Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 190: Self-inflicted (2)

Zhao Youxi was blocked several times, her face flushed, and she raised her hand and wanted to hit it. om. om updates so fast.

However, Zhao Youlin seemed to have expected her to come this hand a long time ago, her face was dazzling, she directly clasped Zhao Youxi's wrist, and then forcefully dragged the person onto the table.

With a bang, Zhao Youxi was dragged by Zhao Youlin to collapse directly on the desktop, and her stomach hurts directly on the desktop and she let out a muffled grunt.

She raised her head with a grin, and was about to swear, only to find that Zhao Youlin's face was a few centimeters away from her, and her hands were clasped in the palms of her hands for some time, making it difficult to move.

"Why, the dog jumped over the wall and wanted to hit someone? Zhao Youxi, I really haven't seen anyone who likes to insult yourself more than you and Zhao Yifei. Isn’t the lesson you learned last time enough? You look like you don’t seem to miss it. Do you want it?" As Zhao Yulin said, she gently traced Zhao Youxi's face with her fingertips. She successfully made Zhao Youxi startled in a cold sweat, and even her body shrank back unconsciously.

"You... what do you want to do? Tell you, if you dare to touch my ‘hair’, my dad and my mom will never let you go!"

Zhao Youlin chuckled lightly, as if mocking Zhao Youxi's untimely innocence: "When something happens, you will only use mom and dad as a shield. He is really a kid who hasn't grown full of hair yet. Do you think it's so good? My current status, even if I really did something to you, what can your father and your so-called mother do to me?"

Zhao Youxi's face was pale, and she bit her lips tightly, trying to refute, but found that what Zhao Yulin said was true, and she couldn't find words to refute her arrogance for a while.

Zhao Youlin saw the fear in Zhao Youxi’s eyes, her lips hooked slightly, and she pressed her body lower, admiring Zhao Youxi’s fear at close range, and mockingly said: "There are always so many in this world. I feel too good about myself, I can’t figure it out, and I still want to “force” people around me to give in and obey her. Once I feel dissatisfied, I will make some crazy behaviors, even if it’s killing people, I don’t hesitate to do so. Say, isn't it?"

When Zhao Youxi heard the'color' brushed here, her heart trembled. The gaze that was originally glaring at Zhao Youlin suddenly became a little guilty, and she subconsciously moved to the side to avoid the opponent's. Sight.

"You...what are you talking about? I don't understand at all."

"Don't understand?" Zhao Youlin smiled more and more brilliantly. If she still had a little suspicion at the beginning, then Zhao Youxi's instinctive reaction has made her affirm the truthfulness of this matter.

"But only a few days later, you have forgotten so clean. Should om say you are forgetful? Or is it that in your heart, a life is nothing?"

Seeing that Zhao Youxi's face became more and more ugly, the coldness in Zhao Youlin's eyes became more and more obvious: "Since the deputy department is so forgetful, then I will kindly remind you that it will be fine. A few days ago, the general manager's exclusive elevator Suddenly something went wrong and fell directly from the height of the forty-odd floors, do you remember the deputy?"

Zhao Youxi's body trembled uncontrollably, but she forced a calm expression on her face: "Of course I remember, but what does this have to do with me?"

"I took over as the general manager for only more than half a month, and I have used that elevator only a few times. Moreover, the company's elevators are maintained and inspected every week, especially for several exclusive elevators, which are basically inspected in two or three days. Once again, if there is no accident, there will never be such a fatal error."

"You also said that if there is no accident, who knows if the elevator is in disrepair for a long time, the inside has broken down, and there was a problem when you got on it. This is just a matter of luck. You don't take this kind of thing. Come to make a fuss."

"Are I making a fuss about this matter? You know! The elevator ropes generally have about four or five ropes. Take my elevator as an example, there are a total of five ropes, and any one can support it. The elevator rises and falls. Even if four cables are broken and broken, the remaining one can safely send me to it, and the faulty cable will definitely be'door' by the inspection department in the next two or three days. It was discovered to be protected. But that day, all five cables broke all at once. Didn't the deputy think it was too accidental?"

"Yes...what's the accident? How many accidents happen every day in this world. You are not much more than you are, and you are not much less than you, but you are only sensitive."

"Then what's the matter with the very flat interface that we found on the cable surface?" Zhao Youlin squinted her eyes and watched Zhao Youxi dying and struggling with indifference. "If it's really just an accident, the elevator cable It is a natural break, so stretched filaments will inevitably appear at the interface where the cable is broken. But...No, there are no filaments on the five cables, but they are neat and a little strange, like... It's corroded by something."

Zhao Youxi's face changed slightly, and her eyes flickered in an instant, but she soon recovered, pretending to be calm and saying: "Even if...even if this matter is really caused by someone deliberately making you trouble, If you want to die, why do you believe that I did this? You are not the only one who offended me. Maybe it was someone who saw you not pleasing to your eyes and wanted to teach you a lesson. Why bother to me?"

The more Zhao Youxi said, the more confident he became, and it seemed that all the evidence had been annihilated by herself, and Zhao Youlin was just bluffing now.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Youxi's waist was straightened a lot because of a guilty conscience, and she said aggressively: "Catch people pay attention to evidence, and you want to convict me with just one sentence? A joke! Let's talk nonsense like this again. Words, be careful when I sue you for slander. You don’t want to make me feel better, and I won’t make you feel better!"

Zhao Youlin heard Zhao Youxi's arrogant words and smiled coldly: "You really don't cry without seeing the coffin, just don't you know if you dare to be so arrogant after seeing something like this?"

Before Zhao Youxi had time to appreciate the meaning of Zhao Youlin's words, she was shocked by the thing Zhao Youlin took out of her pocket.

"Deputy, do you recognize this thing?" Zhao Youlin slammed the glass bottle in her hand in front of Zhao Youxi. Not surprisingly, she saw Zhao Youxi's white face suddenly.

"Of course...Of course I don't recognize it. Where did you pick such a dirty thing? It's dirty."

"I don't recognize it. I don't recognize how there are fingerprints of the deputy on this glass bottle? It's really strange." Zhao Youlin firmly suppressed Zhao Youxi, and handed the glass bottle to Zhao Youxi, jokingly, "This Something, my secretary has already tested it. It is said to be the most terrifying super acid nowadays. Just put a few drops of this thing on the rope. After a while, the rope will be corroded and there will be no residue left. The elevator It will also fall from high in the sky in a flash, and the people in the elevator will be broken to pieces."

Zhao Youlin exaggerated and described the terrible things in her hands with Zhao Youxi. Then she turned around and said with a chuckle: "This thing can easily pass through a hole in reinforced concrete. If you accidentally spill it, it will drip on the vice. What is the consequence of this face that is like a flower and jade? Can you imagine it, deputy?"

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