Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 143: Do it yourself (1)

After leaving this sentence, Zhao Yifei seemed to have stung something dirty, clapped his hands with disgust, turned and left the office, it seemed that staying with Zhao Youxi for a while would be an unbearable torture for him. Net om, the latest chapter visit: om.

With a bang, the'door' of the office was closed like this, Zhao Youxi gradually eased from the pain in her arm, and looked up at the big closed office'door', except for tears in her red eyes. There is also strong bitterness and madness.

Zhao Yifei, I have all the humiliation you gave me today. In the future, I will step on you under your feet and let you experience what is really mean!

On the other side, as soon as Zhao Yifei walked out of the office, he heard a small noise coming from a short distance away. Before he could react, a few comments floated into his ears.

"Hey, have you heard? The president is bringing the new general manager over today?

"Why don't you know? Your news is out of date, okay? I've seen the new general manager just now, and he looks pretty."

"Pretty? Is the new general manager a'female'?"

"Yes, it's a young and beautiful'female' child. From that look, it should be smaller than us. Hey, the one who walked over there seems to be."

"Where? Where?"

Hearing the words "young and beautiful", Zhao Yifei's eyes suddenly lit up, almost anti-shooting and looking towards the direction pointed by the "female" children.

After seeing the figure walking through the corridor clearly, Zhao Yifei's face changed slightly, and his eyes tightened suddenly, and I couldn't believe it. How could it be...she? !

Zhao Youxi finally calmed down her mood, and when she came out of the office, she received a sudden message from the above, and asked the ‘door’ managers of the various departments of the company, including her, to have a meeting in the conference room.

Zhao Youxi simply sorted out herself, and hurried to the meeting room, but did not expect to see a figure in it that she least wanted to see.

This ‘female’ person... how could this ‘female’ person be here? How could it appear here? ! Could it!

Zhao Shunrong stood next to Zhao Yulin and saw that the main management personnel of the company were almost there. Shi Shiran said, "I called everyone here temporarily to inform everyone of something."

Most of the people present in the conference room have been with Zhao Shunrong for a long time and know Zhao Shunrong's temper.

Seeing that Zhao Shunrong was taking such a serious matter, all of them sat up in distress, standing up their ears and waiting for Zhao Shunrong's further instructions.

Zhao Shunrong was satisfied to see everyone's attention focused on her side, pointed to Zhao Youlin next to him, and introduced concisely: "This is my'daughter', Zhao Youlin. From today, Wang om, she It is Zhao’s general manager. Everyone’s time in Zhao’s family is not too short. I hope everyone can help her well and take good care of her at work."

As soon as Zhao Shunrong said this, everyone in the conference room was stunned, not only for Zhao Shunrong's rare words such a long sentence, but also the content of Zhao Shunrong's sentence.

The president asks them to assist the new general manager well and take care of her more at work?

Take care of her...Take care of her... You must know that their president is famous for his selflessness in the company and even in the industry. He has never seen any subordinates that he has "sexed" to Yan Yue. But today he actually asked them to take care of her for a "female" child. Is this the sun hitting the west?

The most important thing is, when did the president have such a big "girl"? They don't even know!

Shocked to shocked, the boss has spoken, how can they not follow suit? Therefore, many people have actually begun to weigh Zhao Yulin's weight in Zhao Shunrong's heart and the company silently in their hearts.

Zhao Shunrong had a full view of everyone's reactions, knowing that the time was ripe, so he gave Zhao Yeorim a wink and said, "Yorim, say hello to everyone."

Zhao Yulin had just noticed that there were several lines of sight staying on her body. Unlike most people's inquisitive and curious gazes, these few eyes were extremely aggressive and made people feel the hostility inside. .

Zhao Yulin scanned the directions of those eyes without a trace, and not surprisingly saw two acquaintances, plus a few strangers who didn't make any impression, she was afraid that she was a competitor who was eyeing her position.

Hearing Zhao Shunrong’s suggestion, Zhao Yulin clicked her lips, specially raised a bright smile in Zhao Youxi’s direction, and said loudly, "Hello everyone, this is Zhao Youlin, and I will advance and retreat with everyone as the general manager. ,THank you for everyones suggestions."

Everyone quickly agreed, expressing that they would work hard to cooperate with Zhao Youlin's work, but Zhao Youxi had a dark face and did not say a word.

Zhao Youlin's smile was tantamount to a presumptuous provocation in Zhao Youxi's eyes.

At that moment, the Yanli face of Zhao Youlin in Zhao Youxi's eyes was already distorted into a life-deathing evil spirit, which was extremely disgusting!

Zhao Shunrong saw that Zhao Yulin was almost familiar with everyone, and his goal was achieved, and he said, "Okay, the main reason for calling you here today is to say this. If there is nothing wrong, then you all go back and do things."

Listening to Zhao Shunrong's words, everyone once again affirmed Zhao Yulin's position in the eyes of this superior.

Such an eagerly summoning everyone over is only to introduce one person, which shows that the president attaches great importance to her! It seems that in the future they will really have a bit of a snack on the new general manager.

Zhao Shunrong's defense of Zhao Youlin can be seen by individuals, but some people are just such a brain-dead.

Just when everyone got up to leave the meeting room, an abrupt sound broke the original harmonious atmosphere in the meeting room and caused everyone to stop their movements.

"Da... President, I have objections to this matter!" Zhao Youxi originally wanted to call her uncle, but under Zhao Shunrong's cold gaze, she was forced to change her mouth.

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on the person who made the sound. Zhao Youxi forced herself to raise her head to ‘tighten’ and ‘breast’, and confidently met everyone’s sights.

Everyone frowned, looked away from her, and turned to look at Zhao Shunrong on the other side, wanting to see how he handled this matter.

Zhao Shunrong frowned when he heard Zhao Youxi's shout. Although he didn't agree with the old man that Zhao Youlin was inserted into the company like this, he was not happy because he was not happy. Zhao Youlin is now him and Duan Yarong. He can disagree with his father's false public aid behavior because he is concerned about the development of the company, but he can't bear other people's questioning the ability of his own daughter.

"Why...why do you raise an objection?" Zhao Shunrong's voice was as calm as before, but there was a faint smell of danger in it.

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