Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 285: A corner of the truth (1)

And after the divorce, Zhao Youxi went to trouble Zhao Youlin, Zhao Youlin easily countered her and told her arrogantly. (((Mobile reading visit

"Zhao Youxi, you’re right, I’m not Zhao Youlin. The previous Zhao Youlin was dead. The moment she stepped out of Zhao’s house and Mu’s house was already dead. Now I’m not the one who allowed you to rub together. The squeezed Miss Zhao family."

I am not the same Zhao Youlin from the beginning. Zhao Youlin repeated this sentence in front of almost everyone, but at the time, none of them had thought about it in this direction.

Perhaps, long, long ago, this person was no longer the original Zhao Youlin, but... another person.

For the first time, Mu Tingfeng felt that he was really crazy, and he would believe in this kind of weird thing.

But this thought servant quickly encroached on every corner of Mu Tingfeng's brain as soon as he appeared, forcing him to admit the truth of this idea.

There is always a voice in my heart reminding him...

If it was the same Zhao Yulin, would he really be attracted? If Zhao Yulin hadn't had a completely different temperament than before, would he still like her?

Obviously I hated a person so much before, and tried every means to get a divorce, so that that person disappeared before my eyes forever, why suddenly I was attracted to the eye, and in the process of being attracted more and more deeply?

If it was the same Zhao Youlin from before, why couldn't he make a ripple in his heart after four years of getting along, but completely monopolized his eyes during the period of less than a year of divorce.

All of this reveals an obvious fact.

Mu Tingfeng squeezed the information in his hand, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The moment he opened his eyes again, his eyes had returned to the usual calm, and he turned his head and yelled at the outside of the ward: "Xia secretary."

Xia Zetao, who had been guarding the door, didn't dare to neglect Mu Tingfeng's call, and immediately opened the door of the ward and walked in.

"President, what's your order?"

"Tell them to continue to investigate."

"...What to check?"

Mu Tingfeng's eyes flickered slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Check if the Young Master Luo who danced with Yeorin at the birthday banquet of Mr. Zhao and this Officer Zhao know each other, and what is the relationship between the two. Also, have Yeorim and this Young Master Luo ever had contact before."

Luo Weibing was a person who suddenly appeared when Zhao Youlin was divorced. Mu Tingfeng was sure that before that, Zhao Youlin had either stayed at Mu’s or Zhao’s. She hadn’t been out of the gate several times throughout the year, and it was absolutely impossible to know him. .

The most important thing is that looking at the way the two get along, they are very familiar, it feels like they have known each other for many years.

If all the signs are combined together, there is only one possibility. Luo Weibing does know Zhao Youlin, but this Zhao Youlin...

If it is what I think, then...

When Zhao Yulin came back with the meal, Xia Zetao left hurriedly with the task. Only Mu Tingfeng was left in the ward lying on the bed, his eyes closed tightly, and his pale face matched the snow-white sheets, making Mu Ting Feng looked particularly fragile.

Zhao Yulin was startled, the steps under her feet lightened subconsciously, but she still inevitably disturbed someone who closed her eyes and calmed down.

Seeing Mu Tingfeng opened her eyes, Zhao Youlin sighed and asked softly, "Where is Secretary Xia?"

"He has something to do, let's go first."

"So anxious?" Zhao Youlin frowned, her face was distressed, because she even bought his share, now it's all right, no one eats, much waste.

Mu Tingfeng seemed to see Zhao Yulin's distress, his eyes flickered, and he changed the subject cleverly: "I'm hungry."

Everyone is gone, no matter how tangled it is, there is no way. Zhao Yulin resigned to her fate and tossed the more she bought aside, stepped forward and proficiently helped Mu Tingfeng up, and then picked up the rice she bought for Mu Tingfeng to feed him.

Zhao Youlin's actions are extremely natural, and they are all exercised when taking care of Mu Tingfeng these days. Getting used to this kind of thing is sometimes really scary.

Zhao Yulin didn't feel much about it, but Mu Tingfeng's eyes filled with warmth that only appeared when facing the person in front of him.

The consequence of staring at the person in front of her too intently was that when Zhao Youlin handed the porridge to Mu Tingfeng's mouth, Mu Tingfeng's mouth was tightly closed and did not open at all.

"Huh? Not to your appetite?" Zhao Yulin glanced at the porridge in her hand, and said patiently, "You just shed so much blood. You can't eat too greasy things. Let's just eat some. And it's okay. No wonder you, if it wasn't for your injury, you went out and ran around, and the wounds were re-opened. Are you suffering this kind of crime now? Eat and eat."

Mu Tingfeng was stunned by Zhao Yulin, looking at someone who was obviously worried and sorry, but had to pretend to be disapproving, the vibration from the heart became more and more obvious.

How could there be such a contradictory person, who is clearly so dazzling in front of people, but in private, but is fully considerate in the details, making people reluctant to look away from her.

He opened his mouth and ate the porridge handed over by Zhao Youlin into his stomach. After seeing Zhao Youlin breathed a sigh of relief, the agitation in his heart made him lose control.

The other hand hidden in the sheet tightly squeezed the sheet under him, and under that hand was the file bag Xia Zetao had given him before.

With his fingertips slowly swiping across the bulge on the file bag, Mu Tingfeng quietly looked at the person in front of him, and secretly thought in his heart that even if in the end it was as he expected, he would... never let go!

Zhao Yulin didn’t have a blind date here, and was directly captured by Mu Tingfeng as a nanny. It was really good fortune. On the other hand, Xiao Jingyao suddenly changed his face after receiving the information from Xia Zetao who asked him to take it. He ran to Zhao Shunrong's office.

"President, this is the information that President Mu asked to send over." Xiao Jingyao handed the documents in hand to Zhao Shunrong with a serious face.

Zhao Shunrong took a cursory glance, and his face instantly became gloomy: "You just said that these materials were sent by President Mu?"

"Yes." Xiao Jingyao's expression was a little complicated, and he lowered his head in shame, "I'm useless. I have only found a few clues after investigating for so long. I can't think of President Mu's side..."

Zhao Shunrong shook his head, looked at this powerful subordinate who had been with him for many years, and sighed: "It's not that you are useless, but the forces behind the Mu family are too powerful. Not to mention the strength of the Mu family itself, just say The strength of the Mu Family’s current Patriarch’s wife’s family is not comparable to that of the Zhao Family."

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