Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 204: Love rivals first met (2)

As early as when Ye Yan stretched out her hand, Zhao Yulin quickly flashed to the side with Lele in her arms, cleverly avoided Ye Yan's hand, and said with a wink in her eyes: "You also said that, I don't know how you are. Such a person, but how do you know who I am? You don’t even know who I am, but you say that you like me, and you still have such a deep-rooted affection for me. Wouldn’t Mr. Ye feel too much? Violation?"

Zhao Yulin is a very realistic person, so realistic that she would never believe in love at first sight. Ye Yan's liking for her was abrupt, and her first reaction was...unreliable. . For more latest chapters, visit: om.

Ye Yan was choked by Zhao Yulin for a while, and the hands hanging beside her clenched into fists uncontrollably.

The suffocating silence began to spread between the two, and when Zhao Yulin was about to pass Ye Yan again and leave, Ye Yan suddenly said an astonishing word.

"Yorim, your heart...are you still thinking about that person?"

Mu Tingfeng, who happened to open the store's door at this time, happened to hear these words and suddenly stopped at his feet.

Zhao Yulin was also stunned when she heard this, and she was silent for a while before she said coldly: "You think too much, he and I are already over."

As soon as Zhao Yulin said this, someone at the entrance of the ‘door’ clicked, and a sour and bitter taste began to spread in my heart, and all of them were mixed for a while. om

"If this is the case, why can't you give me a chance?" Ye Yan said, putting his hands on Zhao Youlin's two arms, and said excitedly, "I will not leave you in the cold, ignore you and hurt you like him. You, I will guard you for the rest of my life, thinking of you, and thinking of you. What he can give you, I can give you, what he can’t give you, I can give you with all my best, I have What place can't compare to him? Why would you refuse to give me and give yourself a chance?"

Ye Yan's loud shouting attracted the attention of many people in the store. Fortunately, there were not many customers in the store at this time. Otherwise, Zhao Youlin might be onlookers.

Moreover, even if there are not many outsiders, there are many acquaintances.

Zhao Yulin looked at the "female" children in the store who were dumbfounded by Ye Yan's loud shouts, and then looked at Lele's pitiful expression in her arms, she took a deep breath, and said that she couldn't bear it: "Mr. Ye, can you send it to other places if you are crazy? Didn't you scare the staff and Lele in my shop?"

"I..." Ye Yan wanted to explain that someone who had completely overturned the jealousy was not going to give him this opportunity.

Ye Yan only heard a little rush of footsteps approaching, his eyes sinking slightly, and he was about to turn his head to take a look at the person coming. He felt a sudden pain in his wrist, and the hand holding Zhao Youlin's arm was just like that. Pulled it off. om

"Mr., what do you want to do to my wife?" The man's low and magnetic ‘sexual’ voice contained a trace of deep sullenness and chills.

Ye Yan's eyes tightened suddenly, and he looked at the man standing next to Zhao Yulin who shouldn't have been here in disbelief.


"Mu Tingfeng, why are you here? Damn, no, what did you mean just now? If he is crazy, you will accompany him to be crazy? Who is your wife, who is your wife? The old lady is at most your ex-wife, ex-wife !" Zhao Youlin was really going crazy by these two men. She didn't care about the crowd of onlookers beside her. She held Lele in one hand and directly cursed Mu Tingfeng with the other.

Secretary Xia Da, who was walking in from the big ‘door’ holding a large bunch of ‘flowers’, just heard this, and his heart trembled, instantly turning into a bitter face.

I’m a good boy, the former president’s wife, you’re arguing with other men in the public, and even if you are caught by the president, you dare to sue the wicked person first. Tsk tsk tsk... You are ‘fat’ enough!

Xia Zetao sighed and moved to the side, for fear that one would accidentally be swept to the end of the typhoon.

However, what happened next perfectly explained to the secretary who has seen strong winds and waves. The reason why a female person becomes so willful is completely because of the female person behind him. There is something to tolerate her beloved wife, mad demon, hello!

Mu Tingfeng listened to Zhao Youlin's curse, not only was he not angry, but frowned, and spit out a painless complaint: "'girl' child, don't talk foul language casually."

Xia Zetao: "..." President, is this the key point? !

Mu Tingfeng said that he still felt that something was missing, so he added: "I will be incumbent soon."

Zhao Yulin: "..." What is this girl talking about? Why can't I understand a word?

Xia Zetao: "..." This thick-skinned guy is really the cool, handsome and arrogant president of my family? This unscientific!

At this moment, Xia Zetao finally understood why the last time Mu Tingfeng saw Zhao Yulin and Ye Yan having dinner together, he chose to leave directly, but this time he saw the two appear together again but he didn’t want to, and he ran over... catch' Raped.

The reason is actually very simple. When I saw these two people last time, the president and the wife of the former president were just each other's predecessors, and they had nothing to do with each other. The president had no position to care about whether these two people were Feng Hua Xueyue or Lang Qingmei. meaning.

But now it’s different. No matter what, the two of them are now in front of their parents and said they are going to remarry. At any rate, they are quasi-remarried couples. He has this identity and position to control who Zhao Youlin’s'association' with and not with. People'socialize'.

So, has the status even more confidence than usual?

Once again, Xia Zetao, who "touched" the shy corner of the truth, silently covered his face, saying that he was speechless to such a president. President, can you be more naive?

Have you forgotten that you are still on the road of pursuing the former president's wife? If this goes on...If this goes on, the former president's wife might return the goods!

"What does it mean to be incumbent soon? The remarriage is just your own wishful thinking, I didn't agree, you..."

"Remarry?" Before Zhao Yulin finished speaking, Ye Yan had already interrupted her in amazement. The shocked eyes went back and forth between the two of them several times, and it took a long time to squeeze out two words, "You..."

"Yes, it's what you heard." Mu Tingfeng ignored Zhao Youlin's resistance at all, stretched out his big hand, and directly wrapped Zhao Youlin's waist, and put the person in his arms, holding him tightly with'desire'. He held it in his arms, gave her no chance to resist, and said coldly, "We are planning to remarry."

"Mu Tingfeng, you!" Zhao Yulin was really going to be **** off by this man's dominance. She was saved by him in the elevator before, and later she taught Sun Fengzi a little lesson because of his help. This person is not as annoying as he thought, who knows...

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