Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 223: The fourth person in the Zhao family (2)

In particular, what is criticized is that he did not come back early or late. It happened that after he entered the Zhao clan, he was about to come back when he started working on Zhao Youxi's family. At this time, the timing card was very intriguing!

To say that this person came back at this time without any tricks, Zhao Yulin was determined not to believe it. (((Cartino Novel Network

"The class is over? So fast. If I remember correctly, Yoo Ming is one year younger than me? That is to say, he has only been in college for two years, and he finished all the courses so quickly. He is really smart. what."

"That child is indeed very smart and polite. Among the children of your uncles and relatives, he is particularly alive. It is a pity that he was born in such a family, and..." There is also such a mother and sister! Duan Yarong sighed, and did not notice any temptation in Zhao Yulin's words.

Zhao Yulin's eyes flickered, and she was able to get compliments from Duan Yarong, who had always disliked Li Hongyu's mother and daughter. It seemed that her brother who had never met was really not easy!

It's just that this person is really as good as Duan Yarong said, or the city is too deep, even Duan Yarong has concealed it. If it is the former, it is indeed a pity, but if it is the latter...

Duan Yarong didn't know the speculations in Zhao Youlin's heart. Although he had a good impression of Zhao Youming before, it was still a layer behind because of Li Hongyu.

Comparing with Zhao Yulin, Duan Yarong's heart is of course more biased towards the daughter of Zhao Yulin.

After telling the business, Duan Yarong turned to start chatting with Zhao Yulin, and the first thing to bear was Lele's kindergarten.

"Tomorrow Lele will go to kindergarten, and I feel a little bit reluctant. Will the driver send Lele directly to kindergarten tomorrow morning or..."

"Tomorrow, I will go out with Lele, let the driver take Lele to the kindergarten first, and then send me to work."

Duan Yarong was startled, turned her head and looked at Zhao Youlin in a little surprise: "But in that case, don't you want to go out early?"

Zhao Youlin’s working hours are much more free than ordinary company employees. As long as she can finish processing the documents piled up on her desk, no one cares about when she goes to work and when she leaves work. Therefore, Zhao Youlin generally does not go out too early in the morning.

"Just a little earlier, there is no major problem. If I just go by early, I can finish the work earlier, and go there early in the evening to wait for Lele to leave school. Tomorrow is Lele's first day of school, and I promised him to go If you want to take him to and from school, you can't break your promise on the first day."

Zhao Yulin has said so, and Duan Yarong is naturally unwilling to say anything further: "Alright, Lele will be a little scared when he goes to school tomorrow. If you take him over, you will be more at ease.

Zhao Yulin smiled and nodded: "Well, I think so too."

The transfer of Lele to school was settled, and at the same time, news came from the personnel department.

The new secretary, who Zhao Yulin ordered to go down, was recruited, and he can report to the company today.

Several people in the general manager's office were originally curious about what the new employee looks like when he heard the news. According to the recruitment requirements of the general manager before, this newcomer should be a mature royal sister no matter what?

But when they saw someone, they realized that... it wasn't the same thing at all!

Zhao Yulin looked at the little girl standing in front of her, with long hair, big eyes, and a little baby fat face, she looked like a modern SD doll!

"This is the new secretary you helped me find?" Zhao Yulin twitched her mouth and pointed at the innocent girl in front of her, and looked at Director Zhang, the person in charge of the personnel department, helplessly.

After speaking, she couldn't help turning her head, staring at the girl and asking: "Are you... an adult?"

"Yeah, it looks younger than me. Is it really an adult?" Xiao Li floated out from behind Zhao Youlin like a wandering soul, staring curiously at the girl's round face fiercely. Look.

People and girls looked a little embarrassed, touched his little face and smiled shyly.

It’s okay not to smile, a smile is even more cute, there is a dimple on the cheek of this guy, although there is only one side, but the dimples are crooked when they laugh, and it really makes the hearts of the people who watch it soft!

This is simply cheating! Those guys in the personnel department were not only fascinated by the child's cute smile, before they were hired? !

The more Zhao Yulin thought about it, the more he realized it was possible, and the gaze towards Minister Zhang became more meaningful.

Minister Zhang wiped the cold sweat on his head and smiled dryly: "The general manager can rest assured that this Miss Su was selected after several rounds of screening. Not only an adult, but also the general manager's previous requirements, she is all meets the!"

"Everything meets?" Zhao Yulin was startled, her gaze turned back and forth a few times on the girl of Miss Su, her eyes narrowed slightly, "Have you ever worked as a secretary before?"

"I did it for a while, but it didn't take long." The girl replied generously, but not at all twitchy.

Zhao Yulin nodded: "It's fine if you have done it. I don't ask you to do too complicated things. Just follow Xiaoli, who is the one next to me. How old are you?"


He was already twenty, about the same size as his current body, was it really because of the baby face?

Zhao Yulin's eyes flickered, and she continued: "Xiao Li is twenty-two, older than you, you can call her Sister Xiao Li. Your job is basically to follow her to organize some documents that I need to use, and then hand them over to me. It’s done on hand, there are not many things, but there is one...also the application requirement that I specifically mentioned before, will you fight?"


The empty office was dead for a few seconds, and Zhao Yulin seemed to feel that she was asking too bluntly. She gave a light cough and added: "Well, let me put it another way. How are you?"

Zhao Yulin looked directly at the girl’s big deceptive eyes, and said seriously: "Don’t blame me for asking too much. I have to make a name here in advance for some things. You might think that being a secretary is nothing more than organizing things and summarizing the itinerary. , But my side is different. If I don’t have any skills, I can’t guarantee that you won’t suffer from me in the days to come.”

Xiaoli and Minister Zhang: "..." General manager, can't you speak tactfully? Please don't say that we are like the kind of terrorist organization that can eat people?

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