Chapter 894 Killing Worms

​​Although the Mother of Blood Bath only intercepted a very small part of the attack on the first Calamity of Creation, she was still shocked by the power of the Calamity of Creation Very serious internal injury.

At this time, the mother of the blood bath only feels that her internal organs are all mixed together very painful.

This kind of pain even makes the mother of the blood bath unable to maintain her human form.

The mother of the blood bath was holding back the pain, looking at the body in front of her, with a distressed expression on Xing Xia’s face that was almost split in half under the catastrophe of creation.

Although the body of Endless Xia whose Enlightenment Rules was broken into pieces was also severely damaged, she was still conscious.

At this time, endless summer was full of unspeakable regret.

On the one hand, Everlasting Xia was dazzled by the obsession of being promoted to the creation species. He felt that after becoming Lin Yuan’s Guardian, he did not help Lin Yuan in any way, but Lin Yuan kept doing it for himself. Invest resources.

As the high-end battle strength of the Sky City, in the collision with the Zheng Family and the prying eyes of the Miao Family Di Beast Garden, Xia Xia knows the benefits of being promoted to the creation species for the entire Sky City.

As long as you have the power of the emperor level when you are promoted to the creation species, then Sky City will have the confidence to wrestle with the top forces in the military force.

On the other hand, even though endless summer has overestimated the difficulty and danger of the creation tribulation in the heart, she has never seen other spiritual objects experience the creation tribulation in person.

didn’t expect there is such a big gap between forecast and reality.

Compared to her own situation at this time, the most painful thing for Xia Xia is that she also brought in the mother of blood bath because of her carelessness.

When the Mother of Blood Bath helped herself to block the first attack of the Tribulation of Creation, she was infected with the breath of the Tribulation of Creation, even if the Mother of Blood Bath ran away from the creation above her head. Jieyun is far away.

Because of the breath left by the first attack of the creation, he will still be attacked by the next two creations.

The Mother of Blood Bath is now only a spiritual object in the second realm of the lord-level mythology, and cannot withstand the effects of the catastrophe of creation at all.

Seeing the 2nd attack brewing in the cloud of creation, Xia Xia couldn’t help being full of sorrow.

Desperately gather the endless summer that was chopped to enlighten the rules. In order to prevent the enlightenment rules from spilling into the world, there is no extra power to control the enlightenment rules that were broken into pieces to resist the 2nd creation disaster. attack.

Not to mention the enlightenment rules that led to the 2nd Genesis Tribulation power tempering being split into pieces, so that the enlightenment rules split into pieces form a connection with each other.

At this moment, Endless Xia saw the mother of blood bath flying to her and shouting.

“Xia elder sister Lin Yuan is next to the elder moon, Lin Yuan will come to help in a while.”

“You gather the enlightenment rules first, don’t let the enlightenment rules break into pieces Spilled away before forming a connection.”

“The 2nd attack of the Genesis Tribulation will take nearly twenty minutes to simmer, which is enough for Lin Yuan to rely on the tentacles of the ethereal jellyfish. “

The words of the mother of the blood bath are finished, and it is not until the mind of Xing Xia relaxes, mutation emerges suddenly.

A dark-brown energy shoots out from the ground with the momentum of the thunderbolt, hitting the creation cloud in the sky.

Then a brown black worm covered with densely packed burrs came out of the ground.

Only half of this brown-black worm burrowed out of the ground, and the erect body was already more than thirty meters tall.

It is a huge monster without compromise.

And that dark-brown energy hits the cloud of creation, like boiling water poured on hot oil.

Immediately let the inside of the Genesis Tribulation Cloud surge crazily.

The 2nd Genesis Tribulation, which originally took more than 20 minutes of brewing, will soon take shape.

The red lightning in the robbery cloud rolled, and it seemed that it would take less than five minutes for the 2nd attack of the creation robbery to come down.

This sudden change caused the mother of blood bath and endless summer to relax their moods to the bottom.

Through perception, I know that the brown and black worm covered with burrs in front of me has reached the advanced level of the lord-level mythical three realms.

Although we haven’t reached Peak yet, we are only one step away from Peak.

The high-level spiritual object of the three mythical realms in front of me made the blood bath mother’s complexion drastically changed, and the hope that had just risen in my heart suddenly turned into despair.

The reason why the mother of the blood bath despairs is not because of the stage of the brown black worm, but because the brown black worm in front of me is a notorious killing worm in the spiritual object of mythology.

The spiritual object of Killing Worm has a very high level of talent and level, and has the ability to swallow any regular spar.

Although the rules that are not homologous, the worms can absorb the rules of energy even if they swallow it is pitiful.

But compared to other mythological spiritual objects, being able to absorb is an advantage.

Under normal circumstances, a spiritual object will seldom be attacked by other spiritual objects when it crosses the baptism and the catastrophe of creation in the wild.

Even if there is a spiritual object attack, it is usually a spiritual object that is comprehended with the attribute rules.

To know that it is very unwise to have a dispute with a spiritual object of mythology for no reason.

The spiritual object that bears the baptism of heaven and earth and the catastrophe of creation In order to survive the past, energy is devoted to how to bear the baptism of heaven and earth and the catastrophe of creation.

But if the spiritual object in Transcending Tribulation gives up the chance to live and launches a suicide attack, other spiritual objects are involved in the scope of baptism and the catastrophe of creation.

The tribulation of creation and baptism of heaven and earth have become the attack methods of spiritual object in Transcending Tribulation, and the attacker is likely to be perish with the transcending tribulation under the attack of baptism and baptism of heaven and earth. together.

But killing worms is different from other mythological spiritual objects.

The spiritual wisdom of killing worms is reduced, and some are only the almost greedy devouring evolutionary instincts and the fighting genes integrated in the bones.

Slaughter Worm as a worm spiritual object is still unable to Human Transformation even in the third realm of mythology. The biggest reason is that the Slaughter Worm is still only Slaughter Heaven even if it reaches the third realm of the myth. The larva of the butterfly.

The slaughter worm will spit out insect silk after swallowing enough regular spar to reach the peak of the lord-level mythical third realm.

The insect silk will be firmly woven on the burrs on the surface of the worm-killing worm, and the worm-killing worm will be thickly wrapped.

At this time, the worm-killing worm will also be transformed into the state of chrysalis-killing.

After Slaughter Eater’s chrysalis completes its metamorphosis, it will immediately lead to the catastrophe of creation.

Among all the spiritual objects in the world, only a few bloodline noble spiritual objects can survive the catastrophe of creation almost 100% intact.

This includes one of the three highest bloodlines of the butterfly spiritual object, which is one of the three highest bloodlines.

The chrysalis can perfectly withstand the three attacks of the Tribulation of Creation.

The internal rules of the sturdy chrysalis will be broken when it is promoted to the rule world.

The Cultivating Heavenly Butterfly of the Genesis species spreads its wings from the chrysalis to the sky.

The second update.

(End of this chapter)

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