Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 334: Two cute things (1)

Having said that, Mu Tingfeng drew the eyes of those people away, and Zhao Yulin was also relieved, leaned over and picked up Lele, and walked directly towards the protagonist of the banquet. (((Mobile reading visit

When Su Qing saw Zhao Yulin coming over, her eyes lit up, and she took the initiative to greet the baby in her arms.

"Yorim, you are here. When my aunt told me that you promised to come, you didn't know how happy I was."

Zhao Yulin became stiff, and she couldn't bear the excessive enthusiasm of Su Qing.

Although I already knew the true relationship between this person and Mu Tingfeng, and also knew that everything was just a misunderstanding at the beginning, Zhao Yulin was still a little bit unspeakable in the face of this woman.

Fortunately, Su Qing's attention quickly shifted from Zhao Youlin to Lele in Zhao Youlin's arms.

"This is Lele? I didn't pay much attention when I was in the hospital last time. I look closer now, it's really cute. If my family can be as cute as Lele after Dudu."

Lele is going to the banquet today, and Duan Yarong specially prepared a small suit for him.

It is a pity that Lele wears a small suit, the spirit is spirit, but it makes people not feel serious at all. On the contrary, it makes the life look cute and cute.

Lele was attracted by the little baby in Su Qing's arms as early as the moment Su Qing walked over. Those big round eyes were full of the soft little creature who looked curiously, and Su Qing greeted him. Did not pay attention.

What's more coincidental is that at this time the child had just woke up, a pair of watery eyes were turning around and looking around, the eyes of the two children met unexpectedly.

Su Qing and Zhao Yulin quickly discovered this. Su Qing smiled and asked, "Does Lele like babies? Do you want to touch them?"

Touch it? Lele was stunned, glanced at the baby in Su Qing's arms, and then at Zhao Youlin, her eyes full of expectation.

When Zhao Yulin saw this, she smiled and asked in a low voice, "Lele, do you want to touch the baby?"

Lele hesitated and nodded slowly.

"Then Lele, be careful, the baby is just born, the skin is very tender, too strong, and it is easy to get hurt."

Lele heard this and nodded quickly, and said cautiously: "I will be gentle, and I won't hurt the baby."

Zhao Yulin smiled and put Lele on the ground, and Su Qing also cooperated to lower the little baby who had just made a sound, so that Lele could touch him.

Lele looked at the baby close at hand, cautiously hesitated in place for a while, then slowly stretched out his hand to thrash the child's face.

Soft, slippery, and warm, so comfortable to the touch! This is the only description Lele can think of when she touches the baby's face.

What's amazing is that the little baby who has always been able to toss is surprisingly well-behaved this time, and quietly let this little brother who met for the first time touch his face.

This surprised Su Qing greatly. You know, the last time her demon king Xiao Yu Nu wanted to touch her baby's face.

As soon as the hand stretched out, the baby started crying and howling for half an hour. No matter how people coaxed it, it didn't work, and he stopped crying until his voice became hoarse.

When he arrived at Lele, he turned into a good baby. He didn't cry no matter how he touched it, and he looked at Lele curiously with those big watery eyes.

What is even more surprising is that when Lele touched the baby's face and was about to stretch her hand back, the baby who felt the comfortable touch on his face disappeared quit.

The short little hand waved forward with its teeth and claws, and hugged Lele's hand to recycle.

Su Qing and Zhao Yulin didn't expect that things would turn out like this. After a moment of stunner, they looked at Lele's body stiff, and one hand was held in his arms by the little baby. They didn't know whether to withdraw or not. They had to be pitiful. Zhao Yulin was amused when she turned her head to ask for help and looked at her pathetic look.

After leaning over and kissing his baby boy, he whispered comfortingly: "Don't be nervous, the little baby only hugs you because he likes you."

Su Qing hurriedly responded when she heard this: "That's right, the baby likes Lele very much. If you change to someone else, the baby would have been crying with open voice. It is impossible to be so peaceful, let alone. I can't bear it when others want to withdraw their hands. It seems that Lele has a lot of fate with our family Dudu!"

Lele heard the words of both mothers, and watched the little baby holding her hand and looking at herself curiously. She was not unhappy and couldn't help but relax and smile at the little baby so cutely.

However, the things that are even more astounding are still to come.

The little baby hugged Lele's hand and played for a long time, then suddenly opened his mouth, and put Lele's finger in his mouth with a whirr.

"Ah, Mom, the baby is eating my fingers." Lele yelled in panic when she saw it.

Su Qing and Zhao Yulin were also taken aback when they saw this, and then snorted at the same time and laughed out loud.

Lele looked at the two people with a puzzled face, with unspeakable grievances in his eyes. He was eaten by his little brother's fingers. Why did his mother laugh?

Lele reflexively wanted to withdraw his hand long after the baby put his finger in it, but then thought of Zhao Youlin's previous warning that the baby is small and fragile, and may be injured if he uses a little bit of force.

Shengsheng suppressed the urge to withdraw her hand, and now that Zhao Yulin not only didn't help herself, but also kept smiling, she became more aggrieved.

He closed his eyes in desperation and waited for the baby to bite his finger, but did not feel the pain as expected, but...

Huh? Why is the baby's mouth soft?

Lele opened his eyes again, curiously watching the little baby holding one of his fingers, sucking and exhaling.

Zhao Yulin laughed for a long time before stopping. She seemed to see what Lele was thinking, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and pinched Lele's face, and explained, "Is Lele afraid of the baby biting you? The baby just gave birth. Yue, without teeth, it won’t hurt you to bite. Also, Lele, did you steal the cream biscuits in Grandma’s afternoon tea before you came?"

Lele's eyes widened, and she looked at Zhao Youlin in disbelief, as if she was saying, "Mom, how did you know that I stole grandma's butter cookies?" !

The expression on Lele's face was so obvious that the two adults couldn't help but want to laugh again.

"Oh, so Lele stole the butter cookies before he came? No wonder..."

"No wonder?" Lele blinked suspiciously when she heard Su Qing's words, and asked with milky milk.

Su Qing looked at Lele's big curious eyes, and said with a smile: "No wonder the little baby thinks Lele's little finger is delicious, because of the smell of milk on Lele's little finger."

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