A hazy white smoke wafted from the muzzle of the cold black pistol, which was quickly blown away by the cold wind in the forest. The girl holding the gun had a cold face, and her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a little. Those who don't meet their age are fierce. (((Cartino Novel Network www.novelmtl.com)))

The wind in the mountain forest blew the girl's body, blowing her skirt and her waist-long black hair fluttering between her cheeks.

At this moment, Zhao Yulin is like a sharp blade out of its sheath, which is shocking. She is afraid that she will be stabbed by the sharp blade when she gets closer, but she is unconsciously attracted by it.

Li Yan's eyes widened in disbelief and looked at the girl standing not far away against the wind. He only felt that the figure that was hidden deep in his heart and could never be forgotten was inevitably overlapped with that person at this moment. The heart that had kept him silent for a long time began to beat again.

At that moment, he was obviously not the only person who felt this way.

Mu Tingfeng was clutching his painful arm, keenly feeling the probing gaze projected on Zhao Youlin from different directions, his eyes darkened, and he coldly scanned the guys who were spying on his possessions.

After that, she turned her head and glanced at Zhao Youlin, who seemed to be shrouded in a faint light under the mountain breeze, and a trace of crazy possessiveness quickly passed through her eyes.

This woman always attracted people around him unconsciously. If he could, he really wanted to put her in his arms and hide her forever, and never let anyone see her dazzling side again.

Zhao Yulin was not conscious of her astonishing behavior at all. Turning to look at the group of dumbfounded bodyguard policemen, she was even more frustrated.

He slammed the pistol with the last bullet to the ground, and yelled, "Md, are you all dead? Don't hesitate to send people to the hospital!"

With Zhao Yulin's curse, everyone was awakened from a dream, one by one rushed forward to check those sick numbers.

Mu Tingfeng, who was shot, inevitably became the focus of everyone's attention. As a result, a group of people surrounded Mu Tingfeng, but he didn't know where he was going.

"President Mu, are you okay?"

"President, is there anything wrong with you? Is the injury serious?"

"Son, how are you? Does it hurt..."


The noisy voices one after another, it is really a headache, Mu Tingfeng's face is gloomy and watery, but he doesn't know how to make it happen.

In the end, Zhao Yulin couldn't see it, and directly snarled at the bustling crowd: "Get all away from me."

Because of the hand that Zhao Youlin showed just now, there is still a little shock in everyone's hearts. Zhao Youlin's roar successfully made those who surrounded Mu Tingfeng consciously retreat to the side and make way for her.

Zhao Youlin walked directly through that road, carefully holding Mu Tingfeng's **** arm, and leading the people out.

The policemen on the side reacted and stopped Zhao Yulin and said, "This young lady just injured someone with an arm, and what happened here has already been reported to the police. Please come back to the police station and take notes."

Hearing the words, Zhao Yulin suddenly stopped at the steps, looked up coldly at the famous police officer, and said in a deep voice: "To make a transcript, please go to my secretary. Now please let the police officer clear the way. We are going to the hospital. "

Knowing to stop them now? Why did you go? Not to mention how slow they rushed over, it is said that innocent people can be injured right under their noses. This group of people is really...

Although Zhao Yulin said this politely, her tone of voice was not at all polite, especially the stunned glance that stabbed the police officer back several steps subconsciously like a knife. Why: "But...but..."

Zhao Yulin ignored the person's embarrassment, and directly helped Mu Tingfeng to go out across the crowd.

Many people looked at the back of Zhao Yulin and they were a little difficult to react for a while. After a while, Xia Zetao and Su Ruixin suddenly regained consciousness and looked at each other secretly.

Not surprisingly, after seeing the excitement of tacit understanding in the eyes of the other party, he left behind the two without saying a word.

With Zhao Yulin's departure, the mess fell on the hard-pressed Secretary Xiao Da. Xiao Jingyao helped her gold glasses and stepped forward to negotiate with the remaining policemen.

Li Yan stood there, staring at Zhao Youlin's back in a daze, eyes full of complexity, until...

"Brother Yan... Brother Yan..." Lu Shu's repeated calls finally pulled Li Yan back from the wandering spirit.

"What...what's wrong?"

Lu Shu twisted his eyebrows, and said dissatisfied: "What's wrong? I'm just going to ask what's wrong with Brother Yan. What's wrong with Brother Yan? I called him several times without responding."

There was a trace of guilty conscience in Li Yan's eyes, and he coughed softly: "It's nothing, I'll take someone over there to see if there is anyone else."

Li Yan's topic was too blunt, and the strangeness on the face was so obvious that it didn't happen that what Lu Shu wanted to do hadn't happened.

Lu Shu looked at Li Yan who had fled hurriedly from his side, frowned, turned his head and looked in the direction Li Yan had just looked at, facing the back of Zhao Youlin supporting Mu Tingfeng.

The scene that just happened suddenly appeared in his mind. Lu Shu seemed to understand something in an instant, his face suddenly sank, and his eyes on someone's back also became gloomy in an instant.

Zhao Yulin, who was walking in the forefront, paused if he noticed it, and turned her head and glanced behind her, but she didn't notice anything unusual.

"What's the matter?" Mu Tingfeng was always paying attention to Zhao Youlin's situation, and asked her in a low voice when she stopped.

"It's nothing, maybe... it's my illusion."

I experienced such a very spicy chase early in the morning, and a few people basically lost their favor.

Needless to say, the uncle driver drove the car into the forest because he was too nervous, and hit the pine trunk.

The first few people in the car were him sitting in the driver's seat. Fortunately, Xiao Jingyao and others arrived in time and were sent to the hospital for investigation. Except for some concussions, it was fine to be hospitalized for observation.

And Su Ruixin, who was completely affected, also knocked her head and shed a little blood at the time of the crash, but fortunately, the wound was not deep and did not hurt the artery. Bandage it. In the past few days, I remember that I didn’t get water to make.

However, because of Su Ruixin's injury on the head, Zhao Yulin still persuaded her to do a CT, just in case, she was relieved to be sure that there was nothing to do.

Compared to them, Zhao Yulin was the least injured, except for a few bruises when he crashed, and he was accidentally scratched by flowers and branches in the woods when he was fighting with those chasers in the woods. Apart from a few scars, there is nothing too scary, which is a blessing in misfortune.

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