Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 188: Inside the elevator (2)

"Grandpa, you think too much. Do you think I will easily accept a man with a criminal history as my husband and the father of my child?"

With a playful smile on the old man's face, he looked at Zhao Youlin non-committal. She really owed more owe it to you.

Zhao Yulin's face darkened slightly, and she resisted the urge to violently beat someone up, and began to fly her eyes at the old man.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the old man started to change the subject very stubbornly: "Well, don't talk about this, don't talk about this. Jeong Lin, how is the elevator business going?"

Zhao Yulin was stunned. Seeing her grandfather's face that became serious in an instant, her complexion was also full, she frowned and said, "Uncle Xiao is still investigating, so she should have seen her face in these two days."

The old man nodded, Zhao Yulin hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help adding: "Grandpa, if...I mean if this time things are related to someone in the Zhao family, I..."

Hearing the words, the old man raised his eyebrows slightly, and gave Zhao Youlin a meaningful look: "It looks like you have a conclusion in your heart."

Zhao Youlin narrowed her eyebrows and said conservatively: "It's just a guess. I won't make a conclusion easily until there is no evidence."

It's only been half a month since Zhao Yulin has been in the company. She didn't dare to say that she didn't have any enemies, but she shouldn't have died so much.

The only person who may have this intention is that one has been sent to the hospital by her, and the other...

Zhao Yulin's heart sank slightly. On that day, Xiao Jingyao told her frankly that the reason for the elevator accident was not an accident, but when someone deliberately did it.

Somehow, the first thing that flashed in her mind was the vicious threat that Zhao Youxi had left to herself in the cemetery that day.

She said, "Zhao Yulin, you must die!"

The skinny knuckles banged on the wooden table next to the sofa, making muffled noises.

The old man groaned for a moment, and the corner of his lips suddenly raised a touch of a fox smile, Zhao Yulin felt extremely familiar: "Girl Lin, it is hard to say that you agreed to join the company and asked grandpa to ask for it. For play?"

Zhao Yulin trembled suddenly, looking at the old man's treacherous look, and cursing in her heart, Jiang really was old and hot!

There was a clear smile on his face, and he said slyly: "I understand."

The old man nodded in satisfaction, and the grandfather and grandson exchanged a tacit smile.

I have to say that Zhao Yulin's intuition is still very accurate. On the fourth day after the elevator incident, Xiao Jingyao's thorough investigation has already had some eyebrows. Net om

"General manager, I have thoroughly checked all the surveillance videos of the company that day. In addition, I have also checked the people who entered and exited the elevator maintenance system that day. After a rigorous investigation, I have basically been able to confirm that they were on the elevator that day. The hands and feet are..."

Zhao Youlin raised her head from the complicated documents, looked at Xiao Jingyao's "desired" appearance, frowned, and asked coldly, "Who is it?"

Xiao Jingyao pursed his'lips' and hesitated to spit out a name: "It's Ms. Zhao Youxi."

Zhao Yulin's face suddenly sank. Although there had been speculations, the real certainty and the faint suspicion were completely two concepts.

Recalling that that day when he was caught by Mu Tingfeng, he was thrown into a scruffy elevator under his body.

If it weren't for Mu Tingfeng's quick response, he risked himself to hold him at the moment of the moment, would he be the same as the elevator, no, maybe even worse than the elevator.

Trying to calm her ups and downs, Zhao Yulin looked up at Xiao Jingyao and said calmly, "Is there any evidence?"

"The monitor in the corridor was ‘broken’ by someone in advance, and there was no picture of Miss Zhao doing it."

Zhao Yulin sneered and said coldly: "It seems that she is not too stupid to be hopelessly'medicine'. However, since you have said it is her, there should be other evidence."

Xiao Jingyao nodded, put a white glove on his hand, and then carefully took out a glass bottle containing orange liquid from a file bag.

"This is..." When Zhao Yulin saw this bottle of liquid, there was a trace of doubt in her eyes.

"I have already tested this thing. It is super acid. The acidity is 100 million times that of concentrated sulfuric acid, and the corrosiveness is extremely strong. You only need to estimate the time. A narrow selection of Xi Jin's melody and melody chanting and chanting! br/>

Zhao Yulin took a deep look at the small bottle of terrible liquid that was enough to kill people, and signaled Xiao Jingyao to continue.

"It's probably the first time that Miss Zhao has done this kind of thing. After moving her hands and feet on the elevator, Miss Zhao was too anxious to destroy this thing, so she rushed directly into the bathroom. She probably planned to pass this thing through. The sewer rushed out. Unfortunately, someone happened to be in the bathroom at that time, and it was someone Ms. Zhao didn't want to run into. Time was running out, and Ms. Zhao could only throw this thing into the trash can outside."

When Zhao Yulin heard Xiao Jingyao say this, her expression moved slightly, and she couldn't help but interject: "Who did she meet in the bathroom?"

Xiao Jingyao paused before repliing: "It's the president's wife."

"My mother?" Zhao Yulin's face turned dark, and her eyes on the bottle of liquid in Xiao Jingyao's hand became worse.

Should she be thankful that Zhao Youxi's courage is not big enough to blatantly hurt her elders? As long as she thought that Duan Yarong had passed by such a dangerous thing, Zhao Yulin felt a deep fear in her heart, making a certain decision in her heart firmer.

"Well, the camera on the top floor failed to capture the picture of Miss Zhao's hands-on work, but the camera below captured the scene of Miss Zhao losing something. And I have also verified that there are indeed Miss Zhao's fingerprints on the bottle. "

Zhao Yulin thought for a while with a sullen face, then asked again: "Did you tell my dad about this matter?"

Xiao Jingyao didn't speak, but Zhao Yulin directly regarded his silence as a acquiescence, thinking about it, this person was originally Zhao Shunrong's person, if there is any situation that should be reported to Zhao Shunrong earlier.

"What did my dad say?"

"What the president means is that everything depends on the eldest lady."

"Let me call the shots." Zhao Yulin took a meaningful look at the glass bottle in Xiao Jingyao's hand. If she wanted a hit, Zhao Youxi would never turn over in the Zhao clan. Such a bottle was obviously not enough. She had to spend some time. 'A little bit of work, and some other things come out.

Zhao Yulin planned this way, but what she didn't expect was that she hadn't determined when to catch Zhao Yulin's pigtail, so Zhao Youxi couldn't wait to send it to the'door'.

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