Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 304: Regenerate one (1)

The corners of Zhao Yulin's mouth twitched slightly, and she suddenly regretted using the three words boyfriend when she introduced Mu Tingfeng, so that she was now shamelessly climbing up the pole. (((Mobile reading visit

Seeing that Zhao Yulin hadn't spoken for a long time, Mu Tingfeng raised his eyebrows and added: "In the future, you are not allowed to call other men so intimately. Even if you want to, you can only call me."

Zhao Yulin: "..." This is hegemonism, right? Hegemonism! Is she too late to return the goods now?

Zhao Yulin, who was amused by the possessiveness shown by Mu Tingfeng, shook her head helplessly and explained: "I said...Even if you are really jealous, please trouble you to find a more reliable reason, OK? That Jiang just now The police officer is a married man. Didn't you hear what he said just waiting for someone? He is waiting for his wife, so what is in his mind all day long!"

Mu Tingfeng didn't let his guard down because of Zhao Youlin's words. He secretly thought that he was a man who had a married man and still hooked up with others, and the crime would add to the class.

Zhao Yulin looked at Mu Tingfeng's calm appearance, even if he didn't know what he was thinking, she could still guess a little bit.

Rolling his eyes, he took the topic decisively, looked at the scenery outside the car, frowned, and asked in a low voice: "Where are we going now?"

"Back to the hospital."

Zhao Yulin nodded: "Then you can put me down at the corner in front of me, and I will pick up Lele from there."

Before Zhao Yulin's voice had finished, Mu Tingfeng quickly took over: "No."

"Huh? What?"

"You don't need to pick it up." Mu Tingfeng turned to meet Zhao Youlin's puzzled gaze, and said lightly, "My mother and aunt have already picked it up, you don't need to go."

"Oh, so, then I..."

"You go to the hospital with me, or I go home with you, choose the same."

Zhao Yulin choked and looked at the man who was getting closer and closer. Her eyes narrowed dangerously. If the tiger didn't show his power, this guy really regarded her as a hellokitty.

"Mu Tingfeng, don't go too far."

Mu Tingfeng heard Zhao Yulin's low roar full of anger, and calmly said: "I am your boyfriend."

"..." This guy is holding the chicken feather as an arrow properly now, right? !

Zhao Yulin took a deep breath, and laughed without a smile: "If I remember correctly, our agreement was that President Mu, the boyfriend, can I return the product at any time, right?"

As soon as Zhao Yulin said this, the atmosphere in the car suddenly changed qualitatively. Zhao Yulin realized that it was wrong, and as soon as she turned her head, she met Mu Tingfeng's burning gaze.

Before she could react, Mu Tingfeng had already pressed towards her expressionlessly.

"What do you...what do you want to do?" Zhao Yulin felt the danger instinctively, and she kept moving back. The space in the car was really limited. No matter how she moved, she couldn't escape Mu Tingfeng's control.

In a short while, Zhao Yulin was completely fixed by Mu Tingfeng next to the car door.

Mu Tingfeng looked down at Zhao Youlin, and it took a long time before he jumped out a sentence: "Then let's do something now that makes you unable to return the goods."

"...What makes me unable to regret it?" Zhao Yulin asked reflexively, with a chill all over her body.

Mu Tingfeng's eyes flickered, calmly said, "Listening to my aunt, you still want to add another younger sibling to Lele."

"..." Isn't it what I think?

"Let's have another child!"

Zhao Yulin: "..."

Secretary Xia Da, who played the role of an old scalper silently in front of him, heard Mu Tingfeng's words and slipped and almost drove the car into the sewer.

Don't listen to evil, don't listen to evil! He didn't hear anything just now, he didn't hear the president invite the former president's wife to proclaim adultery in the car day by day!

Oh no, it doesn't seem to be daytime anymore. No, this is not the point.

The point is, President, are you suddenly so violent, okay? At any rate, please consider that there is a single dog sitting in front of the car who is almost blind!

Zhao Youlin was thundered by Mu Tingfeng's shocking words, and it took him a long time to recover.

A few blue veins inevitably burst on his head, staring at Mu Tingfeng's handsome face with a smile but a smile: "You still want to have another one with me, right?"

Mu Tingfeng nodded with a serious face.

"Then give me a good cure for your hidden illness that you didn't lift!" There was another crackling sound accompanied by Zhao Youlin's shocking roar.

Xia Zetao shrank his neck in sympathy, and the wife of the former president of the secret road was really ruthless!

But what did he just hear? President... don't raise it? amount……

Without waiting for Xia Zetao to be more entangled with this issue, Zhao Yulin's roar came from the rear seat again: "Stop me!"

Xia Zetao, who was frightened in a cold sweat, stepped on the brakes under his feet, and a harsh neighing sound rang through the street, and the gorgeous black private car drew a parabola on the street.

After stopping, the pedestrians on the street watched a beautiful long-haired woman coming out of the car. After the woman raised her hand to the car door, she raised her eyes and scanned the surroundings coldly.

The murderous appearance scared the passers-by who heard the movement and stopped to watch, all bowed their heads, and left as if they were running away, not daring to take another look at the car.

Standing outside the car, Zhao Yulin finally gave Mu Tingfeng a cold look, and put her **** at Mu Tingfeng in an extremely domineering way. The provocation was self-evident, and she left without hesitation.

Xia Zetao looked at Zhao Yulin's away back, secretly wiped the cold sweat from her head, and tentatively said: "Chief... President, we are now... Miss Zhao she..."

When Xia Zetao asked this, he didn't dare to look back, for fear that he might accidentally see a black face that might make him have a nightmare all night.

However, he was just forced to watch an unsuccessful river crab incident, and he accidentally learned an incredible thing. Will he be silenced for a while and never see the sun tomorrow?

Just when Xia Zetao was thinking about what last words he would leave to make his life not in vain, an unintelligible joyous and angry word suddenly came from behind him: "Go back to the hospital."

"Ah, oh!" Xia Zetao didn't dare to neglect, started the car in a hurry, and drove back toward the road when he came.

At the same time, Mu Tingfeng in the back seat stretched out his hand to touch his sore right cheek with a gloomy expression, his eyebrows twisted so that he could kill a fly.

What he did just now is not joking. He really wants to have another child with Zhao Youlin. To be precise, he wants to have another child for them with the current Zhao Youlin.

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