Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 145: The first customer (1)

Although there was a small accident, due to Zhao Shunrong's **** all the way, Zhao Youlin didn't have much trouble in succeeding Zhao's general manager. Overall, Zhao Youlin was still satisfied. om. For more latest chapters, visit: om.

As Zhao Yulin officially set foot in the Zhao family, her pastry shop gradually got on the right track.

After recruiting the two sisters An Yue, Zhao Youlin hired two or three waiters one after another. They were basically young students who were part-time college students.

A group of little girls and boys are full of vitality every day, just waiting for a big fight.

With manpower, the efficiency of doing things is much faster. One week after recruiting staff, Zhao Yulin's shop finally officially opened.

I have to say that there are more business opportunities in places with a lot of people, especially in the bustling downtown area where there are many students and convenient transportation. You can make a fortune by doing anything with gimmicks.

Because of the first week of publicity and the gorgeous storefront that Zhao Yulin had previously renovated, so that the store hasn't opened yet, many nearby students and even residents have learned more or less about the store.

On the first day of opening, many people walked into this pastry shop with the attitude of giving it a try, but after they tasted the pastries in the shop and some beverages that match the pastries, most of them were It was full of surprises, which made the shop more repeat customers, and this credit is obviously inseparable from the craftsmanship of the two sisters. om

As early as when Zhao Yulin applied for the two people for the first time, she knew that the things they made were very delicious and might be popular, but she did not expect it to be so popular that it was almost in short supply. To the point.

The grand occasion in the store made Zhao Yulin glad that she did not miss the two at first, and at the same time, she was gloating to think of those bosses who missed the two cash cows because of a certificate. If they had a chance to know this, I don’t know what they would do. Impressions.

Just a few days after the two sisters moved into the store, Zhao Youlin learned of the life experiences of the two little girls. In fact, the two were not sisters at all. They were just good sisters who grew up together without any blood relationship.

These two'female' children have been orphans since they were young. An Qi is okay. Although the death of both parents was caused by a car accident, she still has a name and knows her origin.

But An Yue is different. This ‘female’ child is simply an abandoned baby who was abandoned at the ‘door’ of the orphanage without a name.

At the time An Yue was five years old, somehow he was particularly interested in this little doll that suddenly appeared, and surrounded her all day long, so that the dean of the orphanage felt that the two children were predestined, so he called An Yue the current name. om

Since then, the two'female' children have become sisters and have supported each other all the way to the present.

After Zhao Yulin learned of their lives, she felt a little bit of sympathy for the two'female' children, but she soon understood that these two'female' children did not need anyone's sympathy.

They have struggled from nothing to the present, and have worked hard to live to this day. They have put in more effort and perseverance than anyone else. What they need is respect, not trivial sympathy.

And the more you get along with the two'female' children, the more Zhao Youlin finds that these two'female' children are outstanding in certain aspects. An Qi is more outgoing and bold. As long as she is given a platform, she can be very good. He is very good at coping with those guests, and has a somewhat exquisite leadership style. As for An Yue, he is relatively courageous and introverted, but very careful and caring. The two people complement each other and work together very tacitly. .

After asking the two of them to try to take the waiters to take care of the business in the store for a period of time, Zhao Yulin was relieved to temporarily'hand over' the store to them for management, and she concentrated on coping with the Zhao family. Other things that are hundreds of times more complicated.

A few days after joining the Zhao clan, Zhao Youlin discovered that she was once again pitted by an old ‘rapist’ and cunning old fox. She had just joined the company and a lot of things had fallen on her.

Although Zhao Yulin had been a management figure before, the management was completely different from the current one. There were so many things that made people collapse. Zhao Yulin was an inexperienced person. No matter how she looked at it, she felt a hurts.

It wasn't until that moment that Zhao Yulin realized that she was really thinking about things too simplistically, that she jumped into a pit, no wonder the old guy agreed to her request so easily before, and feelings are waiting for her here. Too!

No matter how regretful it is in my heart, the condition is that I agree to it. If I say quit at this time, it is tantamount to bowing my head with the old guy and conceding defeat.

Zhao Yulin couldn't do this. There was no other way, but she had to struggle bit by bit to adapt, and finally dealt with the backlog of work, and Zhao Yulin also slowly "touched" the trick.

At this time, the first business that required her to go out came as expected.

The Zhao family was mainly engaged in real estate. At that time, the old man was very forward-looking and moved the Zhao family from City to S City. In City S, which can be said to be a hidden dragon and a tiger, step by step, the Zhao family was able to countless Stand out among the celebrities and occupy a certain position.

After that, the old man got older and began to slowly'hand over' the legacy he had laid down over the years to the eldest son's hands.

To a large extent, Zhao Shunrong inherited the vigorous and resolute "sex" of the old man. Within a few years of taking over the company, he took advantage of the craziest period of land speculation in the whole S market, aimed at the opportunity, and made decisive moves.

Ingeniously the most potential plots of S City have increased their market value by countless times after several tossings, expanding Zhao's territory in the real estate industry in one fell swoop, making the Zhao family's position in S City continue to rise, Zhao Shunrong This is evident in the prestige established in the company.

Since Zhao Yulin is now the general manager of the Zhao family, the cases in her hands are basically related to the development of real estate, but the previous ones basically only need the following people to listen to the other party’s talks and talks, she only needs to accept The result will be. But this time, it was obviously different from the previous ones.

"What do you mean, I hope I will receive the representative of the company we are cooperating with this time, and personally discuss this contract?" Zhao Youlin raised her head from the pile of documents and looked at this person who was originally with Zhao. The capable officer next to Shunrong, who was temporarily assigned to bring his uncle secretary-general, asked a little surprised.

"Yeah." The secretary-general pushed the gold-wire glasses on the bridge of his nose and said meticulously, "This time the person who came is quite special. In order not to let the other party think that we are too rude, the general manager personally came to receive it."

"More special?" Zhao Yulin raised her eyebrows, "Who is here this time?"

The secretary-general hesitated and answered truthfully: "It's from the Ye family."

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