Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 243: Crooked hitting (1)

Before Xia Zetao finished speaking, he felt that the atmosphere in the ward suddenly became a little more subtle. His heart trembled, and he thought with trepidation, did he just say something wrong?

"You said, you saw her in the cemetery before?"

Xia Zetao was shivering from the cold and almost bit his tongue: "Yes, President, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking bad about Miss Zhao, uh... I just... I just think that Miss Zhao is a good girl. Ran to the cemetery, quite..."

Misunderstanding that Mu Tingfeng's change was due to his dissatisfaction with Zhao Yulin's weird Secretary Xia Da's words, and then secretly looked at Mu Tingfeng from the corner of his eye, only to find that the other party was still looking at him calmly. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

Is this a wrong guess? Isn't the president dissatisfied because of this? What's that? Did the president misunderstand himself and the former president's wife...

Xia Zetao was frightened by his own conjecture. He thumped directly to Mu Tingfeng’s hospital bed and cried hoarsely: "President, please don’t get me wrong. Heaven and earth as evidence, and the sun and the moon as a mirror. Ms. Zhao and I are absolutely the same. Innocent! It was totally an accident to see her in the cemetery that day, and I just glanced at Miss Zhao from so far away, and didn't even hit her face, let alone have any close contact with her. You must Believe me, no matter how bold I am, I dare not..."

Mu Tingfeng was so quarrelsome that he really had a headache, and frowned and replied impatiently: "Shut up."

Xia Zetao's screaming like a pig stopped abruptly because of Mu Tingfeng's two words, and his face was aggrieved, and he bowed his head sadly, not daring to say another word.

The ward became quiet again, and Mu Tingfeng lay on the bed and slowly closed his eyes, slowly splicing everything he had just thought of in his mind.

Police station, trustee investigation, exactly the same name, disposition drastically changed, cemetery, dying in the line of duty, a few months ago, divorced...

When everything was put together, something began to loosen, and there was a faint tendency to break out of the ground.

After a long time, Mu Tingfeng suddenly opened his closed eyes and stared at the ceiling above his head. There was no emotion in the deep eyes, and he said quietly: "Secretary Xia, wait After I go back, I will find someone to look up the female police officer with the same name and surname as Miss Zhao. Within three days, I want to know all the information about the female police officer."

Xia Zetao was stunned, as if he had suddenly understood something, his face was whole, and he said solemnly: "Yes, I will have someone to investigate soon."

When Zhao Yulin returned to the ward, Mu Tingfeng and Mu Tingfeng had already finished the previous topic.

Mu Tingfeng lay on the hospital bed with his eyes closed and rested, while Xia Zetao stood at the door of the ward listening to the nurse's instructions for attention.

Seeing Zhao Yulin's return, Xia Zetao's eyes lit up, and he greeted him with enthusiasm: "Miss Zhao, you are back."

Zhao Yulin was shocked by Xia Zetao's flattery, shaking off her goose bumps, she swept her gaze into the ward, and whispered, "Where is Mrs. Mu?"

"Oh, Madam is still injured, so I should go back. Before leaving, Madam explained that Miss Zhao was also shocked today. The president was injured by a gunshot. She might get fever in the middle of the night. I was afraid that Miss Zhao would be tired after working hard all day. I can’t bear the hard work. Let me stay at night to take care of the president. Miss Zhao will go back today to rest and take her place tomorrow."

Zhao Yulin didn't have any comments. It's best not to stay at night. She will have to go home to comfort a few frightened elders and explain by the way the matter of taking care of Mu Tingfeng.

After that, I might have to go to the kindergarten to pick up Lele home. It would be really a rush if I came over to take care of this guy right away at night.

The two were chatting, and did not find that the man in the ward had opened his eyes for some time, silently watching the person in front of the ward who was talking to Xia Zetao.

Zhao Yulin always felt as if there was a piercing gaze resting on her body, making it difficult for her to ignore it.

Fucked her brows and turned her head back, she ran into Mu Tingfeng's unwavering eyes at a glance. Zhao Yulin's heart jumped, and somehow she felt a little embarrassed.

Xia Zetao quickly noticed Zhao Yulin's strangeness, swept his gaze into the ward, and quickly understood, closed his mouth, and wittily took the nurse girl who was still standing on the side paper and quietly left.

As soon as Xia Zetao left, only Mu Tingfeng was left inside and outside the ward, and the atmosphere became more and more embarrassing before that.

After a long silence, Zhao Youlin couldn't help but cough slightly, and walked to the side of Mu Tingfeng's bed, and said awkwardly and embarrassedly: "Well, how are you?"

When Mu Tingfeng heard that Zhao Yulin took the initiative to care about herself, her eyes were slightly bright, and she just wanted to be cool and arrogant and dropped a sentence: "It's okay." But he suddenly remembered the words that her mother had told before she left.

He pondered for a moment with calm eyes, and said in a low voice: "I've been anesthetized, it's a bit... painful."

"Huh?" Zhao Yulin didn't react for a while, blinking suspiciously.

After she realized what Mu Tingfeng had just said, her eyes widened inevitably. What did this guy just say? pain? !

She thinks that a man, especially a man like Mu Tingfeng who is so solemn and has been sitting high on the altar for many years, will grit his teeth and tell others about him even if he is really hurt. nothing.

But now he tells himself that he feels a little pain? How much does it hurt?

I have to say that Su Ruixin's move is really a bit crooked, Mu Tingfeng is going to be like usual, with a sullen face, and a sentence no more than a few words to jump out, Zhao Youlin can still confront him a few words .

But now he is weak and persevering in front of Zhao Yulin. What if Zhao Yulin can't take him for a while?

"It really hurts like that?" Zhao Yulin almost bit her tongue after she finished speaking. Isn't she nonsense? She hadn't suffered a gunshot wound before, and she naturally knew how torturing the hot pain was.

Mu Tingfeng didn't speak any more, but Zhao Yulin saw this as his masculinity attack and tolerated it, and she couldn't help but breed a trace of guilt in her heart.

After realizing what she was thinking, Zhao Yulin shivered suddenly and said in a panic: "If you hurt, I will ask the nurse to bring you some painkillers. Well, I have something to go back to deal with. Secretary Xia will Stay with you first, I'll come tomorrow."

After speaking, no matter how Mu Tingfeng reacted, he fled and left.

The outside surface was paralyzed, and the inside was actually turned over because of Zhao Yulin's careless attention, President Mu, lying on the hospital bed with deep eyes watching Zhao Yulin's away back.

For a long time, the uninjured hand silently tightened the sheets under him.

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