Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 357: Conflict first appeared (2)

The expression on the old man's face was shaken for a moment. Although he had begun to agree with Zhao Youlin's words in his heart, he still didn't want to admit it. (((Cartino Novel Network

"Hmph, I want to see who dares to laugh at me, and it's not that I don't want to mess around in S city!"

"..." What kind of trouble is this kind of defiant big money tone?

"Yes, yes, I know I know that no one dares to laugh at you, don't I just make an analogy? Okay, when you recognize people back, are you afraid that you won't see them?"

Zhao Yulin's painstaking advice finally made the old man nodded reluctantly.

Zhao Yulin let out a sigh of relief, and only said that the matter ended here, but didn't want her to underestimate the old man's stubbornness.

Listening to Zhao Yulin's persuasion, the old man actually thought in his head, what to say and wait. He has been waiting for so many years, how could he still be able to wait?

The baby grandson he finally found ran away and had no choice but to wait, but his future grandson-in-law did not run away, so why wait? Moreover, as an elder, it is necessary to keep a good check for the younger generation!

This girl was so worried about running over, because she was afraid that she appeared too suddenly and frightened the girl. In that case, he should pretend to be a little bit low-key, not to scare people!

Zhao Youlin didn't know the twists and turns in her grandfather's heart. After confirming Han Yichen's true identity, Zhao Yulin quickly hurried back to the company.

On the one hand, I don't want Zhao Shunrong to be suspicious, and on the other hand, because she has done a lot more recently.

At the beginning, Zhao Shunrong cared most, and became the resort plan for the first major contract he negotiated after entering the Zhao family. It invested funds ten months ago and officially launched.

Nowadays, most of the projects have basically been completed, and the closing phase of the project means that publicity work will follow one after another.

As early as when the plan was officially launched, the Zhao family had already started to publicize the project, but at that time, it was only a simple plan, and it was more of a temporary concealment that left room for it.

It not only created a gimmick for this long-term plan, but also kept the suspense just right.

And now is a good time to expose these suspense and detonate the lead that was buried at the beginning. How to seize the opportunity and let more people know Zhao’s resort through publicity, and thus bring more to Zhao’s The income of the company has become a top priority, and it is an important task of Zhao's recent development trend.

As Zhao Yulin expected, Zhao Youming just joined the company, eager to show his strength and courage, to stabilize his prestige and popularity within the Zhao family, and of course focus on the promotion of this resort.

Before everyone had almost finalized Zhao Yulin's project, another project was proposed.

The high-level members of the board of directors were unexpectedly divided into two factions after Zhao Yuming's plan was put forward, standing behind them.

No one thought that Zhao Youming had only been in the company for less than a month, and he would be able to get the support of so many people that the decision of this project was not finalized.

When walking out of the conference office, Zhao Youlin unexpectedly met Zhao Youming not far away.

Zhao Yuming’s face is as always with a gentle smile, hypocritical and chic: “Cousin, I’m really sorry, although your plan is also very good, but there are still flaws after all. I’m now an employee of the Zhao family, and everything is natural. It must be based on Zhao's own interests, so..."

Zhao Yulin had a pause at her feet, turned her head and glanced at the man who was clearly apologizing but provocative, and chuckled, "Minister Zhao is right. We are all employees of the Zhao family. Naturally, everything should be treated as Zhao’s. The interests are the most important, but my plan may be really flawed, but Minister Zhao, your plan may not be. It is too early to say all this, and we will wait for the regular meeting next week to discuss the details."

Zhao Youming choked at what Zhao Youlin said, but he recovered quickly and smiled slightly: "It looks like, cousin, you are very sure of your plan. In that case, why not make a bet with me?"

"Bet? I bet on whose plan can get the support of the majority this time and become the final draft?" Zhao Yulin sneered, and gave Zhao Yuming a smile, "Minister Zhao, use the same trick once and twice. It's cliché."

Zhao Yuming's expression changed when he heard the words, and she knew that Zhao Yulin was mocking that she was able to join the Zhao family, but because she had made a bet with Mr. Zhao by opportunism and won.

Forcibly resisting the undepressed heart, Zhao Yooming did not change the smile on his face, and said softly: "Cousin is so evasive, is it because he has no confidence in her plan? Or he said to me..."

Before Zhao Yuming finished speaking, Zhao Yulin interrupted him expressionlessly: "Exciting generals is useless for me. Minister Zhao has this leisurely sentiment to bet and chat with others, so it is better to think about what is better. Improve your plan and do something right."

As soon as Zhao Yulin said this, a small crack finally appeared in the smile on Zhao Youming's face. This woman was mocking herself for not doing business, just knowing to take advantage of crooked roads?

Zhao Yulin was not in the mood to continue entangled with Zhao Yoo-ming. After seeing Zhao Yoo-ming's face changed because of her own words, she patted her **** and left with a happy mood: "If there is nothing else going on, Minister Zhao, I will leave first. As Minister Zhao My cousin and boss, I also kindly advise Minister Zhao, a small bet is to be happy, a big bet hurts you, it’s better to live a peaceful life, there are some things you can’t afford to bet on."

Zhao Youming's face was brushed white, but Zhao Youlin had no time to appreciate it. After walking a few steps, she suddenly seemed to think of something, turned her head and smiled at Zhao Youming again: "By the way, Minister Zhao, I am looking forward to your next visit. Don’t let me down with the performance at the weekly meeting."

Leaving this sentence full of mockery, Zhao Youlin didn't look back, and left the office without nostalgia, and walked out of Zhao Youming's eyes.

Zhao Youming stood on the spot, watching the direction where Zhao Youlin had left, and his hands hanging beside him were silently clenched, and the face hidden under the shadow was already distorted!

However, he soon recovered the incomparably false and humble smile on his face, watching Zhao Yulin's back and the few employees around him who started talking and talking about the skirmish they had just happened, and his eyes flashed. After a hint of a confident smile.

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