Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 379: Go pick up Lele (1)

The temperature in the office rose by several degrees in an instant, causing a few girls who were still shivering to grow their mouths and look like hell. (((Cartino Novel Network

Without waiting for them to continue to be surprised, they heard that **oss opened his mouth compassionately: "Leave things first, you go out first, I will find you if I have something to do."

The gentle tone makes it difficult to associate it with the president **oss, who can freeze people to death at every turn.

Ever since, several sister paper ministers floated out of the office like this.

It wasn't until the door of the office was closed again that the sisters woke up like a dream, and exclaimed in surprise at each other.

"I, I, I... I'm dazzled, that was the president just now? When did the president become so gentle, it's not scientific!"

"Yes, yes, do you think that the president is not a wicked one? Or is it that he was offended by someone?"

"You have watched a lot of fantasy dramas, right? The president is really going to get people out of the bag. When we just walked in, the president's cold look..." The girl said as if she was thinking of something, she shivered alive, "You Do you think ordinary people can imitate it?"

"...That's true. So, the key lies in the phone call just now? What's the background of the person who called the president? How can he turn such a hundred steel making of the president into a soft finger!"

"What are you talking about? It's so exciting to gather together to discuss." Several people were chattering, and suddenly they heard a male voice behind them, which made them gasp on the spot.

After regaining consciousness, the few girls barely managed to maintain their calmness after seeing the person who came, slapped the person on the shoulder with a slap, and cursed, "Why are you walking without a sound? It's dead."

"No, don't you know that scaring people will scare people to death? My heart almost stopped. I really want to punch you."

"That is, knowing I am timid, and walking without making a sound, what do you mean by you!"

Xia Zetao, who lay innocently with guns: "..." Are you timid just like you? I think you have done something wrong for fear of being hit by someone, right?

Xia Zetao murmured silently in his heart, but on the face he apologized: "I was wrong and I was wrong. Please don't be angry, please don't be angry."

The real heart is not that he has no ambition, but that these tigresses are really too powerful. The big man can bend and stretch, and can't stick to these details.

Seeing a few people's faces a little awkward because of his apologetics, Xia Zetao finally couldn't restrain his curiosity, gossiping: "What did you just say, the discussion is so enthusiastic? Is it possible to be scolded by the president again?"

"No, but it makes people feel weird because they didn't!" I was scolded a lot, and one day I suddenly stopped being scolded. This feeling is also quite strange.

The corner of Xia Zetao's mouth twitched. Why hadn't he noticed before that this group of tigresses still had the M attribute, and they felt weird if they didn't get scolded. Is this a rhythm that wants people to scold?

"Um...what's going on? Make it clear."

"In fact, it's nothing. Just a few of us went in to report to work. Originally, the president's expression was ugly. We thought that we would definitely not be criticized by name. Unexpectedly, someone called the president. The president looked at the phone number. , Immediately changed, and sent us out without saying anything."

Xia Zetao wrinkled his eyebrows when he heard this, and said seriously: "Then... did the president react when he received the call?"

"Is the president's reaction? Uh... it seems that I feel better all at once, and my tone of voice has become much gentler. To be honest, I haven't seen the president speak so softly since I joined the company."

"me too!"

"me too!"


After hearing the descriptions of several people, Xia Zetao touched his chin if he felt it, and showed a meaningful smile.

How shrewd a few sisters are, how could they not see that there is something tricky in this, they all surrounded Xia Zetao and asked, "Secretary Xia, do you know what? It’s not as good as everyone’s pleasure." You should know these famous sayings, right?"

"Yes, you know what, hurry up and tell us, it's immoral to steal yourself there!"

Xia Zetao was forced to confess by a group of girls before he finished laughing, but he couldn't laugh anymore.

However, soon, he straightened his chest and said with pride: "Well, this is actually not a secret, you will know it sooner or later, and it's okay to tell you now. Our president, he, recently... fell in love. Up."

"What?!" As soon as Xia Zetao said this, several girls screamed, scared Xia Zetao quickly glanced around, and whispered: "Be quiet, be quiet!"

Only then did several girls realize their gaffes, and quickly reached out their hands to cover their mouths, lowered their voices and approached Xia Zetao and said: "When the president will have a girlfriend, we don't even know! Damn, you **** it! Don't tell us either."

"It's not that I won't tell you, but that this matter is a long story."

Xia Zetao's sentence is a long story, and several people cast unanimous eyes.

"You mean, the one who called the president just now was the president's current girlfriend, so the president just..."

The old **** Xia Zetao nodded, and several girls looked surprised, thinking in their hearts that being able to become boyfriend and girlfriend with the president can still make the president care so much. The mysterious girlfriend of the president is not easy!

Just when Xia Zetao was pestered by several girls to ask questions, Mu Tingfeng in the office couldn't wait to answer the phone: "Yorim?"

The phone answered softly: "It's me, are you free this afternoon?"


"I couldn't get away for something this afternoon. You can pick up Lele for me from the kindergarten, and then send it back to my house."

Hearing that Zhao Yulin asked herself to pick up Lele, a crack appeared on the expression on Mu Tingfeng's face, and she went to pick up her son alone?

"A problem?" Mu Tingfeng's silence caused Zhao Youlin on the other end of the phone to ask in a low voice.

"……no problem."

"Then it's settled, see you tonight."

"……See you tonight."

Mu Tingfeng looked at the phone that had jumped out of the call interface, and the expression that had become bright because Zhao Yulin took the initiative to call herself was gloomy again.

After Zhao Yulin hung up the phone, she recalled the slight nervousness of the person on the other end of the phone who was hiding under the steady tone of voice, and imagined the scene of someone stiffening when they met Lele and the other hand in the playground before. Lele's scared "smile" really couldn't help laughing out loud.

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