Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 117: Say another try (1)

Zhao Yulin glanced at Sun Fengzi, and chuckled disdainfully: "There are so many people inside, I'm going out and walking. Om. More latest chapter visit: om. But fortunately, I came out and went for a walk. Hearing such a blazing noise, how could you know that Auntie, you are to your third uncle, to your eldest mother, oh, now it's time to call my mother, and you have so many complaints against your grandfather."

"Mom? It's so affectionate. You run here in the middle of the night to eavesdrop on others. That's how your mother taught you?"

Zhao Yulin's eyes suddenly stunned, staring at the slapped "female" person, and the aura around her body began to become a little dangerous.

Zhao Shunchang felt the change in the surrounding atmosphere and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Sun Fengzi: "Fengzi, don't you say a few words."

Unexpectedly, Sun Fengzi didn't appreciate it at all, she waved Zhao Shunchang's hand away, and said displeased: "Are you helping her or me? Shut up and stand aside."

Zhao Shunchang was pushed back two steps, and opened his mouth. After all, he didn't say anything, which made Zhao Yulin completely disappointed with this third uncle who was afraid of his wife.

Without Zhao Shunchang's blocking, Sun Fengzi became more and more open-minded, and immediately pointed the finger at Zhao Yulin, as if it was not enough, and pretended to say: "Oh, I forgot. You have no mother since you were a child. You are a mother now. What you picked up has nothing to do with you, so naturally I won’t care about you. om"

Speaking of this, Sun Fengzi paused on purpose and watched Zhao Yulin mockingly said: "However, you said Duan Yarong is also true. My mother died early, and now I don’t know whether it is in **** or heaven. She just can’t wait. It’s not unlucky to accept other people’s children and ask them to call their mothers."

Sun Fengzi didn’t leave any room for what he said. On the one hand, it was because I heard Zhao Yifei’s not long ago that the old man had handed over the position of the heir to the “female” in front of him. The old man supported him, but he was a junior after all, and he was already half an outsider after leaving the Zhao family for so many years.

Even if she goes out and tells others what she said just now under ‘sex’, I’m afraid no one will believe her.

It's a pity that Sun Fengzi counts a thousand things, but it didn't count that Zhao Yulin was not the only person in the pavilion, there was also Uncle Zhao and a child standing inside.

Even more unexpectedly, with Zhao Yulin's current status in the heart of Father Zhao and Duan Yarong, as soon as she said her words, the father and Duan Yarong believed that she was definitely her and not Sun Fengzi.

The most important thing is that Zhao Yulin has never been the kind of person who likes to chew her tongue. She prefers to teach her people who are not pleasing to her eyes, for example, this one in front of her. Net om

Zhao Yulin looked at Sun Fengzi's curse without changing her face, and said calmly: "First of all, I must declare one thing, not that I came here on purpose to eavesdrop on your conversations. I have been sitting in this pavilion before you. Moon watched "Flower" and kept silent. It was you who ran in suddenly, and then you said everything that should and shouldn't be said without a word. The quarrels were louder in every corner of the yard. You can hear it all."

When Zhao Yulin said this, she raised her head and sneered at Sun Fengzi: "I don't want to hear it. Unfortunately, someone's "door" is too loud. Even if I cover my ears, I can't treat it as inaudible."

"You..." Sun Fengzi's face changed, and she rushed towards Zhao Youlin, raising her hand to fan Zhao Yulin's face.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Yifei hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Sun Fengzi, and persuaded, "Mom, don't fight, don't fight, there are so many people at the banquet, it's not easy to confess to grandpa if you hit someone here!"

That's how it is said, but what Zhao Yifei really thinks in his heart is what a pity that such a beautiful face has been broken. He hadn't noticed before that this cousin who was about the same age as him was so beautiful!

When Zhao Yifei stopped Sun Fengzi for a while, Zhao Shunchang also recovered his mind, and yelled at Zhao Youlin: "Yorim, you don't want to say a few words, you just didn't listen to what I said with your third aunt. Over."

Zhao Yulin didn't accept his feelings, she glanced at him sideways, and said coldly: "Let's take care of your own people first, want to take care of me? You are not worthy."

Zhao Shunchang's face was blue, and Sun Fengzi's anger came up, and she said loudly, "Sure enough, she has a father and no mother. Duan Yarong likes this kind of stuff. I really want a child to think about it. crazy."

When Sun Fengzi talked about Duan Yarong again, Zhao Yulin's face suddenly sank, and she said coldly, "You say my mother to try again?"

Sun Fengzi broke away from Zhao Yifei's shackles and walked in front of Zhao Yulin, saying, "Why, dare you to do it and you dare not let others say it? Duan Yarong's "female" is just a "chicken" who can't lay eggs. Only worthy to raise other people's children...ah..."

Accompanied by a crisp sound, a scream of a ‘female’ person resounded across the night sky, and also disturbed everyone at the banquet in the front hall.

"You, hit me! You dare to hit me! My parents are reluctant to move a finger of me, but you dare to hit me." Sun Fengzi held her cheeks, her eyes widened and she looked at me in disbelief. To Zhao Yulin, she screamed loudly.

"What's not to dare? Your parents are reluctant to move your finger, hehe, it is because they dare not move your finger, they will develop this self-righteous picture of you, and feel that everyone in this world should accommodate your meanness. appearance."

"You..." Sun Fengzi was really mad, and being slapped and being so bluntly disgusted made her completely lose her mind, and she was about to hit her back.

How could it be that Zhao Yulin did what she wanted, she moved to the side, grabbed Sun Fengzi’s wrist with her right hand, twisted her head over her back, and then pulled it, turning her back directly to her. Sun Fengzi drew in front of him.

Then he leaned close to her ear and sneered, "Look at what you look like now? Swearing at your husband and younger generations is like a slapstick in the market. Talking about cursing your father-in-law and sister-in-law in private is better than the legend. "Women" with a long tongue is a bit worse, let alone beating people with teeth and claws. Auntie, you really make people suspect that you are really the eldest lady from the family? If your parents see you here now It looks like, I don’t know if I am ashamed that I have taught such a "female" who does not know propriety, justice, and shame, and is an elder child?"

"You..." Sun Fengzi struggled for a long time, but instead of being able to break free from Zhao Youlin's shackles, she felt that the strength in her hands was getting stronger and more painful.

Biting his ‘lip’, he glanced unwillingly at the two father and son who were dumbfounded as ‘chicken’ not far away, and said angrily: “What are you doing standing stupid, why don’t you come over and help?”

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