Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 260: When a strong kiss is in progress (2)

Mu Tingfeng originally just stayed on the surface, just taste it. ---After this Tanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance, but slowly, he started to gain an inch, and his clever tongue took advantage of Zhao Yulin's loss of consciousness, and powerfully broke through the obstacles and moved deeper. To explore the place.

This action awakened Zhao Yulin, and her stiff body began to recover, struggling constantly.

However, Mu Tingfeng's strength is too great, even with one hand, Zhao Yulin found that she couldn't make it!

Even if her subordinates struggled to no avail, it was impossible for Zhao Youlin to catch it like this, her eyes stunned slightly. Seeing the timing, when Mu Tingfeng's tongue went deeper, he bit down fiercely.

The strong smell of blood spread in his mouth, Mu Tingfeng's eyes flickered, and instead of pushing away Zhao Yulin, he kissed more and more intently.

The smell of blood intertwined in the mouths of the two of them, and even the surrounding breath slowly became ambiguous.

Seeing that Mu Tingfeng had no intention of shrinking, Zhao Yulin cursed secretly in her heart: Madman!

Immediately, it was as if he was on a bar with someone, and he pushed his tongue forward, actually trying to steal Mu Tingfeng's initiative.

Mu Tingfeng felt Zhao Yulin's response and was startled, a smile gradually filled his eyes, and the kiss under his lips became more focused.

The lips and teeth are intertwined, and the lips and tongue of the two are chasing each other.

The two who care too much about the outcome did not realize that at the moment they kissed, some of the people who had left before...returned.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

A familiar exclamation suddenly came from behind, making the two people hugging each other stiff at the same time.

Zhao Yulin was the first to react and suddenly burst out with a force that slammed Mu Tingfeng away, turning her head flushed and looking at the two people at the door of the ward, stiffly saying: "Mom, Mrs. Mu..."

Mu Tingfeng was also taken aback by this yell, only then was Zhao Yulin easily pushed away. After stepping back two steps and standing still, he didn't feel embarrassed at all. Some of them were displeased by being interrupted at critical times.

Duan Yarong and Su Ruixin outside the door were so shocked by everything in front of them that they could not speak.

Duan Yarong's face was full of complexity. How long had she left, her daughter had kissed Mu Tingfeng in the ward. To say that she really gave up on Mu Tingfeng, and now she didn't mean anything to him, she really was. I didn't believe it even if I was killed!

Obviously should be angry, obviously should hate iron but not steel, obviously should rush to pull the two people apart at the moment they see the two holding each other.

But when it was about to start, Duan Yarong suddenly remembered the words that Su Ruixin had just said to her, and the hand that stretched out just shrank back, and there were all kinds of mixed feelings in his heart.

Compared to Duan Yarong's shock and embarrassment, Su Ruixin was shocked when she saw this scene, but not at the rapid development of the two, but at what her son did.

oh, mygod! Has this son had a high fever all night? So quickly realized that the highest state of the law of pick-ups-the overlord hard to bow!

According to this situation, it won't be long before her son will definitely be able to get his daughter-in-law back!

Looking at Duan Yarong's distressed look, Zhao Yulin became flustered and said at a loss: "Mom, listen to me to explain, we are not what you think..."

Before Zhao Yulin finished speaking, Duan Yarong quickly interrupted her: "No need to explain, Mom...understands."

"……"understand? Mom, what do you understand? I haven't spoken yet, mom, how could you understand!

Zhao Yulin is really going to die in embarrassment. God knows why Duan Yarong came back so soon. With her guard against Mu Tingfeng before, this time even if she is really fine, she will be regarded as something wrong!

After all, I blame this damned bastard, if it wasn't for him suddenly... thinking like this, Zhao Yulin couldn't help turning her head and giving Mu Tingfeng a vicious look.

As everyone knows, in Duan Yarong's eyes, this is basically the behavior of the child being caught for doing bad things and reflexively pushing the responsibility to the closest person.

Suddenly, Duan Yarong's eyes on the two became more and more complicated.

Zhao Yulin: "..." Did she do something wrong again? Why does someone look at her and Mu Tingfeng's eyes more and more weird...

Duan Yarong looked at the two for a long time, and sighed: "Mrs. Mu, it's not too early now. I will take Yeorim home first, and then see President Mu in the afternoon."

Mu Tingfeng frowned, and just wanted to ask to stay, but Su Ruixin took his hand first.

"Well, Yeorim and Madam Zhao will go back and have a rest first, and come back in the afternoon."

Zhao Yulin said nothing, nodded, followed Duan Yarong and left.

As soon as Zhao Yulin left, Su Ruixin was completely exposed, and took her displeased son back to the bedside and sat down and said, "Son, chasing his wife is a kind of skill, so I can't rush. Proper relaxation is more conducive to your feelings." It’s necessary to give her some time to consider and adapt."

Mu Tingfeng took a deep look at Su Ruixin, wondering if: "Only what is held in his hand makes people feel safe."

Su Ruixin choked and gave Mu Tingfeng a helpless look. He just said that this guy is getting awake, why is he starting to be stupid again?

"Well, don't mention this. Anyway, people will come back in the afternoon. Can you be so tired and crooked?"

"You and your father stayed together all day, when did you get bored?"

Su Ruixin choked again, and for the first time in her life discovered that her son had the ability to choke to death.

"Your dad and I are...different from you."

Mu Tingfeng turned his head and glanced at Su Ruixin, and said firmly: "Same."

Su Ruixin was stunned, but she understood something, curled her lips and said, "Well, Mom knows that I can't tell you, so you can do whatever you like. But what happened just now? You and Jeong Lin..."

Mu Tingfeng looked at her mother who was looking for answers with gossip, raised her eyebrows, and calmly said: "You have the energy to take care of this, so why don't you think about how to explain your head injury to your dad, dad's flight this morning, I will arrive in the afternoon ."

"What? So fast!" Su Ruixin stood up from the hospital bed in a hurry, stamped her feet on the spot in a hurry, and said loudly, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't ask again."

Su Ruixin was frustrated with a nervous expression on her face: "No, I have to go back and prepare well, otherwise I will be mad when he sees me like this."

After finishing speaking, no matter what Mu Tingfeng's reaction was, he rushed out violently.

As soon as Su Ruixin left, the peace in the ward was restored.

Mu Tingfeng quietly stared at the door of the ward for a long while, his eyes darkened, reached out his hand to take his mobile phone from the side table, and dialed a familiar phone call.

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