Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 258: I am very happy (2)

With eyes flickering, Mu Tingfeng suddenly turned his head to look at Zhao Youxi at the door, and spit out a word before Zhao Youxi’s joy burst out: “I asked Yeorim to take care of me. This is what my mother meant, and I mean.---End of this book, the romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan

Zhao Youxi's face suddenly became extremely shy because of Mu Tingfeng's sudden look, and her expression froze. Her eyes were so big that the people on the side could not help but worry that someone's eyeballs would It won't just roll out of the eyes.

"President Mu, what did you just say? You said you took the initiative... and you just called her..."

President Mu actually called this little **** Yeorim intimately? Let her come and take care of him, isn't it...impossible, impossible, how could President Mu like this little **** Zhao Youlin, how could it be possible! It must be the **** Zhao Yulin who seduce President Mu! definitely is!

Zhao Youxi swayed back two steps, stood still, and then stared at Zhao Youlin angrily, as if she wanted to slash someone on the spot.

Zhao Youlin was not unfamiliar with Zhao Youxi's eyes, she didn't pay much attention to her, she only regarded her as a joke, but the other person in the house was different.

Mu Tingfeng saw the killing intent in Zhao Youxi's eyes, his eyes drenched, and the momentum of his body changed in an instant: "The same thing, I won't say the same thing twice. But I don't want to hear this slander my future again. Wife’s remarks, otherwise I don’t mind people shutting up your mouth. And..."

Mu Tingfeng turned his head and glanced at Zhao Youlin, her fierce eyes gradually softened: "My future wife and I will not have the turn of an outsider to tell me about personal affairs. If possible, I am very happy. She pretends to be pitiful and considerate to confuse me. ."

As soon as Mu Tingfeng said this, the entire ward inevitably fell into a dead silence.

The bodyguards outside the door were all dumbfounded, looking at their own **oss in disbelief, shocked to think, is this really our president? That clean, cool and handsome president?

How could it could it could our president say such a shameful remark! Isn't the person in front of you really pretending to be someone else? !

After hearing this, Zhao Yulin stroked her forehead helplessly, secretly groaning in her heart, **** it, Mu Tingfeng, you are ashamed of yourself, why do you want to pull me!

Also, what is the future wife, do you think too much, when did I agree to be your wife again!

Mu Tingfeng personally admitted that the relationship with Zhao Youlin gave Zhao Youxi a fatal blow. When Mu Tingfeng did not make a statement before, she was able to deceive herself by deceiving herself, all but Zhao Youlin's wishful thinking.

It was a means she tried so hard to regain Mu Tingfeng’s attention. She seduce Mu Tingfeng, but now Mu Tingfeng is vocally defending Zhao Youlin in front of everyone, calling her intimately. He even declared in front of everyone that it was his future wife!

What went wrong, Mu Tingfeng actually fell in love with Zhao Yulin, and he fell in love with Zhao Yulin...

"No, I don't believe it, how could she be your future wife, how could she be your future wife? You obviously didn't want her before, you are all divorced!"

Zhao Youxi's out-of-control roar accidentally hit Mu Tingfeng's sore feet. Divorcing Zhao Youlin had already become the last decision he regretted in his life, and now it has become a negative scale for who dies and who dies.

And Zhao Youxi is now not afraid of death to lift his scales, Mu Tingfeng's face suddenly became cold, glanced at the few bodyguards outside, and said in a deep voice: "This lady is unconscious. She sent it to the psychiatric department for an examination. Also, this is the last time. Next time you put this messy mess in, you can all go to the Finance Department to settle your wages."

Several bodyguards shivered by the death ray of the **oss. They didn't dare to neglect any more. They rushed forward to grab Zhao Youxi and wanted to carry them directly out and throw them away.

Zhao Youxi was spoiled and spoiled. He had never seen such a battle before. The moment he was caught, he was completely panicked and screamed: "What are you doing? Let me go, let me go!"

How dare those bodyguards let go of her at this time, and let this brain-disabled woman stay in the ward for a few more minutes, I am afraid that their jobs will be lost.

Zhao Youxi saw that no matter how she shouted, these bodyguards were unmoved, her face turned white, and she almost shouted at Mu Tingfeng without even thinking about it: "President Mu, President Mu, you don’t want to be given to you by this **** Zhao Youlin. I'm cheated, everything she's doing now is just a means of trying to get caught, don't be fooled by her! President Mu!"

Hearing Zhao Youxi's almost distorted slander, Zhao Yulin felt extremely funny, and turned her head subconsciously, looking at Mu Tingfeng with a smile but a smile, and asked: "I want to catch it?"

A faint ripple appeared in Mu Tingfeng's calm eyes, his eyes softly said: "You don't need it."

Mu Tingfeng said this very calmly, as if the speculation that had arisen after encountering Zhao Youlin several times after the divorce had never existed. So, sometimes people are really shameless and can't judge with common sense at all.

The easy and tacit understanding between Zhao Youlin and Mu Tingfeng's question and answer easily pierced Zhao Youxi's eyes.

For a moment, the hatred in Zhao Youxi's heart was like the venom of a poisonous snake that had accumulated for a long time.

Why...Why did Zhao Yulin get everything she dreamed of so effortlessly?

Why should she be driven out after all the hard work, but this woman can sit in the ward and have a close love relationship with President Mu.

Why did she try so hard to please this man, in the end, he only saw Zhao Yulin, a **** woman, and couldn't see her at all!

Just because this woman is more despicable than her, lower than her, more scheming than her?

She is not reconciled, not reconciled!

"Zhao Youlin, you bitch, bitch, why don't you die! At that time, the elevator had already fallen down, why are you still alive? People like you shouldn't live in this world and are not worthy to live. In this world, why don’t you die, why don’t you die!"

Zhao Youxi's screaming scream was too terrifying, and it took a long time to reverberate in the ward before it disappeared completely.

The bodyguards' eyes widened, obviously frightened by the woman's viciousness, and finally recovered. They were about to cover Zhao Youxi's mouth and then drag the person out. Suddenly they heard an extremely cold voice in the room. Voice: "Stop!"

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