"Grandpa Zhao is polite. (((Cartino novel website www.novelmtl.com)) Mu Tingfeng nodded, and directly picked up the bowl in front of him to eat, really not thinking of himself at all. Outsiders look.

Zhao Yulin glanced at Mu Tingfeng in the gap for Lelebucai, and she couldn't help rolling her eyes as she watched his familiar behavior.

The old man in her family just made a polite statement with him. This guy really regarded this as his own home, and he was really thick-skinned.

What Zhao Yulin didn't know was that her blank eyes fell in the eyes of the two opposing adults who had only smashed the young couple's "good deeds" not long ago, and it was no different from flirting.

The atmosphere on the dining table seemed harmonious, but in fact it was a little bit unspeakable and weird.

It's just that several adults are embarrassed to take the initiative to break the deadlock, and let the embarrassment continue until...

"Yorim, you can eat more of this porridge. I just specifically ordered the kitchen to cook it for you. It is good for the girl's health." Duan Yarong looked at the porridge that came out from behind, her eyes lightened. Very diligently, he picked up the bowl and filled it with a full bowl and pushed it in front of Zhao Yulin.

The expression on Zhao Yulin's face suddenly stiffened, her eyes drooping slightly, and she glanced at the porridge that was pushed in front of her.

Red bean longan porridge... Zhao Yulin's mouth twitched, and she wondered why Duan Yarong suddenly asked her to eat this kind of food.

Zhao Yulin finally couldn't help but groaned, powerlessly: "Mom, you and Dad really misunderstood. He and I were just...discussing things."

"What can we discuss until two people hug each other?" Duan Yarong glanced at Zhao Yulin in disapproval, with a grimace expression of "I read less, don't lie to me".

Zhao Yulin choked, and said awkwardly: "That's just because when we were discussing things, we suddenly disagree, and there was a conflict..."

"Ahem... conflict? This conflict is quite fierce." Zhao Shunrong's timely interruption of support once again refreshed Zhao Yulin's understanding of her father.

Zhao Youlin, who was dumbfounded by the two husband and wife's joint efforts, took a deep breath and tried to explain, but was completely blocked by an old man who had been watching the show from the beginning.

"Yorim, there are no outsiders at home, so there is no need to be so shy. Grandpa doesn't say anything about your young couple. Grandpa is a young man who is more impulsive. It is understandable. However, some things should be a little more restrained Well, it’s not enough. You are still young, and you have time. Don’t lose a lot of time because your body is the most important thing."

"Grandpa!" As the old man said more and more exaggerated, Zhao Yulin finally couldn't help but yelled, trying to interrupt his words, but unfortunately, it was too late.

The old man basically said everything that should be said. Seeing Zhao Yulin yelling out of control, the old man was not afraid of death and added: "Okay, the girl is thin-skinned. Grandpa will not say anything."

Before the old man had finished speaking, Mu Tingfeng was not afraid of the big deal, and said: "Grandpa Lao Zhao is bothering, I will pay attention, and will not make Yeorim too tired."

If Mu Tingfeng's words were put in normal times, or before he followed Zhao Yulin to the bedroom on the second floor, it would definitely be a serious sentence.

Everyone present would only understand it as that Mu Tingfeng would help Zhao Youlin in his career, share the burden for her, and share the honor and disgrace.

But now, hearing Mu Tingfeng say this sentence, the content of the several adults present was completely different.

The blue veins on Zhao Yulin’s head burst almost at the moment when Mu Tingfeng spoke. The hand hidden under the table even reached Mu Tingfeng’s thigh after listening to the content of Mu Tingfeng’s words. One twist!

What does it mean that he will pay attention and not let himself be too tired? This is clearly on purpose!

Deliberately, the description gets darker and darker, deliberately misunderstanding these few people, deliberately watching their own jokes!

Rao Mu Tingfeng couldn't help but change his face when he was hit hard by this, but he didn't make any move or even made a sound to stop Zhao Youlin.

Just staring at Zhao Youlin with a pair of deep eyes overflowing with affection and helplessness, as if looking at an unreasonable and ignorant child, accepting all her rude behaviors.

Feeling the disapproving gaze from all directions, Zhao Yulin became angry.

Realizing that her actions could not only increase the favorability of Mu Tingfeng, a sinister and hypocritical fellow, but also useless, Zhao Yulin decisively gave up her plan to be frustrated with someone, and turned her eyes back. Put it back on the dining table.

However, it seems that even God didn’t plan to let Zhao Yulin have a good dinner. As soon as Zhao Yulin pulled her hand away, Lele, who was sitting next to her, asked suspiciously: “This porridge is made by grandma for her mother. Is it physical? Is my mother sick? Why should I take this to replenish my body?"

The child's crisp questioning silenced the entire restaurant for a few seconds.

After a long while, Duan Yarong was the first to react, and laughed.

Zhao Yulin's face was reddened, and when her son asked such a question, she was so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury herself.

Annoyed into anger, Zhao Yulin only replied to Lele angrily: "Adults, children, leave it alone."

It was the first time that Lele saw Zhao Yulin's appearance, biting a small spoon and sullenly responded, not daring to say anything more.

Seeing this, Duan Yarong hurriedly started to divert the topic: "Okay, I'm eating and eating, and there are children here. I won't mention this, I won't mention this."

The few people finally stopped entangled in this topic, so that Zhao Yulin was greatly relieved.

Mu Tingfeng was satisfied with this meal, but Zhao Yulin was utterly unsatisfied.

After finally waiting for everyone to finish eating, and after giving Lele to Duan Yarong, Zhao Youlin couldn't wait to send Mu Tingfeng out of the Zhao family's gate.

I regretted it even more in my heart. Why couldn't I think about recruiting people to the house for a while? If you know this will happen, she should directly make an appointment with Mu Tingfeng to meet outside.

In this way, I didn't ask anything about it, and I was misunderstood by my family.

Mu Tingfeng got into the car and looked at Zhao Youlin who was standing outside the car. He did not mention what happened in the study not long ago.

However, Zhao Yulin knew in her heart that although the previous conversation was unhappy because of the appearance of Duan Yarong, the suspicion between the two has been planted because of this. If so let alone...

Looking at Mu Tingfeng's gaze for a long time in deep thought, Zhao Youlin seemed to have made up some determination, stepped to the side of the car, and whispered: "Mu Tingfeng."


"I don't like others to check me, especially the people around me. There are some things...I don't want to say now, but one day to you, maybe...I will tell you."

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