Chapter 889 Where is the Master?

Cicada’s words made Gao Feng’s expression dull immediately.

Gao Feng subconsciously stretched out the little thumb of his left hand and pulled out his ear, always feeling that he had heard it wrong.

But the thought of standing in front of the cicada’s crown and reaching out for his ears is too rude.

Gao Feng’s movements were seen by Cicada Ming. Cicada Ming extended the hand, stroking Gao Feng’s somewhat wrinkled neckline and said.

“Why? Don’t you want to be my discipline?”

Gao Feng, hearing this, immediately woke up from the sluggish state.

Gao Feng is not stupid, and he will not refuse the public accepting of followers under the cicada’s crown to kill Gao Feng.

It’s just that Gao Feng doesn’t understand what he has in the end is worthy of the cicada’s roar.

In short, the reason why the cicada is impossible and accepting himself as an impossible is because of his father, even his grandfather is not so capable.

Gao Feng’s brains turned, and he immediately thought that the cicada would accept himself as a disciple under the cicada’s crown. It should be because he saw his strength in the martial arts showdown.

Only this kind of explanation can make it clear.

For my contracted breeze hibiscus and spirit stream lily, I will definitely not let the cicadas be favored.

The only thing that I can be admired by the cicada’s crown is that until now is regarded as a hole card by myself, and even the Yellow Springs Lily that the old man did not tell me.

At that time, after Gao Feng saw Yellow Springs lily, he immediately decided to take out the resources of the island whale and element shells in exchange for it to prove the preciousness of the Yellow Springs lily.

even more how Gao Feng then promoted the Yellow Springs Lily to the exclusive characteristics of the fantasy species. Gao Feng himself was surprised to see it.

Thinking of this, Gao Feng in the heart couldn’t help but grateful for Lin Yuan.

Although the Yellow Springs Lily was acquired in exchange for materials during the transaction, if Lin Yuan did not bring out the Yellow Springs Lily.

I am also impossible to have this kind of good fortune today.

It can be said that Lin Yuan gave himself a life-changing destiny invisibly.

Lin Yuan is really his own nobleman!

When Gao Feng was thinking in his mind, but he didn’t sloppy, he hurriedly said nodded.

“Yes, I do!”

Ye Qingyue heard the cicadas croak slightly wrinkle, and a faint expression of displeasure appeared on her face.

This night meeting is a grand gathering for himself and Shuyue to announce the discipline. Cicada Ming’s sudden acceptance of Gao Feng seems to Ye Qingyue to be a bit distracting.

Ye Qingyue knows that Chanming intends to take Gaofeng as a disciple, and thinks that Chanming will contact Gao Family privately after the night meeting is over.

But didn’t expect Cicada Ming to announce Gao Feng’s identity in this way.

However, even though Ye Qingyue was unhappy, she still injected spirit strength into her feet.

The ground behind the top seat where Cicada Ming is located is changed ingeniously, and a seat grows directly from the ground.

Cicada Ming pulled Gao Feng and sat on the seat that suddenly grew before returning to his top seat.

Just after accepting Gao Feng as a disciple, he made a meticulous gesture.

Tie Prison can’t help but feel a little greedy when he sees the cicadas, but these young people’s performance in martial arts is not very good.

The civil and martial arts double challenge did not give the younger generations except Lin Yuan and Zongze the opportunity to show their fighting strength.

After looking at it, apart from Lin Yuan, Zong Ze, and Liu Jie, the Iron Prison really didn’t see anyone.

Although Du Shuoyu’s spiritual object had a big fight with Liu Jie, the Iron Prison did not match Du Shuo.

I always feel that the spiritual object of Du Shuo’s contract is strong, but it is not a system, and there is nothing that makes people shine.

Gao Feng is still a little stunned while sitting in the seat, but he is more excited and excited than stunned.

Because Liu Jie won the second place in Wu Lei, Gao Feng, I already felt very lucky.

And now it has become the discipline under the cicada’s crown, which can no longer be described as lucky.

Gao Pei’s face turned into a big chrysanthemum with a smile at this time, and his neck was about to endure the enviable gaze from all directions.

But because Cicada Ming deliberately adopted the high wind as a discipline, the veteran and top power leaders already knew about it.

The younger generation, after being sorrowful of Gao Feng, fixed their eyes firmly on the teenagers and young people who were walking on the promenade.

Looking at the clothes on the teenagers and young people, I can’t help feeling a shock that reaches in the depth of one’s soul.

The boy and young man in front of them are dressed in almost the same attire as Lord Moon and Lord Bureau Chief Ye.

After a little separation, it was discovered that the difference between the men’s dresses on the juveniles and youths and the men’s dresses of the Moon Queen and the Bureau Chief Ye is that there is no crown pattern on the waist.

Although Liu Jie, who was put on the Mianfu, still wears the standard mask of Zhenlingsi.

However, both Liu Jie and Lin Yuan have outstanding temperaments. The gorgeous and solemn dress with two young masters is really hard to ignore.

However, whether it is a generation or a younger generation of the old and top powers, they dare not imagine how much the adults and Bureau Chief Ye will love their discipline.

Only then will I make such a dress according to my own dress.

Even if other diadem accepts the discipline, I have never heard of any diadem who will re-engrave his dress for younger generations to wear.

The young men and young people who walked out of the promenade suddenly felt unattainable and gave birth to a sense of distance.

After Moon and Ye Qingyue run the spirit strength within the body at the same time, the two groups of spirit strength simultaneously lift Lin Yuan and Liu Jietuo to their side.

A month later, extend the hand to help Lin Yuan straighten the pearl tie he wore on his neck and said.

“This dress was sewn by the teacher himself two months ago. Now it seems that you are wearing it well.”

“But you are only 19 years old and can grow longer. Longer, wait for you to grow taller, Master will help you to change it.”

Lin Yuan suddenly felt that after looking at the moon, the seemingly heavy but extremely light Yuehua Mianfu said no. The warmth.

Lin Yuan said with a sunny smile on his face.

“Master, I will try to grow taller.”

After hearing this, I suddenly felt that Lin Yuan, who had always been mature in the past, was a little more childish.

For Lin Yuan’s rare child gas, she cherishes it very much after the month, and she also has a warm smile on her face.

Everyone watched the interaction between Yue Hou and Lin Yuan, and his chin almost fell to the ground. Just looking at the Yuehua diadem worn by Lin Yuan was enough to show that he loved Lin Yuan.

But didn’t expect to have such a gentle side in front of Lin Yuan after a cold month.

At this time, everyone present is waiting for the official start of the official meeting of the night club.

However, there was a person standing behind an empty chair with a dazed expression. This person was Zheng Kaiyuan.

The Zheng Family, as one of the three veteran forces in the city of Indigo, is not qualified to participate in such a grand event as the Night Meeting.

Zheng Kaiyuan will appear in the night meeting completely because of his own Master Miao Qi.

Something happened to Miao Zhuo. Zheng Kaiyuan wanted to take the opportunity of the beginning of the night meeting to talk to his Master Miao Zhi.

But now Zheng Kaiyuan found that not only Miao Zhuo had been thrown out by Zuo Ming, but also his Master Miao Qi was no longer in the night meeting.

Zheng Kaiyuan was still delighted to be in Lin Yuan’s circle.

But now Zheng Kaiyuan has only one question in his mind, that is, where did the Master go?

The anaesthetic is too strong today, it hurts.

I spent a whole day playing novels with my phone lying in bed.

wu wu wu, Button is not good at typing novels word by word on a mobile phone, so it is more convenient to type on a computer.

In the ward, my thoughts are always interrupted, and I may not write well, so I have tried my best to modify it.

Tomorrow, I will continue to mess with the codewords of my mobile phone.

Good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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