Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 245: The person who really decides (1)

After Zhao Yulin followed Duan Yarong into the door, she was not surprised to see the old man sitting in the living room and greeted softly: "Grandpa. (((Mobile reading visit

I'm used to seeing Zhao Yulin's usual high spirits, and seeing her so stunned this time, the old man can't sit still, and said anxiously: "Why is so spiritless? Did it hurt?"

"No, I didn't suffer any injuries." Zhao Yulin sat opposite to her father with Duan Yarong. "The injured were those who chased me and several people who were dragged down by me."

"Anyone dragged down by you?"

Before the old man had time to ask carefully, Zhao Shunrong walked in with Xiao Jingyao. Hearing Zhao Yulin's words, his face became dark: "What is going on?"

Zhao Yulin raised her head and glanced at the people who were waiting for her explanation. She sighed and briefly explained the whole story.

After hearing this, several people sank their faces in unison. Zhao Shunrong and the old man looked at each other and asked in a cold voice, "Do you remember what those people looked like?"

Zhao Yulin nodded: "I remember, but I think those people will not show up easily recently to avoid the limelight. However, I think I can start from the person who was captured. Such practical clues, if you don't make good use of it Isn't it a waste?"

The two nodded, Zhao Shunrong turned his gaze to Xiao Jingyao's body: "Where is that person now?"

"It's locked in the police station."

Zhao Shunrong raised his eyebrows: "The police you called?"

Xiao Jingyao did not answer. Instead, Zhao Yulin interjected: "It was not the police that Uncle Xiao called, it was me... a friend happened to be on that road, and when he recognized me in the car, he called the police. But fortunately, He called the police, and those people finally left when they heard the sound of the siren."

Zhao Yulin has said so, and Zhao Shunrong can't say anything.

Duan Yarong heard what Zhao Youlin said, but was a little happy: "Yorin's friend? A man and a woman?"


Duan Yarong’s eyes brightened when she heard that she was a man: "Man? Why haven’t you heard Yeorim mention it before? Is she good-looking, her personality, are you married yet? So, this time, things are still going on. Thanks to him for his help, one day when he is free, I invite him to come to our house to have fun, and my mother will cook and thank him personally."

Zhao Yulin's sudden enthusiasm for Duan Yarong is really overwhelming. Now it is too late for her to see the man running! How could it be possible to invite him to their house for dinner!

Zhao Yulin felt that she had accidentally dug a pit and killed herself. She laughed and said, "Mom, what do you think? He and I are just ordinary friends who have met a few times."

"You can't say that. You said that your friend did not show up early or later, but he appeared when you were in danger on that road. This is fate! Mom told you..."

Seeing Duan Yarong's topic getting more and more off-track, Zhao Yulin couldn't tell, so she turned her attention to Zhao Shunrong, who was not far away.

Zhao Shunrong seemed to feel that it would not be good to continue the topic, so he coughed and forced the topic back again: "Since I am already in the police station, I am afraid it is a bit troublesome. You make people stare at that person all the time. If necessary, negotiate with the police station and try to find a way to get the master agent behind the scenes from that person’s mouth."

Xiao Jingyao nodded and agreed.

Duan Yarong was interrupted in this way, and the intention of inviting someone to sit at home finally died down. Listening to the discussion between the two, as if thinking of something, she turned to look at Zhao Yulin and said: "Yorin, you just said that Mu lady……"

As soon as Duan Yarong said this, everyone's attention came again.

"Mrs. Mu? Which Mrs. Mu?" The old man looked at Zhao Youlin's somewhat embarrassed appearance with interest, and asked with a smile.

"Which Madam Mu? It's Mu Tingfeng's mother, Mrs. Mu who has been abroad all year round in the Mu family." Due to Mu Tingfeng's relationship, Duan Yarong now has a little bit of orbit to the Mu family. More or less precautions are naturally the same for Su Ruixin.

"It turned out to be her, and what happened to You Lin this time is still related to her?" Zhao Shunrong's eyebrow marks deepened a lot in an instant, and his face became a little ugly.

"That's not true, she... uh... it should be said that she was involved." Zhao Youlin met the slightly gossiping eyes of a few people and twitched the corners of her mouth.

Honestly, she explained how she ran into Su Ruixin at the door of Lele Kindergarten, and under Su Ruixin's lame pleading, she let her get in the car for a while, but didn't want the car to be in danger in the middle.

Finally, Zhao Yulin of course also mentioned that at the moment of the car accident, Su Ruixin heroically helped her, but she was injured, but in fact, she was not seriously injured.

After listening to Zhao Youlin's narration, some of the people present were happy and some were worried, while others remained calm.

Zhao Shunrong is pleased that fortunately, Su Ruixin’s injury is not serious. Otherwise, based on how much the Mu family’s current owner attaches to his wife, Su Ruixin had something in Zhao Yulin’s car, even if it was not Zhao Yulin As I wish, it is hard to guarantee that I will not be angered at that time, which will endanger the safety of Zhao Youlin.

Duan Yarong was worried that she had always wanted Zhao Youlin and Mu Tingfeng to completely sever the relationship, but now the mother can be said to have protected Zhao Yulin once. After that, wouldn't Zhao Yulin have to entangle with Mu Tingfeng again?

The old man's face did not show any expression, his face was unpredictable, but if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that his eyes full of vicissitudes of life are actually a bit of gloat for watching a good show. .

Zhao Shunrong cleared his throat, broke the slightly awkward silence among several people, and said to Duan Yarong: "Since Madam Mu helped Yeorim today, then you can find time to bring something in these few days and visit the door yourself. Express our gratitude to her."

Duan Yarong hesitated, but nodded.

Zhao Yulin keenly sensed the abnormal atmosphere in the living room, and suddenly hesitated whether to tell these people at this time that she had to go and take care of someone tomorrow.

At the moment when she was vacillating, someone had already pushed her from behind, so that even if she wanted to pretend to be ignorant, she wouldn't be able to pass the level.

"General manager, don't you have anything else to say? For example, tomorrow..."


Zhao Yulin swears that she definitely saw a trace of gloating in the eyes of this boring man who was cold outside and hot inside.

I had known that she shouldn't have told him about this on the way back. Please beg him to be his driver for the past few days!

"What happened tomorrow?"

Facing Duan Yarong's inquiring gaze, Zhao Youlin sighed and resigned herself to her fate: "Tomorrow I have to go to the hospital to take care of Mu Tingfeng."

Death-like silence spread in the living room. After a while, a scream suddenly sounded over the entire Zhao family's ancestral house: "What?!"

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