Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 264: About not cite (2)

"……and so?"

"So, in order to maintain his image in front of you, President Mu can only reluctantly push you away from him again and again. ---End of this Tanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance the four before you two He never shared a bed in the same year. In fact, for this reason, President Mu is worried that once you share a room, his secret will be difficult to hide. However, unexpectedly, the more President Mu rejects you thousands of miles away, the more you will be Move in front of him, so that in the end, President Mu, in order to keep his last bit of dignity in front of you, forced a divorce, but he did not expect that this would stimulate you and cause you..."

Duan Yarong was sighing at the end when she said that she couldn't help but feel a bit of complicated distress when she looked at Zhao Youlin, but the distress was not as pure as before, and she always felt that something was mixed with Zhao Youlin. There was a chill behind me.

"..." It doesn't matter if this sounds more and more ridiculous, mom, how can you believe this kind of mentally retarded justification so easily!

Although she is not the original Zhao Yulin, she has inherited all the memories of the original owner. No one knows better than her how she got along during those four years.

Su Ruixin's words are nonsense, but someone has a good innate advantage. When they say these words, they are probably more sincere and innocent than anything else, so that Duan Yarong actually...believes, believes!

Too shameless, it is too shameless, to use her mother's sympathy and guilt to achieve her goal, Madam Mu, can you be more rascal?

Zhao Yulin was really hurt by Mu Tingfeng's shameless family. Before she could say something to explain to Duan Yarong, Duan Yarong sighed.

"Before I have been worried and refused to let you meet Mu's house again. It is nothing more than feeling that President Mu doesn't love you at all, but now I know that this is not the case." Duan Yarong's soft eyes fell on Zhao Yulin's body. , With a trace of indulgence and helplessness towards the children, "You two children are also really, obviously you are in love, why do you like tossing so much? Tossing and tossing and finally getting divorced, this time I look back and chase , Is it interesting? I knew that before, why didn’t I know how to be honest with each other at the beginning, and there are so many things in plain sight."

Zhao Yulin received Duan Yarong's scolding gaze, and it was really an old blood stalk in her throat, almost gushing out.

Mom, I didn't blame you for turning Goto's back on me, but you even blamed me in turn!

Zhao Yulin rolled her eyes silently in her heart, and secretly made up her mind to let Duan Yarong stay away from Su Ruixin. The effect of one brainwashing was so terrifying. This would require her to wash a few more times, and she might pack herself back to Mu. Go home!

The extremely frustrated Zhao Yulin replied to Duan Yarong dyingly: "Okay, well, I have heard what you said. I have a sense of measure with Mu Tingfeng, so you can leave it alone. Wait until you find a suitable one. I will tell them the timing."

As soon as Zhao Yulin's words came out, Duan Yarong was considered to have stopped, which made Zhao Yulin a sigh of relief and calmed down to think about a solution to this matter.

Finally, when the car drove into the Zhao's villa and stopped steadily, Zhao Youlin thought of a solution.

"Mom, you said you wanted to give me a blind date last time, do you still count it?"

Zhao Yulin's sudden questioning caused the two people in the car to turn their heads to look at her at the same time.

Duan Yarong was startled and frowned, "Counting is counting, but..."

"It's just something, mom, didn't you especially want me to go out and have a blind date? Why are you embarrassed now?"

"Before I asked you to go on a blind date, just because I didn't want you to get involved with President Mu. If you find a man, you can stop him from thinking about you, but now..."

Before Duan Yarong finished speaking, Zhao Yulin had already interrupted her quickly, righteously saying: "What's going on now? It's still the same now, Mom, I'm not the kind of person who will eat the grass. Since President Mu and I are divorced. , That means it has passed, and many things in this world are about fate."

Zhao Yulin was still very poetic and sad, and sighed: "Mom, you just said that we were clearly in love with each other before, and we were hurt by both sides. This shows that we have no destiny. In this case, we are now again. Why bother to force this? Now I don’t have the kind of intense love that seemed like a moth to the fire before President Mu, and I don’t have the energy to struggle with that kind of love anymore. That would make me feel extremely tired. Now, I just want to find a man who treats me and Lele well, and spends this life peacefully."

"But..." Seeing Duan Yarong still hesitating, Zhao Yulin couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and blurted out a word.

"Mom, Mrs. Mu has told you what's wrong with President Mu, but that means that if I stay with him again, I will only be a widow in my life. Don't you think this is too inhumane for me? Still thinking about adding a younger brother and younger sister to Lele in the future! Don't you want to have a granddaughter anymore?"

As soon as Zhao Yulin said this, Duan Yarong and Xiao Jingyao's eyes were properly focused on her again, and Chi Guoguo's eyes seemed to say: Why are you so scumbag?

Zhao Yulin was speechless for a moment, twitching the corners of her mouth to think, nothing more, it's better to be scum, it's better than just being trapped by Su Ruixin.

Of course, it is a fake to add a younger brother and sister to Lele. Zhao Yulin had thought about it a long time ago, Lele is so insecure, and if she wants to give him a younger brother and sister so quickly, she will definitely touch the child's extremely fragile little heart.

Therefore, even if she really wants to have a baby, she has to wait for Lele to grow up and be more sensible, and no longer be so afraid of being abandoned by herself.

Zhao Yulin said that she was completely forced by Su Ruixin to move this kind of thing out. She now insists that Mu Tingfeng's refusal is because of herself, so she would be wrong.

The elders of their generation hope most for their children and grandchildren. Under Cheng Huan's knees, she didn't believe it. She said that this is the case, and Duan Yarong can go to Mu Tingfeng's side.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as Zhao Yulin said this, Duan Yarong felt a little sorry for someone, but she still relaxed, "Well, well, I will arrange a blind date for you in a few days. Go and see if there is any. Agreeable."

"Yeah!" Zhao Yulin readily agreed, her eyebrows picked up slightly, and a little treacherous form at the end of her eyes. I wonder if Madam Mu heard these words, knowing that she would accidentally lift a rock and hit her own foot What is the reaction.

But she was even more curious about how Mu Tingfeng would react if he knew that his mother told others.

At the same moment, Mu Tingfeng, who was far away in the hospital, suddenly felt cold behind his back, and an inexplicable chill came out spontaneously.

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