yichen and Duan Yarong finally heated up a little was frozen again by Zhao Shunrong's "um" and returned to its original shape.

Zhao Yulin covered her face helplessly, so it is said that sometimes speaking is also an art, a little carelessness, it may be counterproductive!

Seeing a family of three staring at the big eyes, no one knew what to say. Zhao Yulin couldn't bear to look directly at it. She coughed and took the initiative to find a topic: "Is the eldest brother starting her own business after going to college?" "

Han Yichen nodded, but immediately seemed to think of something, and added: "It's a joint venture."

"Joint venture?" Zhao Yulin suddenly remembered the previous rumors about starting a business and cooperating with Han Yichen, and then Shengshi had a problem with the joint venture who absconded with the portable model.

On this point, Zhao Shunrong obviously thought of going with Zhao Yulin, hesitated, and asked in a low voice: "Is it a joint venture with your classmate? That classmate who absconded with the money?"

When Zhao Yulin and Duan Yarong heard the words, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they couldn't help but complain at the same time: A Rong (Dad), can't you speak more tactfully? It doesn't matter if you poke someone else's knife, even your own son is poke!

Han Yichen didn't have any special reaction when he heard what he said. He raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "He is one of them, besides him, there is another."

"Nie Yunfan?" When Zhao Yulin heard Han Yichen say this, the first thing that came to mind was the young master Nie Yunfan, who seemed to be very close to Han Yichen, and was also a bad friend of Mu Tingfeng.

Han Yichen nodded, but Zhao Shunrong is no stranger to the name Zhao Yulin said: "Nie Yunfan? That child from the Nie family?"

"Dad, do you know that Young Master Nie?" Zhao Yulin asked in surprise, and Han Yichen also looked over curiously, as if surprised that his father would meet his good brother.

"His uncle Nie Xingzhi has some friendship with the old man. The old man once said that the child of the Nie family has a good foundation in the family and does not inherit it well. He has to go out and set up another door with others to let his father and uncle. It’s all a headache, I can’t think of..."

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