Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 247: Lele's new friend (1)

In the end, this matter was temporarily resolved after taking a step back from each other. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

Duan Yarong promised to let Zhao Yulin go to the hospital to take care of Mu Tingfeng for a few days, provided that she had to go with her by herself.

When Zhao Yulin saw that Duan Yarong had decided to leave, she couldn't say anything, but she didn't know how Mu Tingfeng would react when she saw Duan Yarong.

Well, she doesn't admit that she actually has such a little expectation in her heart, cough cough...

After solving the big trouble, Duan Yarong finally remembered that Zhao Youlin had been tossing from early in the morning to now, I was afraid that he could not even have lunch.

While letting the men do what they should do as if they were driving flies, they got up and asked the cook to make something for Zhao Yulin to cushion her belly.

Zhao Yulin breathed a sigh of relief, ate something and rested for a while, and it was almost time to pick up Lele.

Duan Yarong originally wanted Zhao Yulin to rest for a while and let Xiao Jingyao help to pick it up. However, Zhao Yulin was resolute and had to let her go.

Zhao Yulin was standing at the door of the kindergarten. From a distance, she could see Lele obediently let the teacher walk out of it, surrounded by several children about his age, talking with him all the way.

Lele talked to them cleverly, and smiled shyly from time to time, together with the little face that might be reddened because of the heavier play, looks extra cute.

Zhao Yulin curled her lips and yelled at the other side: "Lele."

Lele heard the familiar voice and turned his head almost immediately. After seeing Zhao Youlin who was waiting at the door, her big eyes suddenly lit up.

She broke free of Teacher Shen's hand, and flew towards Zhao Youlin: "Mom, mom..."

Zhao Yulin squatted down quickly, reached out and took the child into her arms, smelling the familiar milk scent in her arms, only feeling that all day's tiredness had disappeared.

"Miss Zhao." Teacher Shen followed with a few children and smiled at Zhao Youlin.

Zhao Yulin hurriedly took Lele's hand and got up with a smile and asked, "Teacher Shen, it's been hard work. Is Lele okay in kindergarten today?"

"Miss Zhao is polite. Lele is very well-behaved today. Not only did she not cry, she also made some friends." Teacher Shen said and led the children who had surrounded Lele to the front and introduced, "This is Lele's mother."

The few children looked at Zhao Yulin curiously, and soon the discussion started.

"Lele, your mother looks so young."

"Well, and it's so beautiful."

"Yes, they are more beautiful than those fairy sisters on TV, and they want a mother as beautiful as Lele's mother."

"I want too……"

"I want too……"


Lele first heard someone praise her mother for being young and beautiful, and she felt proud, but when she heard her face suddenly pulled down, she clung to Zhao Youlin's hand to make a defensive gesture, and shouted: "My mother is mine. ."


The children who were originally noisy were stunned by Lele's shouting, but Zhao Yulin was the first to react and touched Lele's head to comfort him: "Lele, don't be like this, they are just joking with you. Of course mothers are the best in their own family, don't you think?"

Although the children are young, they don’t understand everything. After hearing what Zhao Yulin said, she realized that she had just said something wrong. She hurriedly apologized to Lele, "Yeah, we are all joking, not with Lele. Rob mother, Lele, don't be angry."

"Lele, did you hear that? Mom is Lele, and no one can take it away."

Lele glanced at Zhao Youlin, then looked at the little kids for a while. It took a long time before she was sure that her mother would not be taken away, and blushed and hid behind Zhao Youlin.

Zhao Yulin knew that her son was embarrassed, so she patted his hand comfortably, and then said to the children: "It hasn't been long since Lele has been here, so please take care of him."

Several children who were little ghosts jumped out immediately upon hearing this, and resumed their previous twittering, vying to express that Lele is so cute that they will play with him and be friends with him in the future.

Zhao Yulin is still very confident in the charm of her son. She is also very happy to see that he has been welcomed by so many children when he first arrived. She smiled slightly and said, "LeLe will ask you for help from now on, and now we are going home. Le Happy to say goodbye to your new friends."

Lele was a little embarrassed about what happened just now, but still obediently obeyed Zhao Yulin's words, and said to each other with a few people: "See you tomorrow." Only then happily took Zhao Yulin's hand and left the kindergarten.

What Zhao Yulin didn't know was that she had just led Lele out of the gate of the kindergarten with her front foot, and one of the few new Lele friends who had just gathered together rushed in the other direction.

"Ling Yuemei, how many times have I said that a girl should have a standing portrait, a sitting portrait, and a walking appearance when she walks. Look at you and see you. If you walk on the road, it is just a woman. Bandit!" A slender young man walked down from the luxurious BMW car. After seeing the girl who was leaping straight towards him, he sighed and sighed, his face hated that iron is not made of steel.

The girl's forward movement was successfully frozen halfway because of the boy's words. She stood still, rolled her eyes vividly, and snorted coldly, "I said female bandit, what are you, uncle?" Big bandit, bandit leader?"

Ling Ran choked, and glanced at his wife with a serious face, and said with a serious face: "...I think I should discuss your outlook on life with my older brother and sister-in-law when I go back."

"Then you will find that you have lived in vain for the past few decades."

Ling Ran: "..." Is this little girl about to become refined?

Young Master Ling Er, who thinks he can't get a good deal in front of this Hunshi Demon King, closed his mouth and stepped forward to take off the schoolbag for Miss Sun from the Ling family, and greeted him routinely: "Is there anything fun in school today?"

Ling Ran just asked casually, but didn't want Ling Yuemei to really answer: "Yes, today we have a cute little boy in our class. Several children rushed to play with him, and I ran to play with him. Now, I squeezed his face easily. Um, not bad, soft, as easy to squeeze as imagined."

Ling Ran's hand motion suddenly stopped, watching the old **** of the little girl talking about the criminal process of a boy of the same age who had insulted him, and only felt that his three views were going to be broken.

Hey, my little ancestor, what's the insignificant tone of your trousers brother's indecent housewife? Don't forget that you are really a girl who is only four years old, and...this role is reversed!

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