The new secretary is confirmed, and Zhao Yulin's heart can be regarded as letting go. At least in the future, the strange flowers who want to break into their office or move the people in their own office will not be as easy as before. (((Mobile reading visit

Early the next morning, Zhao Yulin got up early and picked up the little kid who was sleeping with a puff on her face.

"Um, mom, sleepy, I have to sleep!" Buried in the warm bed, wrapped in the appearance of a silkworm, he waved his hand dissatisfiedly, wanting to wave away the tireless harassment.

Zhao Yulin was amused by Lele’s piggy appearance, reached out and patted Lele’s little ass, and chuckled, “If Lele gets up again, mother will leave first. Lele will not be sent to kindergarten. Let the driver uncle accompany Lele."

"Huh?" Lele's chubby body trembled when she heard the words, and stumbled out of the bed. Before she opened her eyes, she stumbled on Zhao Youlin's shoulders and hung her whole body. Zhao Yulin yelled in a low voice, "Don't don't, Lele wants her mother to accompany her, she wants her mother."

Zhao Yulin bowed her head and kissed her muscular little face: "Then get up quickly."


Seeing that Lele couldn't open her eyes, Zhao Yulin smiled helplessly, turned upside down the child who was a little heavier than before, got up and walked into the bathroom.

Since moving away from Mu’s house, Zhao Yulin has been living in the same room with Lele, first to make up for the relationship between Lele’s missing mother and son for many years, and secondly because Lele is too young and let him sleep in the same room. , Zhao Yulin was really worried.

After the mother and son freshened up, Zhao Yulin deliberately changed Lele into a new dress that he bought recently.

The fluffy white cotton coat is printed with a cute big cat, matched with the same fluffy snow-white cotton pants printed with a bunch of kittens, and a small hat with cat ears is really cute. To burst.

Lele changed her clothes and looked at Zhao Youlin innocently with two big eyes, stretched out her hand and yelled softly: "Mom, hug."

Zhao Yulin immediately rushed over with her eyes shining brightly, and while hugging her mad kiss, she said excitedly: "Oh, how can my Jia Lele be so cute!"

After holding his son contentedly and crooked for a while, and after eating breakfast with Lele, the two headed to the kindergarten together.

The kindergarten chosen by Duan Yarong is not in a prosperous commercial residential area. There are fewer people, but it is also relatively quiet. The most important thing is that the environment is good.

When Zhao Yulin arrived with the children, the female teacher of the kindergarten was already standing at the door of the kindergarten, waiting for them.

"Is this Lele? It's so cute, let the teacher hug, okay?" When the female teacher saw Lele in Zhao Yulin's arms, her eyes lit up and she took the initiative to hug Lele.

It's a pity that Lele, who is rare to see a stranger, didn't give the female teacher any face. Zhao Yulin was so stubborn that she looked at the female teacher timidly, with fear in her eyes.

Zhao Yulin hurriedly said, "My Jia Lele usually stays at home, so I am a little bit shy, but don't care about it, Teacher Shen."

The female teacher also knew that she was abrupt, and she smiled and took her hand back, but she didn't care too much. She looked at Lele and her gaze became more gentle: "It's me that was too sudden. The child of Ms. Zhao's family is too cute and she couldn't bear it for a while Just live..."

Zhao Youlin had a pretty good impression of this teacher Shen, she didn’t speak frankly, and didn’t show too much flattery after knowing that they were from the Zhao family, and Zhao Youlin had been here long ago, far away. Observing the surrounding environment and every move the teacher does with the children, it can be seen that the female teacher really likes and loves those children.

Because of this, Zhao Yulin was relieved to hand over her precious son to her.

"The baby is called Lele, right? Come on, Lele will go in with the teacher first. There are many little girls and boys as big as Lele. Lele can make friends with them and play games together, okay?"

Lele lifted her head from Zhao Youlin's shoulders and looked at Zhao Youlin questioningly.

Zhao Yulin put the child on the ground and stood, stretched out her hand to touch his head, and smiled slightly: "Have you forgotten what you promised your mother at home? Go ahead."

Lele hesitated for a moment, and replied softly: "Then...Mom, remember to pick up Lele after get off work."

"Well, mother promises that Lele will be able to see her mother after class." Zhao Yulin said as she raised her head and glanced at the opposite teacher Shen, "Mr. Shen, Lele will be handed over to you."

Teacher Shen nodded, and beckoned to Lele: "Come on, Lele, come to Teacher."

Lele finally looked at Zhao Yulin reluctantly, and then slowly put her hand into Teacher Shen's hand, and was led by her into the gate of the kindergarten.

After Zhao Yulin watched Lele completely disappeared from her sight, looking back at one step and three times, she didn't rush to leave, but found a relatively hidden shade outside the kindergarten.

Looking at Lele from a distance, after being brought in by Teacher Shen, she timidly hid behind Teacher Shen and looked at the lively children, and then was coaxed out by Teacher Shen to introduce herself to the other children.

The children’s world is the most innocent and simple. Perhaps seeing Lele’s cuteness, the children who were still a bit noisy all at once quieted down. After listening to Lele’s stumbling introduction, the more lively and courageous children have already taken the initiative to lead. Lele's hands are gone.

Lele was a little restrained at first, but the child was a child, and after a while, he became acquainted with those little children.

Zhao Yulin stood in the shade of the tree for more than ten minutes, watching Lele gradually complete a piece with the children, and her face overflowed with a smile that was not available at home.

I finally realized what Duan Yarong said at the beginning. It is better for children to play with children of the same age.

Although children are happy when they are with them, it is difficult for adults to understand the thoughts of some children, and only when they are with similar children can they dare to release their nature.

Feeling relieved, Zhao Yulin turned around and left the kindergarten. When she was about to get in the car to go to the company, she heard an unfamiliar question from behind: "Are you...Yorim?"

Zhao Yulin was startled, turned her head and looked around, and saw a strange lady standing not far behind her.

It was a very beautiful woman, with a well-maintained face that made it impossible to see her specific age. The woman wore a plain-colored long one-piece dress, revealing the bumpy figure, beautiful curly hair slightly hanging on her chest, pinned with a crystal blue gem hairpin, low-key but luxurious. However, what attracted Zhao Yulin the most was the woman's light blue eyes that were different from those of other people, and joy that Zhao Yulin could not understand jumped in those clear eyes.

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