At the same time, Zhao Yulin, who left with Duan Yarong first, didn't know that someone had made up her mind to give her a sigh of relief. (((Mobile reading visit

And even if she knew that she had taken care of it, she wouldn't have much reaction, just because she was completely overwhelmed at the moment, and it was uncertain whether she was good or bad.

After kissing Mu Tingfeng in the hospital and being caught, Zhao Youlin's nerves were extremely tense, especially since she got into the car, Duan Yarong never said a word to her.

Could it be that I was so mad that I didn't even want to talk to myself? Zhao Yulin thought with trepidation.

As time passed, Zhao Yulin couldn't bear the almost weird silence, and she called out: "Mom, I and Mu Tingfeng..."

"Yorin..." Zhao Youlin was interrupted by Duan Yarong before she finished speaking. "You can honestly tell your mom, are you still unable to put down Mu Tingfeng?"

Zhao Yulin was stunned: "Mom, why do you think this? Is it because of what happened in the hospital just now? It was really just a misunderstanding. There was nothing wrong with Mu Tingfeng and I. Just... it was just an accident, an accident."

"Unexpectedly? Unexpectedly, you two were so devoted to each other, you don't even know that someone came outside?" Duan Yarong looked at Zhao Youlin with a sad expression, and Chi Guoguo showed that "I read a lot, don't lie to me" A touch of sadness.

"Puff..." Xiao Jingyao, who temporarily acted as the driver of the car in front of him, couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Zhao Yulin choked, and ran across the car in anger into anger. Someone listening to the joke with her ears on her ears, she said helplessly: "Mom, it's not what you think..."

"Mom understands that you still have that person in your heart. After all, after so many years of feelings, how can it be said that you let it go? The reason why you are so eager to separate from him is that you don't want me to worry."

Zhao Yulin really wanted to cry now. What happened to her mother today? What kind of a tendon in her head was wrong, she would think so. This is unscientific!

The most important thing is that Duan Yarong is now telling her that it is impossible to let go of the feelings that have been for many years.

God knows how wronged Zhao Yulin is now, and the relationship that has belonged to the original Zhao Yulin for those years, she has no relationship with her at all, okay!

Zhao Youlin wanted to hit the wall aggrievedly, but she couldn't refute it with a word, because in the eyes of these people, she was the original Zhao Youlin, who was so desperate for Mu Tingfeng, who likes people like to get in the car at the expense of medicine and make up for the ticket. The Zhao Youlin who has been harassing Mu Tingfeng with her child for ten years!

"Mom, feelings really cannot be said to be let go, but isn't there a saying? Time can dilute many things, including feelings. Mu Tingfeng and I are already divorced. Isn't that enough to explain Has our relationship ended? The reason why we agreed to take care of him this time, hasn’t it been explained to you before? It’s just because he saved me twice, and I owe him a favor. Now he I took care of him in the hospital for a few days and it was nothing more than a little favor for him. It's not what you think."

After Zhao Yulin finished speaking seriously, she quickly turned to look at Duan Yarong, hoping to see a trace of trust and affirmation in her eyes, but found that Duan Yarong's gaze was still indescribably complicated.

Zhao Yulin: "..." Mom, what about the basic trust between people? !

"Well, since you have said that, mom can assume that there is nothing between you and him."

"..." There is nothing to do, but why does it feel so adulterous when you say it out of your mouth? !

Zhao Yulin twitched her mouth, always feeling that Duan Yarong today is a bit...not quite right.

"Mom..." Zhao Yulin opened her mouth, just about to say something, but was interrupted by Duan Yarong again.

"No, Yeorim, listen to your mother first."

Zhao Yulin: "..." Can I still speak well!

Duan Yarong sighed, and her words were full of helplessness: "Mom just wanted to tell you that your mother and Mu Tingfeng's affairs will no longer be taken care of by your mother. Before, the reason why your mother opposed you two was entirely because Because I am worried that you will suffer again when you go back, but now my mother has figured it out that children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, as long as you are happy.

Zhao Yulin was stunned, what is it now...what's the situation? Why did she understand every word the person in front of her said, but after being connected together, she couldn't understand a word? !

Duan Yarong looked at Zhao Yulin's dumb and silly look, and once again misunderstood, only thinking that Zhao Yulin had suddenly obtained her approval and was overwhelmed by surprise...

With a helpless sigh, Duan Yarong continued: "Although President Mu was not very good to you before, he is still awakened now. I can see all the efforts he has made on you these days. In fairness, if you didn’t have so many twists and turns before and saw such an excellent child chasing you, your mother will definitely be happy for you. The most important thing is that you two still have a son no matter what. Although on your terms, it is easy to find a father for Lele, but it is not a last resort. It is better for the child to need the closest person to accompany him. President Mu, these years... have not been easy."

After Duan Yarong said something like this, Zhao Yulin only felt that a shock of thunder smashed from above her head and thundered her to the outside and tender inside. She hurriedly raised her hand to stop.

"Wait, wait, mom, what did you just say? Did I get it wrong?"

"Yorim, I have said it clearly enough, why are you still reluctant to believe it? What my mother meant is that in the future, your mother and President Mu will not intervene anymore. If you are willing to remarry with him, neither will your mother. Will object."

Your tone is not only that you will not object, you are simply starting to shift to his side and be my lobbyist for him, okay? Zhao Yulin opened her mouth, only to feel that the world was beginning to be mysterious.

She had been afraid of Mu Tingfeng that guy before, and the whole family was most opposed to her reconnecting with Mu Tingfeng. Even the mother who could not rest assured that she and Mu Tingfeng were alone, suddenly spoke about it. Kindly from Mu Tingfeng, is it going to rain red this day?

Obviously, when I came to the hospital, I still kept secret from Mu Tingfeng. It took less than a long time. Your attitude has changed so fast. Mom, are you really fine?

No, the person in front of me became strange after he came back and saw him kissing Mu Tingfeng. Before that, it was normal, and even Su Ruixin was reluctant to take her away.

Was it irritated by the kissing scene, or was it... What did Su Ruixin say to her before that? !

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