Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 172: Won't let you die (1)

When the two people in the elevator heard the shouts of several people outside the elevator, they were stunned, and they looked at each other tacitly. om. For more latest chapters, visit: om.

The elevator may fall down at any time. If you get out earlier, there will be less danger and more hope.

Mu Tingfeng did not speak, but directly expressed his decision with actions, and took Zhao Yulin's hand upwards, trying to let the people above pull Zhao Yulin out first.

Zhao Yulin didn't expect Mu Tingfeng to do this. She was stunned for a moment. After reacting, she hurriedly tried to'pull' her hand back, but Mu Tingfeng took the first step to'see' the opportunity and tightly wrapped it in her palm. In, immobile.

"Mu Tingfeng, let go!" Zhao Yulin tried several times, but failed to'draw' her hand from Mu Tingfeng's hands, and she was a little annoyed for a while.

"You go out first." Mu Tingfeng ignored Zhao Youlin's stare, and said concisely, with a tone that could not be rejected.

"You..." Zhao Yulin was stared at by Mu Tingfeng's firm and serious eyes, rarely at a loss.

But then she thought of another thing, bit her ‘lip’, lowered her voice and gritted her teeth, “You’re afraid of the dark, go out first.”

Mu Tingfeng was startled slightly, and the light in her eyes shook unconsciously. Is she... worrying about herself?

This cognition made President Mu a little bit of joy, even if Zhao Youlin's worries were only due to a misunderstanding.

Mu Tingfeng was not ready to compromise like this, holding Zhao Youlin's hand still did not let go.

With the previous precedent, this scene fell in the eyes of those outside, and it naturally became: These two young lovers were still thinking about each other at the moment of life and death, and wanted to leave the hope of life to each other and push each other. Shake, especially the general manager.

Damn, who said that our general manager has no feelings for Mu Feng's president, and even put his own life second for the other party. If this is not love, they won't have to believe in love anymore!

Also, who said that Mu Feng’s president does not like our general manager, and that political marriages never produce good results? Let him take a look at the scene in front of him, and he can slap him in the face every minute.

Look at the appearance of President Mu's indulgence towards the general manager, that is definitely a deep love! It's really torturing the dog to death!

So, the misunderstanding...that's how it came about.

Xia Zetao outside the elevator watched this scene, and he was going to lose his temper by these two people. It's this time, and the two people still have leisurely feelings! Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it anymore.

"President, time is urgent. It's the same if you come out first and then help Ms. Zhao come out. om" So you two elders don't bother with this issue. If you are not in a hurry, we will all die in a hurry.

Mu Tingfeng hesitated when he heard Xia Zetao's call, and looked down at Zhao Youlin's slightly stubborn eyebrows. After all, he did not continue to insist, sighed, squeezed Zhao Youlin's hand, and whispered: "Wait for me."

Zhao Yulin's heart moved slightly, but she didn't show anything on her face and didn't speak.

Mu Tingfeng stretched out his hand to the people outside, and crawled out of the elevator under the pull of the people outside.

And as he left, the elevator that was originally stable turned sideways to the other side, and then there was a bang, but it was the sound of the steel cable breaking again.

An elevator generally has only about four or five cables supporting its weight. From the time the elevator failed to the present, the elevator cables have broken four, which means that there are only cables that support the elevator. Next!

The break of the fourth cable caused the elevator to slide down a little further, and the hand that could have been easily reached became a bit difficult due to the sliding of the elevator.

Even if Zhao Yulin is taller than the average "female" child, this situation has not changed slightly.

As soon as Mu Tingfeng stood firm between the floors, he heard the movement behind him, and turned abruptly to look at the declining elevator, his heart tightened slightly.

Xia Zetao on the side saw Mu Tingfeng coming out of the elevator safely, he was slightly relieved, and was about to step up to Mu Tingfeng's face, but a figure suddenly rushed over from the side and hit Xia Zetao's body. The impact was so strong that Xia Zetao turned around on the spot to stabilize himself.

Xia Zetao took a breath of air, and turned around with a face to look at the person who ran into him, but saw a figure eagerly rushing to Mu Tingfeng's side and asked for warmth, his eyebrows twisted, and his eyes flashed for the first time. There was a bit of obvious disgust.

Zhao Youxi didn't know that he had unintentionally caused the dissatisfaction of Mu Tingfeng's proud generals. He happily approached Mu Tingfeng, aiming at the opportunity to show concern and said: "Mr. Mu, are you okay? I was frightened in the elevator, do you want to Go to my office for a meeting first? My office is the innermost one on this floor. I'll take you over to suppress the shock."

Zhao Youxi was full of Mu Tingfeng's eyes. I heard that Mu Tingfeng was with Zhao Youlin in the elevator before. She was full of panic thinking that Mu Tingfeng would be with Zhao Youlin...

Now Mu Tingfeng is okay, and while she is relieved, only surprises and calculations are left.

Mu Tingfeng had just been rescued from the elevator and was definitely frightened. This situation was a godsend for her.

It is rare for men to feel frustrated, especially for men like Mu Tingfeng. When a man is rarely frustrated, a'woman' is just right to play the role of a caring person. It is more practical than any sweet words and easily touches people's hearts. This is Zhao Youxi's own perception, and it is also Li Hong's jade. 'The experience taught to her.

As long as she seizes this opportunity, Mu Tingfeng will definitely open her heart to her and fall for her.

As for the other person in the elevator now, Zhao Youxi can't wait for the elevator to fall down right now, throwing someone to pieces.

It is a pity that her method is not a problem against people like her dad, but it has no effect against people like Mu Tingfeng. Not only does it have no effect, it will backfire.

Mu Tingfeng looked at this elder sister who had never cared about being connected to her blood in the elevator. Instead, Chi Guoguo seduced her'female' at this time. The polite heart raised his hand and waved away the person who wanted to grab his arm, and spit out a word cruelly: "Get out!"

Zhao Youxi staggered under his feet and almost fell to the ground, the smile on his face also condensed.

When she finally recovered, Mu Tingfeng squeezed to the front early, not even willing to give her a look.

The mocking eyes from the side followed like a burr, and Zhao Youxi's face was blue and white, and white and blue.

After a long while, he clenched his fists, stamped his feet, turned and left, ignoring the life and death of the other person who was still in the elevator at the moment.

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